CustomEntity / workshop-scylladb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




CarePet is a web application that allows users to monitor their pets' health and well-being. It is a full-stack application that uses NestJS for the backend, Svelte for the frontend, and ScyllaDB for the database.

Your task is to set up the database and implement the queries that the backend needs to perform to work properly. You will be given a Docker Compose file that will start the backend, frontend, and database for you.



Clone the repository

$ git clone
$ cd workshop-scylladb

Install dependencies

$ cd backend
$ npm install

$ cd ..

$ cd frontend
$ npm install

Run everything

Run the following command to start the database:

$ docker-compose up

Run the following command to start the backend:

$ cd backend
$ npm run start

Run the following command to start the frontend:

$ cd frontend
$ npm run dev


Task 1: Connect to the database using the CQL shell

After starting the Docker Compose file, you should be able to connect to the database using the CQL shell.

Task 2: Create the keyspace

The keyspace is the top-level container for all data in ScyllaDB. It is similar to a database in other databases. You have to create a keyspace called carepet with a replication factor of 1 and a simple strategy.

Task 3: Create the tables

You have to create the following tables: owner, pet, sensor, measurement.

For the measurement table, you have have to use TimeWindowCompactionStrategy compaction strategy.

We will use the following schema:

owner table:

Column name Type
owner_id UUID
address text
name text
PRIMARY KEY owner_id

pet table:

Column name Type
owner_id UUID
pet_id UUID
chip_id text
species text
breed text
color text
gender text
age int
weight float
address text
name text
PRIMARY KEY (owner_id, pet_id)

sensor table:

Column name Type
pet_id UUID
sensor_id UUID
PRIMARY KEY (pet_id, sensor_id)

measurement table:

Column name Type
sensor_id UUID
ts timestamp
value float
PRIMARY KEY (sensor_id, ts)
Compaction TimeWindowCompactionStrategy

Task 4: Populate the tables

You have to populate the database using the npm run populate command in the backend directory.

Task 5: Implement the queries

You have to implement the queries in the backend/src/sensor/sensor.service.ts, backend/src/pet/pet.service.ts and backend/src/owner/owner.service.ts files.



Language:TypeScript 46.3%Language:JavaScript 26.4%Language:Svelte 25.3%Language:HTML 1.7%Language:CSS 0.3%