Cryptum169 / AoC2021-1

Advent of Code 2021

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Day 1

const ints = parse.(Int, readlines("../input1"))

p1 = sum(>(0), diff(ints))

println("Day1: $p1")

p2 = sum(4:lastindex(ints)) do idx
    ints[idx-3] < ints[idx]

println("Day1 p2: $p2")
(* memory-efficient solution
 * uses continuation-passing style

(* part 1 *)
let input = open_in "../input1"
let _ = print_endline "part 1:"
(* calculates num increments as well as first depth
 * calls f num_incr first_depth
let rec k_num_incr ic f =
  match input_line ic with
        exception End_of_file -> f 0 None
      | line ->
          let this_depth = int_of_string line in
          k_num_incr ic (fun num_incr next_depth_opt ->
            match next_depth_opt with
                  None -> f 0 (Some this_depth)
                | Some next_depth ->
                    f (num_incr + if this_depth < next_depth then 1 else 0) (Some this_depth)

let _ = k_num_incr input (fun num_incr _ -> (print_int num_incr; print_endline ""))

(* part 2 *)
let _ = print_endline "part 2:"
let input = open_in "../input1"
(* same idea, now storing 3 future depths instead of just 1 *)
let rec k_num_incr3 ic f =
  match input_line ic with
        exception End_of_file -> f 0 None None None
      | line ->
          let d0 = int_of_string line in
          k_num_incr3 ic
          (fun num_incr d1opt d2opt d3opt ->
            match d3opt with
                  None -> f num_incr (Some d0) d1opt d2opt
                | Some d3 -> f (num_incr + if d0 < d3 then 1 else 0) (Some d0) d1opt d2opt
let _ = k_num_incr3 input (fun num_incr _ _ _ -> (print_int num_incr; print_endline ""))

(* golfy solution *)
(* part 1 only *)
let input = open_in "../input1"
let _ = print_endline "part 1:"
(* reads entire file into list *)
let rec get_depths ic =
  match input_line ic with
        exception End_of_file -> []
      | line -> (int_of_string line)::(get_depths ic)

let depths = get_depths input
(* fold by keeping & updating a tuple:
 * current num increments, previous depth
let (result, _) = List.fold_left (fun (num_incr, prev_depth) this_depth -> ((num_incr + if this_depth > prev_depth then 1 else 0), this_depth)) (0, List.hd depths) ( depths)

let _ = print_int result; print_endline ""

import numpy as np

def count_increment(sonar_meas : np.ndarray) -> float:
    depth_diff = np.diff(sonar_meas)
    return np.sum(depth_diff > 0)

input_depth = np.loadtxt("../input1")
print(f"Ans: {count_increment(input_depth)}")

filter_size = 3
filter = np.ones(filter_size)
rolling = np.convolve(input_depth, filter)[filter_size-1:-2]
print(f"Part2 ans: {count_increment(rolling)}")
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <xtensor/xio.hpp>
#include <xtensor/xarray.hpp>
#include <xtensor/xcsv.hpp>
#include <xtensor/xview.hpp>
#include <string>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    std::string fname = "../../input1";
    std::ifstream in_file;;

    xt::xarray<double> data = xt::load_csv<double>(in_file);
    xt::xarray<double> depth_diff = xt::diff(data, 1, 0);

    auto val = xt::sum(depth_diff > 0);
    std::cout << "Part 1:" << val << std::endl;

    int result = 0;
    int this_val = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size() - 3; i++) {
        this_val = data(i+3, 0) > data(i, 0) ? 1 : 0;
        result += this_val;

    std::cout << "Part 2:" << result << std::endl;

    return 0;

Day 2

ins = readlines("../input2")

function part1_2(arr)
    x = z = aim = 0
    for l in arr
        i = parse(Int, last(l))
        if l[1] == 'f'
            x += i
            z += i*aim
            aim += ifelse(l[1] == 'd', i, -i)
    x .* (aim, z)
println("Day1 p1, p2: $(part1_2(ins))")
let input = open_in "../input2"
let rec k_get_lines ic f =
  match input_line ic with
        exception End_of_file -> f []
      | line -> k_get_lines ic (fun ls ->
          let split = String.split_on_char ' ' line in
          f ((List.hd split, int_of_string (List.nth split 1))::ls)
let lines = k_get_lines input (fun x -> x)

let forwards = List.filter (function ("forward", _) -> true | _ -> false) lines
let ups = List.filter (function ("up", _) -> true | _ -> false) lines
let downs = List.filter (function ("down", _) -> true | _ -> false) lines
let x = List.fold_left (fun total (_, dx) -> total + dx) 0 forwards
let y0 = List.fold_left (fun total (_, dy) -> total + dy) 0 ups
let y1 = List.fold_left (fun total (_, dy) -> total + dy) 0 downs
let _ = print_string "part 1: "; print_int (x * (y1 - y0)); print_endline ""

let rec calc cmds x y a =
  match cmds with
        [] -> x * y
      | ("forward", amount)::cs -> calc cs (x + amount) (y + amount * a) a
      | ("up", amount)::cs -> calc cs x y (a - amount)
      | ("down", amount)::cs -> calc cs x y (a + amount)
      | _ -> raise (Failure "bad")
let _ = print_string "part 2: "; print_int (calc lines 0 0 0); print_endline ""
import numpy as np

f_name = "../input2"
lines = None
with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

# Action Mapping
action = {
    'forward' : [0, 1],
    'down' : [1, 1],
    'up' : [1, -1]

# Dead Reckoning
position = np.array([0, 0])
for l in lines:
    p = l.split(" ")
    action_key = p[0]
    movement = float(p[1])
    position[action[action_key][0]] += movement * action[action_key][1]

print(f"prod: {}")

print("Part 2:")

# Change Action mapping since down and up affect aims now
action = {
    'forward' : [0, 1],
    'down' : [2, 1],
    'up' : [2, -1]

# Accordingly position aim
position_with_aim = np.array([0, 0, 0])
for l in lines:
    p = l.split(" ")
    action_key = p[0]
    movement = float(p[1])

    # Add to aim and position
    position_with_aim[action[action_key][0]] += movement * action[action_key][1]
    if action_key == "forward":
        position_with_aim[1] += movement * position_with_aim[2]

print(f"prod: {[:-1])}")

Day 3

rows = map(eachline("../input3")) do line
    parse.(Bool, collect(line))
rowidxs = eachindex(rows[1])
mode(rows, j, op = >=) = op(sum(r->r[j], rows), length(rows)÷2)
f(x) = evalpoly(2, reverse(x))

### part 1
γ = [mode(rows, j) for j in rowidxs]
ϵ = .~(γ) # bit flips
println("p1: ",  prod(f, (γ, ϵ)))

### part 2
part2(rows, j, op) = filter(r -> r[j]==mode(rows, j, op), rows)
let oxygen = rows, CO2 = rows
    for j in rowidxs
        length(oxygen)==1 && length(CO2)==1 && break
        oxygen = part2(oxygen, j, >=)
        CO2 = part2(CO2, j, <)
    println("p2: ",  prod(fonly, (oxygen, CO2)))
let input = open_in "../input3"
let rec k_get_lines ic f =
  match input_line ic with
        exception End_of_file -> f []
      | line -> k_get_lines ic (fun ls -> f (line::ls))
let lines = k_get_lines input (fun x -> x)
let nbits = String.length (List.hd lines)
let bgamma = List.init nbits (fun i ->
  let zeros = List.filter (fun ln -> ln.[i] = '0') lines in
  if (2 * List.length zeros > List.length lines) then 0 else 1
let bepsilon = (function 0 -> 1 | _ -> 0) bgamma

let rec k_rblist2dec rbls f =
  match rbls with
        [] -> f 0
      | b::rbs -> k_rblist2dec rbs (fun x -> f (2 * x + b))

let gamma = k_rblist2dec (List.rev bgamma) (fun x -> x)
let epsilon = k_rblist2dec (List.rev bepsilon) (fun x -> x)

let _ = print_string "part 1: "; print_int (gamma * epsilon); print_endline ""

let rec find_gas lines i oxygen =
  match lines with
        [] -> raise (Failure "bad")
      | [x] -> x
      | _ ->
          let zeros = List.filter (fun ln -> ln.[i] = '0') lines in
          let x =
            let more_zero = compare (2 * List.length zeros) (List.length lines) in
            if more_zero <= 0
              then (if oxygen then 1 else 0)
              else (if oxygen then 0 else 1) in
          let newlines = List.filter (fun ln -> String.sub ln i 1 = string_of_int x ) lines in
          find_gas newlines (i + 1) oxygen
let o2s = find_gas lines 0 true
let co2s = find_gas lines 0 false
let o2b = List.init (String.length o2s) (fun i -> int_of_string (String.sub o2s i 1)) 
let co2b = List.init (String.length co2s) (fun i -> int_of_string (String.sub co2s i 1)) 
let o2 = k_rblist2dec (List.rev o2b) (fun x -> x)
let co2 = k_rblist2dec (List.rev co2b) (fun x -> x)
let _ = print_string "part 2: "; print_int (o2 * co2); print_endline ""
# Too much of a havoc on the prompt side, not going to document

import numpy as np

fname = "../input3"
lines = None
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

col = len(lines[0].strip())
row = len(lines)

data_mat = np.zeros((row, col))
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
    l = l.strip()
    for j in range(col):
        data_mat[i, j] = int(l[j])

gamma = np.round(np.sum(data_mat, axis=0) / row).astype(int)
epsilon = 1 - gamma

def matrix_bit_to_num(bit_mat : np.ndarray) -> float:
    power = np.arange(len(bit_mat))[::-1]

    gamma_val = np.sum(np.power(bit_mat * 2, power))

    if bit_mat[-1] == 0:
        gamma_val -= 1
    return gamma_val

print(f'prod: {matrix_bit_to_num(gamma) * matrix_bit_to_num(epsilon)}')

oxygen_mask = np.ones(row, dtype=bool)
oxygen_string = np.zeros(col)
for i in range(col):
    this_mat = data_mat[oxygen_mask, :]

    this_rating = int((np.sum(this_mat[:, i]) * 2) >= len(this_mat))
    oxygen_string[i] = this_rating
    this_mask = this_mat[:, i] == this_rating
    oxygen_mask[oxygen_mask] = np.bitwise_and(oxygen_mask[oxygen_mask], this_mask)

scrubber_mask = np.ones(row, dtype=bool)
scrubber_string = np.zeros(col)
for i in range(col):
    this_mat = data_mat[scrubber_mask, :]
    if len(this_mat) == 1:
        scrubber_string[i:] = this_mat[0, i:]
    this_rating = int((np.sum(this_mat[:, i]) * 2) < len(this_mat))
    scrubber_string[i] = this_rating
    this_mask = this_mat[:, i] == this_rating
    scrubber_mask[scrubber_mask] = np.bitwise_and(scrubber_mask[scrubber_mask], this_mask)

print(f"prod: {matrix_bit_to_num(oxygen_string) * matrix_bit_to_num(scrubber_string)}")

Day 4

inputs = split(strip(read("../input4", String), '\n'), "\n\n")
draws = parse.(Int, split(inputs[1], ","))
boards = map(inputs[2:end]) do board
    parse.(Int, mapreduce(split, hcat, split(board, "\n")))
p = fill(-1,5)
wincon(m) = any(==(p), eachrow(m)) || any(==(p), eachcol(m))

# part 1 & 2
done = Set{Int}()
res = Int[]
for num in draws, (i, b) in enumerate(boards)
    replace!(b, num => -1)
    if idone && wincon(b)
        push!(done, i)
        push!(res, num * sum(filter(>(0), b)))
println(res[[begin, end]])
let input = open_in "../input4"
let rec k_get_lines ic f =
  match input_line ic with
        exception End_of_file -> f []
      | line -> k_get_lines ic (fun ls -> f (line::ls))
let lines = k_get_lines input (fun x -> x)

let nums = int_of_string (String.split_on_char ',' (List.hd lines))

let line_to_row line =
  let split = String.split_on_char ' ' line in int_of_string (List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") split)

let rec k_get_boards lines f =
  match lines with
        [] -> f []
      | line::ls -> k_get_boards ls (fun boards ->
          if line = ""
            then f ([]::boards)
            else (if boards = []
              then f [[line_to_row line]]
              else (
                let top_board = List.hd boards in
                f (((line_to_row line)::top_board)::( boards))

let boards = k_get_boards ( ( lines)) (fun x -> x)
let checks = ( ( (function _ -> false))) boards

let rec update_row_status row checks num =
  match row with
        [] -> []
      | x::xs -> (if x = num then true else (List.hd checks))::(update_row_status xs ( checks) num)

let rec update_status board checks num =
  match board with
        [] -> checks
      | row::rows -> (if List.mem num row
          then (update_row_status row (List.hd checks) num)
          else (List.hd checks))::(update_status rows ( checks) num)

let rec one_row_done one_board_checks =
  match one_board_checks with
        [] -> false
      | row::rows -> one_row_done rows || row = [true; true; true; true; true]

let one_col_done bchecks =
  let transposed = List.init 5 (fun i -> List.init 5 (fun j -> List.nth (List.nth bchecks j) i)) in
  one_row_done transposed

let board_is_done one_board_checks =
  one_row_done one_board_checks || one_col_done one_board_checks

let rec find_done_board all_checks =
  match all_checks with
        [] -> None
      | bcheck::bchecks ->
          (match find_done_board bchecks with
                 Some i -> Some (i + 1)
               | None -> if board_is_done bcheck then Some 0 else None)

let (win_checks, done_board, win_num) =
List.fold_left (fun ((checks, done_board, win_num) as state) num ->
  match done_board with
        Some _ -> state
      | None ->
          let new_checks = List.mapi (fun i one_board_check -> update_status (List.nth boards i) one_board_check num) checks in
          match find_done_board new_checks with
                None -> (new_checks, None, -1)
              | Some i -> (new_checks, Some i, num)
) (checks, None, -1) nums

let win_board = match done_board with None -> raise (Failure "bad") | Some i -> i
let win_board_checks = List.nth win_checks win_board

let rec sum_win_board board checks =
  match board with
        [] -> 0
      | row::rows -> List.fold_left (+) 0 (List.mapi (fun i x -> if List.nth (List.hd checks) i then 0 else x) row) + sum_win_board rows ( checks)

let calc_win_score board checks num =
  let sum_num = sum_win_board board checks in
  sum_num * num

let _ = print_string "part 1: "; print_int (calc_win_score (List.nth boards win_board) win_board_checks win_num); print_endline ""

let (_, last_score) =
List.fold_left (fun (boards_and_checks, last_score) num ->
  let new_bc = (fun (board, check) ->
    (board, update_status board check num)
  ) boards_and_checks in
  let not_done = List.filter (fun (b, c) -> not (board_is_done c)) new_bc in
  let done_stuff = List.filter (fun (b, c) -> (board_is_done c)) new_bc in
  let (done_boards, done_boards_checks) = List.split done_stuff in
  if done_stuff <> []
    then (not_done, calc_win_score (List.nth done_boards (List.length done_boards - 1)) (List.nth done_boards_checks (List.length done_boards - 1)) num)
    else (not_done, last_score)
) (List.combine boards checks, -1) nums

let _ = print_string "part 2: "; print_int last_score; print_endline ""
import numpy as np
import tempfile

# Read File input
file_name = "../input4"
lines = None
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
commands = lines[0].strip()
commands = commands.split(",")

# Read Matrix through tempFile so that loadtxt works
    matricies = lines[1:]
    f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t')
    mat = np.loadtxt(

def calculate_score(mat : np.ndarray, mask : np.ndarray, command : float) -> float:
    Calculate Score with matrix and mask
    return command * np.sum(mat[np.logical_not(mask)])

# Reshape Matrix to N x 5 x 5 Matrices
(_, n) = mat.shape
n_dim_mat = mat.reshape((-1, n, n))
mask = np.zeros_like(n_dim_mat, dtype=int)

score = -1
term_mask = None

once = True
for num in commands[:-1]:
    # Update Mask
    this_num = int(num)
    mask[n_dim_mat == this_num] = 1

    # Check Termination Condition, since diagonal doesn't count
    hori_sum = np.sum(mask, axis=2)
    vert_sum = np.sum(mask, axis=1)

    if np.any(np.isclose(hori_sum, 5)):
        term_mask = hori_sum
    elif np.any(np.isclose(vert_sum, 5)):
        term_mask = vert_sum

    if term_mask is not None:
        indices = np.argwhere(np.isclose(term_mask, n))
        score = calculate_score(n_dim_mat[indices[0, 0]], mask[indices[0, 0]], command = this_num)
        if once:
            print(f"Part 1 Answer: {score}")
            once = False

        n_dim_mat[indices[:, 0]] = -1
        mask[indices[:, 0]] = -1
        term_mask = None

print(f"Part 2 Answer: {score}")

Day 5

using LinearAlgebra
CI = CartesianIndex
_sign(x1,x2) = x1>=x2 ? -1 : 1

lines = split.(readlines("../input5"), r",| -> ")
coords = map(lines) do line
    c = parse.(Int, line)
    step = CI(_sign(c[1], c[3]), _sign(c[2], c[4]))
    CI(c[1], c[2]):step:CI(c[3], c[4])
# part 1
M = zeros(Int, 1000, 1000)
for c in coords
    any(==(1), size(c)) && (M[c] .+= 1)
println("P1: ", sum(>=(2), M))
# part 2
for c in coords
    any(==(1), size(c)) || (M[diag(c)] .+= 1)
println("P2: ", sum(>=(2), M))
let input = open_in "../input5"
let rec k_get_lines ic f =
  match input_line ic with
        exception End_of_file -> f []
      | line -> k_get_lines ic (fun ls ->
          let intlist = ( int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp ",\\| -> ") line)) in
          match intlist with
                [a; b; c; d] -> f ((a, b, c, d)::ls)
              | _ -> raise (Failure "bad")
let lines = k_get_lines input (fun x -> x)

let grid = Array.make_matrix 1000 1000 0

let rec update_col grid x0 x1 y =
  if x0 > x1 then () else
  let row = Array.get grid x0 in
  let _ = Array.set row y (1 + Array.get row y) in
  update_col grid (x0 + 1) x1 y

let rec update_row row y0 y1 =
  if y0 > y1 then () else
  let _ = Array.set row y0 (1 + Array.get row y0) in
  update_row row (y0 + 1) y1

let rec update_diag_up grid (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  if x0 > x1 then () else
  let row = Array.get grid x0 in
  let _ = Array.set row y0 (1 + Array.get row y0) in
  update_diag_up grid (x0 + 1, y0 - 1, x1, y1)

let rec update_diag_down grid (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  if x0 > x1 then () else
  let row = Array.get grid x0 in
  let _ = Array.set row y0 (1 + Array.get row y0) in
  update_diag_down grid (x0 + 1, y0 + 1, x1, y1)

let rec update_diag grid (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  if x0 > x1 then update_diag grid (x1, y1, x0, y0) else
  if y0 > y1
    then update_diag_up grid (x0, y0, x1, y1)
    else update_diag_down grid (x0, y0, x1, y1)

let update_grid grid (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  if x0 = x1
    then if y0 > y1 then update_row (Array.get grid x0) y1 y0 else update_row (Array.get grid x0) y0 y1
    else if x0 < x1 then update_col grid x0 x1 y0 else update_col grid x1 x0 y0

let _ = List.iter (fun ((x0, y0, x1, y1) as line) ->
  if x0 <> x1 && y0 <> y1
    then update_diag grid line
    else update_grid grid line
) lines

let count = Array.fold_left (fun count row -> count + Array.fold_left (fun c x -> c + if x > 1 then 1 else 0) 0 row) 0 grid
import numpy as np

def parse_input(fname : str) -> np.ndarray:
        Parse Inputs
    lines = None
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    ret_map = np.zeros((len(lines), 4), dtype=int)
    for idx, l in enumerate(lines):
        l = l.strip()
        start, end = l.split(" -> ")
        start = start.split(",")
        end = end.split(",")
        ret_map[idx, [0, 1]] = int(start[0]), int(start[1])
        ret_map[idx, [2, 3]] = int(end[0]), int(end[1])

    return ret_map

def create_map_from_input(input : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Create Map from input

    max_x = np.max(input[:, [0, 2]]).astype(int)
    max_y = np.max(input[:, [1, 3]]).astype(int)
    print(f"max_x: {max_x}")
    print(f"max_y: {max_y}")
    return np.zeros((max_y + 1, max_x + 1))

def map_world(map : np.ndarray, input: np.ndarray, part1 : bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
    Generate Map
    for obs in input:
        min_x = np.min(obs[[1,3]])
        max_x = np.max(obs[[1,3]])
        min_y = np.min(obs[[0,2]])
        max_y = np.max(obs[[0,2]])

        if (min_x != max_x) and (min_y != max_y):
            # Non axial
            if part1:
            x_idx = np.arange(min_x, max_x + 1)
            y_idx = np.arange(min_y, max_y + 1)
            if obs[0] != min_y:
                y_idx = y_idx[::-1]
            if obs[1] != min_x:
                x_idx = x_idx[::-1]

            map[x_idx, y_idx] += 1

            map[min_x : max_x + 1, min_y:max_y + 1] += 1
    return map

def count_overlap(map : np.ndarray, num_overlap : int) -> int:
    Number of cells with 2 or larger
    return np.sum(map >= num_overlap)

fname = "../input5"
observation = parse_input(fname)
empty_map = create_map_from_input(observation)
filled_map = map_world(empty_map.copy(), observation)
print(f"Part1: {count_overlap(filled_map, 2)}")

part2_filled_map = map_world(empty_map.copy(), observation, part1=False)
print(f"Part2: {count_overlap(part2_filled_map, 2)}")

Day 6

using LinearAlgebra
const ary = parse.(Int, split(readline("../input6"), ","))

function f(ary, days)
    counts = zeros(Int, 9)
    for a in ary
        counts[a+1] += 1
    ker = Int[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
        I(8) zeros(8)]
    sum(counts' * ker^days)

println("P1: $(f(ary, 80)), P2: $(f(ary, 256))")
let list_set l n x =
  List.init (List.length l) (fun i -> if i = n then x else List.nth l i)

let grow count =
  match count with [] -> raise (Failure "bad") |
        zero::rest -> (list_set rest 6 (List.nth rest 6 + zero)) @ [zero]

let rec grow_days count days =
  match days with
        0 -> count
      | _ -> grow_days (grow count) (days - 1)

let input_path = "../input6"
let days = 256
let fish = int_of_string (String.split_on_char ',' (input_line (open_in input_path)))
let count = List.fold_left (fun c f -> list_set c f (1 + List.nth c f)) (List.init 9 (fun _ -> 0)) fish
let end_count = grow_days count days
let total = List.fold_left (+) 0 end_count
import numpy as np

def parse_input(fname : str) -> np.ndarray:
    Parse input state
    initial_state = np.loadtxt(fname, delimiter=",")
    return initial_state

def step(fish_state : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    # 1. Check if fish reaches zero state
    mask = fish_state == 0

    # 2. Reset zeros to 7, add num of zeros to end with 9
    num_birth = np.sum(mask)
    fish_state[mask] = 7
    fish_state = np.hstack((fish_state, 9 * np.ones(num_birth)))

    # 3. Minus day
    fish_state -= 1
    return fish_state

def particle_methods(init_state : np.ndarray, num_days : int) -> int:
    Naive particle ways of getting answer
    state = init_state.copy().astype(int)
    for i in range(num_days):
        state = step(state)

    return len(state)

def binning_method(initial_state : np.ndarray, num_days : int) -> int:
    Count number of fish in each life cycle
    fish_bins = np.bincount(initial_state.astype(int), minlength=9)
    for i in range(num_days):
        fish_bins = np.roll(fish_bins, -1)
        fish_bins[6] += fish_bins[-1]
    return np.sum(fish_bins)

fname = "../input6"
state = parse_input(fname)

part1_days, part2_days = 80, 256
part1_ans = particle_methods(state.copy(), part1_days)
print(f"{part1_days} days of fish: {part1_ans}")

part2_ans = binning_method(state.copy(), part2_days)
print(f"{part2_days} days of fish: {part2_ans}")

Day 7

const ints = parse.(Int, split(readline("../input7"), ',')) |> sort
println("p1: ", sum(abs, ints .- ints[end÷2]) |> Int)

cost(x) = sum(1:abs(x))
println("p2: ", minimum(sum(cost, ints .- idx) for idx in 0:maximum(ints)))
let get2fuel x y =
  let d = abs (x - y) in
  (1 + d) * d / 2

(* part 1 is getting median *)
let input_path = "./input7"
let crabs = List.sort compare ( int_of_string (String.split_on_char ',' (input_line (open_in input_path))))
let middle = (List.length crabs) / 2
let middle_fuel = List.fold_left (fun total crab -> total + abs (crab - List.nth crabs middle)) 0 crabs

(* part 2 is brute force search *)
let fuels2 = List.hd (List.sort compare ( (fun pos -> List.fold_left (fun fuel crab -> fuel + get2fuel crab pos) 0 crabs) (List.init (List.nth crabs (List.length crabs - 1)) (fun i -> i + List.hd crabs))))
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Callable
from numbers import Number

def cost_p1(crab_loc : np.ndarray, loc : float) -> float:
    return np.sum(np.abs(crab_loc - loc))

def cost_p2(crab_loc : np.ndarray, loc : Any) -> float:
    if isinstance(loc, Number):
        loc = np.array([loc])
    diff = np.abs(crab_loc[:, np.newaxis] - loc[np.newaxis, :])
    return np.sum((1 + diff) * diff / 2, axis=0)

def grad_p1(crab_loc : np.ndarray, soln : float) -> float:
    return np.mean(np.sign(crab_loc - soln))

def min_hori_dist(crab_loc : np.ndarray, grad_fn : Callable) -> float:
    Momentum to account for L1 non-differentiability :)

    cont_soln = np.mean(crab_loc) # L2 solution 
    grad = 0
    last_grad = 0
    gamma = 0.9

    max_iter = 1000
    for i in range(max_iter):
        curr_grad = grad_fn(crab_loc, cont_soln)
        grad = grad * gamma + curr_grad
        cont_soln = cont_soln + grad

        if i > 50:
            # Early Termination
            if np.sign(last_grad) != np.sign(grad):
        last_grad = grad

    return np.round(cont_soln)

def part2(crab_loc : np.ndarray) -> float:
    min_d = np.mean(crab_loc) # Exact solution, since it's a L2 cost now
    d = np.array([np.ceil(min_d), np.floor(min_d)])
    return np.min(cost_p2(crab_loc, d))

fname = "../input7"
crab_loc = np.loadtxt(fname, delimiter=",")
min_loc = min_hori_dist(crab_loc, grad_p1)
print(f"Part1 index: {min_loc}, cost: {cost_p1(crab_loc, 362)}")
print(f"Part2 cost: {part2(crab_loc)}")

Day 8

const lines = split.(readlines("../input8"), r" \| | ")

# part 1
p1 = sum(lines) do line
    sum(x -> length(x)(2,4,3,7), line[end-3:end])
println("P1: ", p1)

# part 2
# one-liner
println(sum(parse.(Int,["4725360918"[[sum([L...].r)÷2%15%11+1 for r in split(R)]] 
for (L,R) in split.(readlines("../input8"),'|')])))

# you can read this off from the standard segments pattern
standard_patterns = ["abcefg", "cf", "acdeg", "acdfg", "bcdf", 
    "abdfg", "abdefg", "acf", "abcdefg", "abcdfg"]

# make a scoremap for how many times each segments show up in 0-9 pattern
scoremap = Dict(x => sum(==(x), standard_patterns |> join) for x in 'a':'g')

# each pattern can be uniquely determined by summing the lit segments' score
# here we make a standard score look up table with known segments mapping
const standards = map(standard_patterns) do s
    sum(scoremap[c] for c in s)

function disam(patterns, output)
    # make score for each new set of patterns
    _scores = Dict(x => sum(==(x), patterns |> join) for x in 'a':'g')
    # get the sum of segments for the four output digits
    _digits = map(output) do s
        sum(_scores[c] for c in s)
    # look up corresponding digits in the standard pattern (by index)
    # offset by one because 0/1 indexing...
    [findfirst(==(x), standards) - 1 for x in _digits]

p2 = sum(lines) do line
    patterns = line[1:10]
    output = line[11:end]
    res = disam(patterns, output)
    evalpoly(10, reverse(res))
from typing import Dict, List
import numpy as np

num_segment = {
    0 : 6,
    1 : 2,
    2 : 5,
    3 : 5,
    4 : 4,
    5 : 5,
    6 : 6,
    7 : 3,
    8 : 7,
    9 : 6

def sort_str(in_str  : str) -> str:
    return "".join(sorted(in_str))

def gen_decode_map(in_str : str) -> Dict:
    entries = in_str.split(" ")
    sorted_entry = sorted(entries, key=len)
    one = sort_str(sorted_entry[0])
    four = sort_str(sorted_entry[2])
    ret_entry = dict()
    ret_entry[one] = 1
    ret_entry[four] = 4
    ret_entry[sort_str(sorted_entry[1])] = 7
    ret_entry[sort_str(sorted_entry[-1])] = 8
    # Of length 6
    six_char_cand = [sort_str(sorted_entry[-2]),
                     sort_str(sorted_entry[-3]), sort_str(sorted_entry[-4])]
    mask = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    nine_str = None
    for idx, i in enumerate(six_char_cand):
        if (four[0] in i) and (four[1] in i) and (four[2] in i) and (four[3] in i):
            ret_entry[i] = 9
            nine_str = i
            mask[idx] = 1
        if (one[0] in i) and (one[1] in i) and i not in ret_entry:
            ret_entry[i] = 0
            mask[idx] = 1
    ret_entry[six_char_cand[np.argmin(mask)]] = 6

    five_char_cand = [sort_str(sorted_entry[3]),
                     sort_str(sorted_entry[4]), sort_str(sorted_entry[5])]
    for idx, c in enumerate(five_char_cand):
        if (one[0] in c) and (one[1] in c):
            ret_entry[c] = 3
        five_in_nine = True
        for s in c:
            five_in_nine = five_in_nine and (s in nine_str)
        if five_in_nine:
            ret_entry[c] = 5

        ret_entry[c] = 2

    return ret_entry

def decode_str(in_str : str, decode_map : Dict[str, int]) -> int:
        are you happy with one liners :)
    nums = [int(decode_map[sort_str(s)]) * (10 ** (3 - i)) for i, s in enumerate(in_str.split(" "))]
    return np.sum(nums)

def count_unique_nums(input: List[str]) -> int:
    unique_set = {2, 4, 3, 7}
    ret_num = 0
    for line in input:
        out_str = line.split(" ")
        k = [len(digit) in unique_set for digit in out_str]
        ret_num += np.sum(np.array(k))
    return ret_num
def main(fname : str = "../input8"):

    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        line = f.readlines()

    part1_lines = [l.strip().split(" | ")[1] for l in line]

    print(f"P1: {count_unique_nums(part1_lines)}")

    part2_lines = [l.strip().split(" | ")[0] for l in line]
    ret_val = 0
    for idx, p2 in enumerate(part2_lines):
        decode_map = gen_decode_map(p2)
        num = decode_str(part1_lines[idx], decode_map)
        ret_val += num
    print(f"P2: {ret_val}")
if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 9

const CI = CartesianIndex
const neighbors(coor) = [coor + c for c in (CI(0,1), CI(0,-1), CI(1,0), CI(-1,0))]
const M = fill(9, 102, 102)
M[2:101, 2:101] = mapreduce(x->parse.(Int, collect(x))', vcat, readlines("../input9"))

function walk(M, coor)
    size = 0
    todo = Set((coor, ))
    done = Set{CI}()
    while !isempty(todo)
        size += 1
        p = pop!(todo)
        push!(done, p)
        candidates = neighbors(p)
        for s in candidates
            sdone && M[s]<9 && (push!(todo, s))
    return size

# part 1 + 2
let p1=0; p2=Int[]
    for coor in CartesianIndices((2:101, 2:101))
        ns = neighbors(coor)
        if all(>(M[coor]), M[ns]) 
            p1 += M[coor]+1
            push!(p2, walk(M, coor))
    println(*(sort(p2)[end-2:end]...) |> sum)
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN # :)

def parse_input(fname : str) -> np.ndarray:
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    ret_mat = np.zeros((len(lines), len(lines[0]) - 1))
    for row, l in enumerate(lines):
        l = l.strip()
        for col, k in enumerate(l):
            ret_mat[row, col] = int(k)

    return ret_mat

def find_low_point(map_2d : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    hori_diff = np.diff(map_2d, axis=1)
    vert_diff = np.diff(map_2d, axis=0)

    saddle_map = np.ones_like(map_2d, dtype=bool)
    saddle_map[:, :-1] = hori_diff > 0
    saddle_map[:, 1:] = np.logical_and(saddle_map[:, 1:], hori_diff < 0)

    saddle_map[:-1, :] = np.logical_and(saddle_map[:-1, :], vert_diff > 0)
    saddle_map[1:, :] = np.logical_and(saddle_map[1:, :], vert_diff < 0)

    return saddle_map

def part1_sum(locations : Tuple[np.ndarray], map_2d : np.ndarray) -> float:
    return np.sum(map_2d[locations]) + len(locations[0])

def part2_cluster(map_2d : np.ndarray, largest_n : int = 3) -> float:
    map_2d[map_2d == 0] = 1
    map_2d[map_2d == 9] = 0
    coords = np.vstack(np.nonzero(map_2d)).T

    db = DBSCAN(eps=1.1, min_samples=3).fit(coords)
    alter = np.histogram(db.labels_, np.unique(db.labels_))[0]
    return np.sort(alter)[-largest_n:]

def main():
    fname = "../input9"
    map_2d = parse_input(fname)
    saddle_map = find_low_point(map_2d)
    print(f"part1: {part1_sum(np.nonzero(saddle_map),map_2d)}")
    val = part2_cluster(map_2d, 3)
    print(f"Part2: {}")
if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 10

function checker(line, part2)
    res1 = res2 = 0
    match = Dict('(' => ')', '[' => ']', '{' => '}', '<' => '>')
    smap =  Dict('(' => 1,   '[' => 2,   '{' => 3,   '<' => 4,
                 ')' => 3,   ']' => 57,  '}' => 1197,'>' => 25137)
    stack = Char[]
    for t in line
        if t  "([{<"
            push!(stack, t)
        elseif t == match[last(stack)]
            res1 = smap[t]
            @goto corrupted
    foreach(reverse(stack)) do r
        res2 *= 5
        res2 += smap[r]
    push!(part2, res2)
    @label corrupted

const p2 = Int[]
const ls = readlines("../input10")
L(l) = checker(l, p2)
println("P1: ", sum(L, ls))
println("P2: ", sort(p2)[end ÷ 2 + 1])
@time sum(L, ls)
@time sort(p2)[end ÷ 2 + 1]
from typing import List
import numpy as np

def isValid(s : str) -> bool:
    correspondence = {
        "(" : ")",
        "[" : "]",
        "{" : "}",
        "<" : ">"

    left = {

    score = {
        ")" : 3,
        "]" : 57,
        "}" : 1197,
        ">" : 25137

    book_keeping = list()

    for idx, char in enumerate(s):
        if char in left:
            if len(book_keeping) == 0:
                return score[char], book_keeping
            val = book_keeping.pop()
            if correspondence[val] != char:
                return score[char], book_keeping
    return 0, book_keeping

def reconstruct(l_c : List[str]) -> str:
    correspondence = {
        "(" : ")",
        "[" : "]",
        "{" : "}",
        "<" : ">"

    score = {
        ")" : 1,
        "]" : 2,
        "}" : 3,
        ">" : 4

    ret_str = 0
    for s in reversed(l_c):
        ret_str = ret_str * 5 + score[correspondence[s]]
    return ret_str

def part1(fname : str) -> int:
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    syn_err = 0
    for l in lines:
        syn_err += isValid(l.strip())[0]
    return syn_err

def part2(fname : str) -> int:
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    v = np.zeros(0)
    for l in lines:
        res = isValid(l.strip())
        remaining_str = res[1]
        if res[0] <= 0:
            score = reconstruct(remaining_str)
            v = np.concatenate((v, [score]))
    return v

def main():
    fname = "../myinput10"
    syn_err = part1(fname)
    print(f"Part1: {syn_err}")
    val = part2(fname)
    sorted_val = np.sort(val)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 11

CI = CartesianIndex
const M = mapreduce(l->parse.(Int, collect(l))', vcat, eachline("../input11"))
const M2 = copy(M)

const adj = setdiff(CI(-1,-1):CI(1,1), (CI(0,0), ))
flash!(M, CM, c) = [M[c+a]+=1 for a in adj if c+a  CM]

function step!(M)
    CM = CartesianIndices(M)
    M .+= 1
    @label again
    for c in CM
        (M[c] > 20 || M[c] < 10) && continue
        M[c] = 30
        flash!(M, CM, c)
        @goto again
    M[M .> 9] .= 0
    sum(iszero, M)

println("p1: ", sum(x->step!(M), 1:100))
println("p2: ", findfirst(x->step!(M2)==100, 1:1000))

Day 12

const pairs = [=>(split(x, '-')...) for x in eachline("../input12")]

function islegal(name, path, twice)
    name == "start" && return false
    if name  path || all(isuppercase, name)
        return true
    elseif twice[]
        twice[] = false
        return true
    return false

function explore(path=["start"]; res=[0], twice=[false])
    here = last(path)
    if here == "end" 
        res[] += 1
        return res[]
    for p in pairs
        t1 = copy(twice); t2 = copy(twice)
        p[1] == here && islegal(p[2], path, t1) && explore([path; p[2]]; res, twice=t1)
        p[2] == here && islegal(p[1], path, t2) && explore([path; p[1]]; res, twice=t2)

println("P1 :", explore())
println("P2 :", explore(twice=[true]))

Day 13

using SparseArrays

raw_p, raw_i = strip.(split(read("../input13", String), "\n\n"))
points = [parse.(Int, (y,x)) .+ 1 for (x,y) in split.(split(raw_p, "\n"), ",")]
instructions = split(raw_i, "\n")

let M = sparse(first.(points), last.(points), true)
    for (i, line) in enumerate(instructions)
        @show size(M)
        M = if contains(line, "y=")
            M[1:end÷2, :] .|| M[end:-1:end÷2+2, :]
            M[:, 1:end÷2] .|| M[:, end:-1:end÷2+2]
        i == 1 && println("P1: ", sum(!iszero, M))

Day 14

raw_t, _, raw_rules... = readlines("../input14")
const rules = Dict(=>(x...) for x in split.(raw_rules, " -> "))
add!(dict, key, val) = dict[key] = val + get(dict, key, 0)

let polymer = Dict("$x"=>count(==(x), raw_t) for x in raw_t)
    local atoms
    temp = Dict(k=>0 for k in keys(polymer))
    for i in 1:lastindex(raw_t)-1 # initial pairs
        polymer[raw_t[i:i+1]] = 1
    # Part 1 + 2
    for i = 1:40
        map!(zero, values(temp)) # clear buffer
        for (pair, insertion) in rules
            left, right = pair[1]*insertion, insertion*pair[2]
            Npair = get(polymer, pair, 0)
            add!.(Ref(temp), (left, insertion, right), Npair)
            add!(temp, pair, -Npair) # breaking pairs
        add!.(Ref(polymer), keys(temp), values(temp)) # use buffer
        atoms = sort([v for (k,v) in polymer if length(k) == 1])
        i == 10 && println("P1: ", last(atoms) - first(atoms))
    println("P2: ", last(atoms) - first(atoms))

Day 15

const M = parse.(Int, mapreduce(collect, hcat, eachline("../input15")))
const M2 = hvncat((5,5), false, [@. mod1(M+i+j, 9) for i=0:4, j=0:4]...)
const CI = CartesianIndex
const adjs = Tuple(CI(x) for x in ((0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0)))

function main(M)
    CM = CartesianIndices(M)
    Q = [0=>CI(1,1)]
    tot_risks = fill(typemax(Int), size(M))
    while true
        risk, here = pop!(Q)
        tot_risks[here] <= risk && continue # not a better route
        tot_risks[here] = risk
        here == last(CM) && return risk # reached goal

        for a in adjs
            (ne = here+a)  CM && continue
            s = risk + M[ne] => ne
            i = searchsortedfirst(Q, s; rev=true)
            insert!(Q, i, s)
println("P1: ", main(M))
println("P2: ", main(M2))
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from numpy import ravel_multi_index as ep
import heapq

def parse_input(fname : str) -> np.ndarray:
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    ret_mat = np.zeros((len(lines), len(lines[0]) - 1))
    for row, l in enumerate(lines):
        l = l.strip()
        for col, k in enumerate(l):
            ret_mat[row, col] = int(k)

    return ret_mat

def default_val():
    return np.Infinity

def manhattan_dist(x : int, map_2d : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    mp_s = map_2d.shape
    end = np.array(mp_s) - 1

    x = np.unravel_index(x, mp_s)
    return np.sum(np.abs(x - end))

def reconstruct_path(came_from : dict, current_node : int, map_2d : np.ndarray) -> float:
    start = np.zeros(2, dtype=int)
    start_ravel_idx = ep(start, map_2d.shape)

    path = [current_node]
    while path[-1] != start_ravel_idx:
    return np.array(path)

def get_neighbor(ravel_idx : int, map_2d : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Returns (4,)
    map_coords = np.array(np.unravel_index(ravel_idx, map_2d.shape))

    neighbors = np.zeros(0)
    if map_coords[0] > 0:
        up_neighbor = map_coords.copy()
        up_neighbor[0] -= 1

        neighbors = np.concatenate([neighbors, [ep(up_neighbor, map_2d.shape)]])

    if map_coords[0] < map_2d.shape[0] - 1:
        up_neighbor = map_coords.copy()
        up_neighbor[0] += 1

        neighbors = np.concatenate([neighbors, [ep(up_neighbor, map_2d.shape)]])
    if map_coords[1] > 0:
        up_neighbor = map_coords.copy()
        up_neighbor[1] -= 1

        neighbors = np.concatenate([neighbors, [ep(up_neighbor, map_2d.shape)]])
    if map_coords[1] < map_2d.shape[1] - 1:
        up_neighbor = map_coords.copy()
        up_neighbor[1] += 1

        neighbors = np.concatenate([neighbors, [ep(up_neighbor, map_2d.shape)]])
    return neighbors.astype(int)

def a_star(map_2d : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    start = np.zeros(2, dtype=int)
    mp_s = map_2d.shape
    end = np.array(mp_s).astype(int) - 1
    start_ravel_idx = ep(start, mp_s)
    end_ravel_idx = ep(end, mp_s)

    open_set = [(map_2d[start], start_ravel_idx)]

    came_from = dict()
    gScore = defaultdict(default_val)
    gScore[start_ravel_idx] = 0

    fScore = defaultdict(default_val)
    fScore[start_ravel_idx] = manhattan_dist(start_ravel_idx, map_2d)

    while len(open_set) > 0:
        (_, node_ravel_idx) = heapq.heappop(open_set)
        if node_ravel_idx == end_ravel_idx:
            return reconstruct_path(came_from, node_ravel_idx, map_2d)

        for neighbor in get_neighbor(node_ravel_idx, map_2d):
            tentative_gScore = gScore[node_ravel_idx] + map_2d[np.unravel_index(neighbor, map_2d.shape)]

            if tentative_gScore < gScore[neighbor]:
                came_from[neighbor] = node_ravel_idx
                gScore[neighbor] = tentative_gScore
                fScore[neighbor] = tentative_gScore + manhattan_dist(neighbor, map_2d)

                # TODO: O(n) look up, should fix with a parallel map look up
                # print(open_set)
                # if neighbor not in open_set:
                if not any(neighbor == i[1] for i in open_set):
                    heapq.heappush(open_set, (fScore[neighbor], neighbor))

    raise Exception("No Path Found")
def generate_big_map(map_2d : np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    (r, c) = map_2d.shape
    big_map = np.zeros((5 * r, 5 * c))

    increment_map2d = map_2d.copy()
    big_map[:r, :c] = map_2d
    for i in range(1, 5):
        increment_map2d += 1
        increment_map2d[increment_map2d == 10] = 1
        big_map[:r, i * c : (i + 1) * c] = increment_map2d

    increment_map2d = big_map[:r, :].copy()
    for i in range(1, 5):
        increment_map2d += 1
        increment_map2d[increment_map2d == 10] = 1
        big_map[i * r : (i + 1) * r, :] = increment_map2d

    return big_map

def test_map_gen(small_map : str, big_map : str) -> bool:
    small_map = parse_input(small_map)

    big_map = parse_input(big_map)

    gen_map = generate_big_map(small_map)

    return np.allclose(big_map, gen_map)

def main():
    fname = "../myinput15"
    map2d = parse_input(fname)

    # Part 1
    result = a_star(map2d)
    path = np.unravel_index(result, map2d.shape)
    # It seems it doesn't want the starting point's cost
    print(f"P1: {np.sum(map2d[path]) - map2d[0, 0]}")

    # Part 2:
    # Generate Map
    big_map = generate_big_map(map2d)

    result = a_star(big_map)
    path = np.unravel_index(result, big_map.shape)
    print(f"P2: {np.sum(big_map[path]) - big_map[0, 0]}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30


Advent of Code 2021


Language:Python 47.1%Language:OCaml 27.7%Language:Julia 23.4%Language:C++ 1.8%