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Course schedule for ECON 122 (F21)

Michael Gelman (, Claremont McKenna College

Zoom link for remote viewing:

Office hours:

  • In person: Mo/We 12:25 PM outside RN12 (or come inside and let me know you want to meet)
  • Virtual: Sign up here and use this zoom link

Tutor sessions (BC 22):

  • Mo 06:00-08:00 PM - Matthew San Luis
  • We 08:00-10:00 PM - Vasu Rai

Textbook 1: Modern Data Science with R (1st edition)
Textbook 2: An Introduction to Statistical Learning

Assignments due

Week 1 (08/30)

Monday (intro, GitHub, test assignment)

Wednesday (reproducibility, R Markdown)

  • before class:
    • complete test assignment and push both .rmd and .md files to GitHub.
    • read MDSR Chapter 1 and Appendix D
    • Start looking at PS 1
  • in class:

Week 2 (09/06)


  • Labor day!!

Wednesday (R objects, R functions)

Week 3 (09/13)

Monday (ggplot2 graphics)

  • before class:
    • read MDSR sections 3.1 and 3.2. Section 3.3 contains some dplyr work that I will save for discussion in chapter 4.
    • read Grolemund/Wickham sections 3.1 - 3.5
  • in class:

Wednesday (more ggplot2 and interactive graphics)

  • before class:
    • little more ggplot: read Grolemund/Wickham sections 3.6 - 3.10
    • just read pages 324-325 in MDSR to get a feel for map projections. For now we will just be working with simple maps that only need lat/long and build-in map boundaries.
    • quick read MDSR sections 11.1-11.3 in chapter 11 to get a "big picture" idea of some of the interactive graphing options in R.
    • Start on PS 2
  • in class:

Week 4 (09/20)

Monday (Introduction to dplyr)

  • before class:
    • read MDSR sections 4.1 and 4.2
  • in class: basic data wrangling with dplyr

Wednesday (Work on Team Project 1)

  • before class:
    • Make sure you have your Team Project 1 partners
  • in class:
    • Work with partners on Team Project 1
    • Ask any questions related to material up to this point

Week 5 (09/27)

Monday (Joins in dplyr)

  • before class:
    • read MDSR section 4.3 and 4.4
    • get started with PS 3
  • in class:

Wednesday (Data intake)

  • before class
    • read MDSR sections 5.5.3 and 5.5.4 (we'll come back to the other sections after the exam)
    • read Grolemund/Wickham chapter 16 - focus on sections 16.2 and 16.3.
  • in class

Week 6 (10/04)

Monday (tidy data: reshaping with gather and spread)

  • before class:
    • read MDSR sections 5.1-5.3
  • in class:
    • day 9 slides: .Rmd .html
    • continue day 8/9 activity

Wednesday (Strings and regular expressions)

Week 7 (10/11)

Monday (Iteration)

  • before class:
    • read MDSR section 5.4
  • in class:


  • before class:
    • study for exam 1
  • in class:

Week 8 (10/18)


  • Fall Break!!

Wednesday (Statistical Learning)

Week 9 (10/25)

Monday (Intro to Classifiers)

  • before class:
    • Read ISLR section 4.1-4.2
    • Read this article explaining what a confusion matrix is
    • Read this helpful article on evaluating classification models
  • in class:

Wednesday (Logistic regression)

  • before class:
    • Read ISLR section 4.3
    • Read MDSR section 8.4.4 on ROC curves
  • in class:

Week 10 (11/01)

Monday (Cross Validation)

  • before class:
    • Read ISLR section 5.1
    • Read MDSR section 8.4.1 (10.3.2)
    • Read this blog on statistical learning vs. machine learning
  • in class:

Wednesday (Decision Trees)

  • before class:
    • Read MDSR section 8.2.1-8.2.3 (11.1.1)
    • Read ISLR section 8.1
  • in class:

Week 11 (11/08)

Monday (Other classifiers)

  • before class:
    • Read MDSR section 8.2.4-8.2.5 (11.1.2-11.1.3)
    • Read ISLR section 2.2.3 (k-nn), 8.2.1-8.2.2 (bagging\random forest)
  • in class:

Wednesday (Work on Team Project 2)

  • before class:
    • Make sure you have your Team Project 2 partners
  • in class:
    • Work with partners on Team Project 2
    • Start thinking about the Final Project
    • Ask any questions related to material up to this point

Week 12 (11/15)

Monday (k-means clustering)

  • before class:
    • Read ISLR section 10.3-10.3.1
    • Read MDSR section 9.1,9.1.2 (12.1,12.1.2)
  • in class:

Wednesday (Hierarchical clustering)

  • before class:
    • Read ISLR section 10.3.2
    • Read MDSR section 9.1.1 (12.1.1)
  • in class:

Week 13 (11/22)

Monday (Networks Intro)

Wednesday (Thanksgiving!)

  • Prepare Thanksgiving meal
  • Eat Thanksgiving meal
  • Sleep

Week 14 (11/29)

Monday (Networks Statistics)

Wednesday (Exam 2)

  • before class:
    • study for exam 2
    • bring a calculator
  • in class:
    • take exam 2

Week 15 (12/06)

Monday (Networks Activity)

  • before class
    • read MDSR 16.3 and 16.4 (20.3,20.4)
    • read this article on the Game of Thrones network
  • in class

Wednesday (Work on Final Project)

  • before class:
    • Start to make progress on Final Project
  • in class:
    • Work with partners on Final Project
    • Fill out evaluations
    • Celebrate end of classes!!
