Cuervocartoon / PyEmVue

Python Library for the Emporia Vue Energy Monitor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Python Library for reading data from the Emporia Vue energy monitoring system.

The library can be invoked directly to pull back some basic info but requires your email and password to be added to a keys.json file, which is then replaced with the access tokens.

API documentation can be accessed here


    "email": "",
    "password": "password"


Log in with username/password

vue = PyEmVue()
vue.login(username='', password='password', token_storage_file='keys.json')

token_storage_file is an optional file path where the access tokens will be written for reuse in later invocations. It will be updated whenever the tokens are automatically refreshed.

Log in with access tokens

with open('keys.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

vue = PyEmVue()

Get customer details

vue = PyEmVue()

customer = vue.get_customer_details()

Returns a Customer object with email address, name, customer_gid, and creation date

Get devices

vue = PyEmVue()


Returns a list of VueDevices with device information, including device_gid and list of VueDeviceChannels associated with the device. VueDeviceChannels are passed to other methods to get information for the specific channel.

Get additional device properties

vue = PyEmVue()

device1 = vue.get_devices()[0]
print(device1.device_name) # prints ""
device1 = vue.populate_device_properties(device1)
print(device1.device_name) # prints "Home"

Updates and returns the passed VueDevice with additional information about the device such as the device name (as set in the app), zip code, timezone, electricity costs, etc.


  • device: A VueDevice as returned by get_devices. Will be updated and returned.

Get total usage

vue = PyEmVue()

energy_usage = vue.get_total_usage(channel, timeFrame=TotalTimeFrame.ALL.value, unit=TotalUnit.WATTHOURS.value)

Returns the total usage over the time frame for the specified channel as a single float number. Generally energy over all time or month to date.


  • channel: A VueDeviceChannel from the get_devices call. Key parts are the device_gid and channel_num.
  • timeFrame: Any value from the TotalTimeFrame enum. Either all time or month to date.
  • unit: Any value from the TotalUnit enum. Currently only watthours.

Get recent usage

vue = PyEmVue()

channel_usage_list = vue.get_recent_usage(scale=Scale.HOUR.value, unit=Unit.WATTS.value)
for channel in channel_usage_list:

Returns list of ViewDeviceChannelUsage objects giving usage over the scale timeframe in the unit specified. For a scale of under 1 hour this will give the average usage over the time frame (ie kW), for an hour or more it gives the total usage (ie kWh).


  • scale: Any value from the Scale enum. From 1 second to 1 year.
  • unit: Any value from the Unit enum. Generally watts but there are options for dollars or trees or miles driven, etc.

Get usage over a time scale

vue = PyEmVue()

channel_usage_list = vue.get_usage_for_time_scale(time=datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 21, 18, 0, 0) scale=Scale.HOUR.value, unit=Unit.WATTS.value)
for channel in channel_usage_list:

Returns list of ViewDeviceChannelUsage objects giving usage over the scale timeframe in the unit specified for the "bucket" containing the time provided. For a scale of under 1 hour this will give the average usage over the time frame (ie kW), for an hour or more it gives the total usage (ie kWh). The start and end times for the bucket will be returned although is not always consistent (month will give only the start of the month but minute gives start/end times one minute apart for instance).


  • time: A datetime value to use as the end time.
  • scale: Any value from the Scale enum. From 1 second to 1 year.
  • unit: Any value from the Unit enum. Generally watts but there are options for dollars or trees or miles driven, etc.

Get usage over time

vue = PyEmVue()

usage_time = vue.get_usage_over_time(channel, start, end, scale=Scale.SECOND.value, unit=Unit.WATTS.value)

# Throw into matplotlib for plotting

Returns the energy used by the VueDeviceChannel between the start and end datetimes for each scale timeframe. In other words, if scale is seconds and there's a minute between start and end, you'll get 60 data points in the output.


  • channel: A VueDeviceChannel from the get_devices call. Key parts are the device_gid and channel_num.
  • start: Starting datetime given in UTC.
  • end: Ending datetime given in UTC.
  • scale: Any value of Scale enum at HOUR or finer, DAY and higher is not supported. For 1 hour between start and end you'd get 3600 data points at SECOND, 60 at MINUTE, or 4 at MINUTE_15.
  • unit: Any value of Unit enum, generally watts.

Get usage over a date range

vue = PyEmVue()

usage_time = vue.get_usage_over_date_range(channel, start, end, scale=Scale.DAY.value, unit=Unit.WATTS.value)

# Throw into matplotlib for plotting

Returns the energy used by the VueDeviceChannel between the start and end datetimes for each scale timeframe. In other words, if scale is days and there's a week between start and end, you'll get 7 data points in the output.

NOTE: The actual start and end dates for this call are weird. For my timezone of UTC-4 if I pass in 2020-07-09 for the start the first datapoint is for 2020-07-08. Passing the same value for start and end will appear to work but will give incorrect data. To get correct data for a DAY pass the day you want for the start, two days later for the end, and take the second value. I would recommend doing the same with weeks, months, years, etc.


  • channel: A VueDeviceChannel from the get_devices call. Key parts are the device_gid and channel_num.
  • start: Starting datetime given in UTC.
  • end: Ending datetime given in UTC.
  • scale: Any value of Scale enum at DAY or higher, HOUR and lower are not supported.
  • unit: Any value of Unit enum, generally watts.


This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Emporia Energy.


Python Library for the Emporia Vue Energy Monitor

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Batchfile 0.3%