Features Include:
- Generating an Apple authorisation link to use with your Sign-In button
- Verifying and decoding Apple JWTs
- Verifying Apple Authorisation Codes and exchanging them with Apple's API for access/refresh tokens
- Automatic fetching of Apple's public keys and generating of client secrets.
composer require currencyfair/apple-sign-in-php-client
Config Key | Description |
clientId | Also referred to as Service ID. This can be found here. |
privateKey | The is required to generate the Client Secret which is used to verify Authorisation Codes. You can pass a string or the path to the key file. The key can be created and downloaded here. |
keyId | The ID associated with the above privateKey . This should be available on the page where you downloaded your private key. |
teamId | This is usually found in the top right corner under your name in the Apple Developer area. |
redirectUri | This is the web page users will be redirect to after (un)successful sign-in. This address must be HTTPS and cannot be localhost. See FAQ for localhost workaround. |
defaultScopes | These are the scopes you would like returned from Apple. Apple only supports name and email . |
apiKeysEndpoint (optional) | URL containing Apple's public key in JWK format. Unless you have a reason to change this the default should be fine. |
apiTokenEndpoint (optional) | The endpoint used to verify Authorisation Codes. Unless you have a reason to change this the default should be fine. |
apiAuthEndpoint (optional) | The authorisation URL used to build the URL users will sign in on. Unless you have a reason to change this the default should be fine. |
See below for examples of passing config values.
include './vendor/autoload.php';
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\ClientFactory;
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\Config;
$config = new Config(
Config::REDIRECT_URI => 'https://your-redirect.com/',
Config::CLIENT_ID => 'XXX',
Config::TEAM_ID => 'XXX',
Config::KEY_ID => 'XXX',
Config::PRIVATE_KEY => '/full/path/to/key' // Or a string containing your key
$client = ClientFactory::create($config);
$authCodeResponse = $client->verifyAuthCode($_POST['code']);
echo $authCodeResponse->getAccessToken();
echo $authCodeResponse->getExpiresIn();
echo $authCodeResponse->getRefreshToken();
See AuthCodeVerifyResponse for all available methods.
include './vendor/autoload.php';
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\ClientFactory;
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\Config;
$config = new Config(
Config::REDIRECT_URI => 'https://your-redirect.com/',
Config::CLIENT_ID => 'XXX',
Config::TEAM_ID => 'XXX',
Config::KEY_ID => 'XXX',
Config::PRIVATE_KEY => '/full/path/to/key' // Or a string containing your key
$client = ClientFactory::create($config);
$jwtResponse = $client->verifyAndDecodeJwt($_POST['id_token']);
echo $jwtResponse->getEmail();
echo $jwtResponse->getSubject(); // Unique user ID provided by Apple
echo $jwtResponse->getIsPrivateEmail();
echo $jwtResponse->getDecodedTokenObject(); // The unmodified JWT object (Example format below)
See JwtVerifyResponse for all available methods.
"iss": "https://appleid.apple.com",
"aud": "com.yourApp.web",
"exp": 1586606495,
"iat": 1586605895,
"sub": "000609.fac4e6e9df6a4c1988870f61b86e0b8e.0000",
"at_hash": "XXX",
"email": "example@example.com",
"email_verified": "true",
"is_private_email": "false",
"auth_time": 1586605860,
"nonce_supported": true
include './vendor/autoload.php';
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\ClientFactory;
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\Config;
$config = new Config(
Config::REDIRECT_URI => 'https://your-redirect.com/',
Config::CLIENT_ID => 'XXX',
$client = ClientFactory::create($config);
$authorisationUrl = $client->getAuthoriseUrl();
echo "<a href='{$authorisationUrl}'> Sign-In With Apple</a>";
You can also use Apple's JS SDK to show Apple's pre-styled button. Using the above method is for when you would like more control over the style of the button.
include './vendor/autoload.php';
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\ClientFactory;
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\Config;
$config = new Config(
Config::REDIRECT_URI => 'https://example.com/your-return-page.php',
Config::CLIENT_ID => 'XXX',
// We will use this to verify the request came from Apple on
// the return page
$_SESSION['state'] = 'Something Random';
$client = ClientFactory::create($config);
$authorisationUrl = $client->getAuthoriseUrl($_SESSION['state']);
echo "<a href='{$authorisationUrl}'> Sign-In With Apple</a>";
include './vendor/autoload.php';
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\ClientFactory;
use CurrencyFair\AppleId\Config;
$state = $_POST['state'];
$code = $_POST['code'];
$idToken = $_POST['id_token'];
$user = isset($_POST['user']) ? json_decode($_POST['user'], true) : null;
// Check if the state returned from Apple matches the state we passed to
// Apple from the Sign-In button
if ($_SESSION['state'] !== $state) {
throw new Exception('State is invalid');
// The user will be available the first time a user registers and *not* passed
// on subsequent Sign-Ins
if ($user) {
$fullName = $user['name']['firstName'] . ' ' . $user['name']['lastName'];
$email = $user['email'];
$config = new Config(
Config::REDIRECT_URI => 'https://example.com/your-return-page.php',
Config::CLIENT_ID => 'XXX',
Config::TEAM_ID => 'XXX',
Config::KEY_ID => 'XXX',
Config::PRIVATE_KEY => '/full/path/to/key'
$client = ClientFactory::create($config);
$authCodeResponse = $client->verifyAuthCode($code);
echo $authCodeResponse->getAccessToken() . PHP_EOL;
echo $authCodeResponse->getExpiresIn() . PHP_EOL;
echo $authCodeResponse->getRefreshToken() . PHP_EOL;
$jwtResponse = $client->verifyAndDecodeJwt($idToken);
echo $jwtResponse->getEmail() . PHP_EOL;
echo $jwtResponse->getSubject() . PHP_EOL; // Unique user ID provided by Apple
echo $jwtResponse->getIsPrivateEmail() . PHP_EOL;
Unfortunately even during testing Apple doesn't allow using localhost or non-HTTPS redirect URLs. To get around this you can use a browser extension like Requestly to intercept the redirect and direct it to your localhost URL. You can also use a secure tunneling tool like Ngrok.
This usually occurs if your Redirect URI isn't configured for use in the Apple Developer area. Or the URI may be localhost or non-HTTPS.
This usually means your token is expired or malformed. Apple's tokens have a 10 minute expiry, after this you will need to generate a new token.
Apple will only send the user's name the first time the user registers on your app. The payload is POSTed to the Redirect URI along with the authorisation code and the JWT token. The format will look like this:
You can use Apple's JS SDK to achieve this.
If you're passing the key as a string ensure the formatting is correct. An example of the correct way to pass the key:
$privateKey = <<<KEY
$config = new Config(
Config::PRIVATE_KEY => $privateKey,
Yes, you can use Guzzle Middleware to handle caching. You can also inject your own cache enabled client which implements ClientInterface.
Developed by CurrencyFair (https://currencyfair.com) and licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.