CrystalFerrai / ValheimMods

Contains all Valheim mods created by Crystal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Valheim Mod Collection

This repository hosts all of the Valheim mods created by Crystal. The primary intent of this repo is to serve as a reference for people who want to see how the mods work. If you are considering using code from this repo for your own projects, please read the license.txt file included at the root of the repo for redistribution details.


Currently, mod releases are only being published to Thunderstore. You can download releases from there, or you can install and use r2modman to download and manage the mods for you (recommended).

PTB Releases

Occasionally, there will be mod prereleases for the public test branch of the game. If any such releases currently exist, you can find them here on Github. These releases will be removed and moved to Thunderstore whenever the current game PTB is moved to the public branch.

How to Build

For easier development, all mods are part of the same repo and share the same Visual Studio solution. Each mod is a separate project within the solution.

Before the solution will build, you will need to get some third party DLLs and place them in a lib directory at the root of the repo (next to ValheimMods.sln). This is where all of the .csproj point to for external assembly references. The following should be included in the lib directory:

  • BepInExPack_Valheim assemblies. Confirmed working version is 5.4.2202, but later 5.4.x versions likely will also work. These files specifically need to be included:
    • 0Harmony.dll
    • BepinEx.dll
    • BepinEx.Harmony.dll
  • Valheim script assemblies and Unity engine assemblies from the game client installation. These can be found in valheim_Data/Managed. Currently in use are the following, but keep in mind this list may not be up to date. So others might also be needed.
    • assembly_guiutils.dll
    • assembly_utils.dll
    • assembly_valheim.dll
    • ui_lib.dll
    • Unity.InputSystem.dll
    • Unity.TextMeshPro.dll
    • UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll
    • UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
    • UnityEngine.dll
    • UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll
    • UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll
    • UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll
    • UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll
    • UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll
    • UnityEngine.UI.dll
    • UnityEngine.UIModule.dll

Once the lib directory is populated, you should be able to open ValheimMods.sln in Visual Studio 2022 and build the solution.

How to Package for Release

The process for packaging up a build for release is not included in this repo. However, some of the supporting files are included. Within each project's root directory is a directory called package which contains these files.

The mod version needs to be updated in multiple places prior to building and packaging.

  • Within the code itself, there is a BepInPlugin attribute on the main plugin class which includes the version number and needs to be updated.
  • Also within the code, in Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs, both the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion attributes should be updated.
  • In the mod's package directory, open manifest.json and update both the version_number and Version properties.
  • In the mod's package directory, open and add a new version entry at the top of the "Changelog" section. Include notes about what changed since the last version.

Producing a releasable package involves combining the files in the package directory, along with a release build of the mod's dll, into a zip file named using the mod name and version, such as Do not include the package directory itself in the zip file.


Contains all Valheim mods created by Crystal



Language:C# 100.0%