CrystalRanita / DockerPythonSci

Docker python with machine learning libs on Mac OS

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Docker python with machine learning libs on Mac OS

In dockerfile

Python 3
libs: numpy scipy matplotlib scikit-learn pandas

Construct image

$ git clone
$ cd DockerPythonSciMac
$ docker build -t pythonml:v1 .
(where pythonml is repository name and v1 is tag)

Check docker images:

$ docker images find which one you want to run

Run container:

docker run -v /Users/host_crystal/:/home/container_crystal -it pythonml:v1 /bin/bash (where pythonml is repository name and v1 is tag.
Use -v here mount host location to container's location, modify will kept . and can easy use visual studio code to edit code files.)

Check libs version in container

After container running


import numpy numpy.version.version '1.15.1'

import scipy scipy.version.version '1.1.0'

import matplotlib print('matplotlib: {}'.format(matplotlib.version)) matplotlib: 2.2.3

import sklearn print('sklearn: {}'.format(sklearn.version)) sklearn: 0.19.2

import pandas print('pandas: {}'.format(pandas.version)) pandas: 0.23.4

Copy host file to container

Instruction: docker cp SourceDir containerID/DestDir
Example: docker cp MachineLearning/. 069f40db12a2:/target
Copy host file in MachineLearning directory to container's /target directory

Commit change to keep data

if use $ docker run -t -i pythonml:v1 /bin/bash .
without mount point, after exit container modify will gone without commit. Instruction: docker commit containerID IMAGE
docker commit ce7f5ced748c pythonml:v1


Docker python with machine learning libs on Mac OS


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%