CurryEleison / cf-subscription-filter-policy

How to create an SNS Subscription Filter policy with a lambda-backed CloudFormation custom resource

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Managing SNS Subscription Filter Policies with Cloudformation

Currently, AWS CloudFormation doesn't have a resource to manage filter policies on SNS subscriptions. This is a workaround with a lambda-backed custom resource which should work in most cases. If AWS ever introduces an officially supported CloudFormation resource to do this job you should definitely switch to that and stop using this workaround.


You want to copy the FilterPolicyLambdaRole, FilterPolicyLambdaPermissions and FilterPolicyLambda resources from the sample into your own CloudFormation template and update your stack.

Once you have added the lambda you can use it like so:

    Type: Custom::SnsSubscriptionFilterPolicy
      # ServiceToken should point to the lambda created
      ServiceToken: !GetAtt FilterPolicyLambda.Arn
      # TopicArn should be the ARN of the SNS topic
      TopicArn: !Ref MyFilteringTopic
      # Endpoint is the ARN of the subscription endpoint
      Endpoint: !GetAtt MyEndpointResouce.Arn
      # Filterpolicy is the policy you want to attach to the subscription
      FilterPolicy: '{"store": ["example_corp"], "customer_interests": ["rugby", "football", "baseball"]'

Sample Stack

You can run the sample stack attached here. It will create the lambda, and SNS topic, a couple of SQS queues with subscriptions and put filter policies on them.

Implementation Choices

Write to me if you are concerned about some of the points below. If the code ever gets any real use I promĂ­se to improve it.

No support for subscription attributes

I think CloudFormation doesn't support setting subscription attributes (i.e. "Raw delivery".) The project could be extended to take on that challenge.

Only one subscription per topic and endpoint

Unfortunately, CloudFormation doesn't expose the ARN of an SNS subscription, so to find the correct physical resource to update we have to use ARNs of the source topic and the subscription endpoint. This will not work if a topic has multiple subscriptions to the same endpoint.

Fails on monster topics

If you have more than 100 subscriptions to a topic the code would get flaky

Error messages not super helpful

I had some trouble surfacing the right error messages. If anybody ever uses this I promise to improve it

Inline lambda code

The code is written as an inline lambda so it's easy to add to an existing stack, and so cfnresponse is included automatically.

Yaml defined filter policies can fail

If a filter policy gets sufficiently complicated it seems that the translation into a json policy can fail. You cna just put the filter policy as a quoted json string instead as a workaround. This is fixable, but I don't need it myself and haven't spent the time.


How to create an SNS Subscription Filter policy with a lambda-backed CloudFormation custom resource

License:MIT License