Crylion / typedoc-umlclass

Plugin for TypeDoc that generates UML class diagrams

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Plugin for TypeDoc that generates UML class diagrams


TypeDoc automatically detects plugins installed via npm. After installation TypeDoc can be used normally and this plugin is going to create a UML class diagram for every class and interface within your project.


Example default style


The plugin can then be installed using npm:

$ npm install --save-dev typedoc-umlclass


The plugin requires the following software to be installed on your system:

  • JAVA (latest version)
  • Graphviz (latest version)
  • TypeDoc (supported versions: 0.23.x and 0.24.x)

Version 0.23.x of TypeDoc automatically detects plugins installed via npm. If you are using version 0.24.x of TypeDoc you need to activate the plugin with a command line argument.

After installation TypeDoc can be used normally and you can configure this plugin as described below.


The option umlClassDiagram is added to TypeDoc when the plugin is installed. The option is an object whose properties can be used to configure the plugin within your TypeDoc JSON option file. For example:

    "entryPoints": ["./src/index.ts"],
    "out": "doc",
    "umlClassDiagram": {
        "type": "detailed",
        "location": "local",
        "format": "svg"

Basic settings

Name & Format Description Default
type <none|simple|detailed> You can use this option to disable the plugin by passing the value none. Otherwise a class diagram is generated for every class and interface that is involved in inheritance and/or implementation. The class diagram includes one level of base and sub classes. Use the value simple to only render the name of the class or interface. Use the value detailed to also render properties and methods. detailed
location <local|remote|embed> Specifies the location of the generated images. If local then local image files are created in the assets directory of the generated documentation. If remote then the image tag uses an encoded link to a PlantUML web server that you can specify using the remoteBaseUrl option. If embed then the image is directly embedded into the HTML as a base64 encoded string. local
remoteBaseUrl <string> Specifies the base URL that is used when generating remote image URLs. An example image URL is from which is the base URL. You can use this option if you are running your own PlantUML PicoWeb Server.
format <png|svg> Specifies the format the generated images should have. You can choose between png and svg. svg

HTML output

Name & Format Description Default
sectionTitle <string> Specifies the title of the section on the TypeDoc page which includes the class diagram. Hierarchy-Diagram
position <above|below> Specifies if the class diagram should be inserted above or below the default hierarchy section on the TypeDoc page. above
legendType <none|only-included|full> Use this option to add a legend below each class diagram explaining the icons (eg: visibility of properties and methods) used in it. If full every legend contains every possible icon in a class diagram. If only-included every legend contains only the icons that are included in the class diagram. only-included

Class diagram formating

Name & Format Description Default
methodParameterOutput <none|only-names|only-types|complete> Specifies how method parameters should be included in the class diagram. Use none to completely omit parameters, only-names to include only parameter names, only-types to include only parameter types and complete to include names and types. complete
memberOrder <abc|public-to-private|private-to-public> Specifies the order of properties and methods within the boxes in the class diagram. Use abc to sort them alphabetically, public-to-private to have public properties/methods before protected and private ones or private-to-public to have private properties/methods before protected and public ones. public-to-private
hideEmptyMembers <true|false> If this option is set to true properties and methods are hidden if they are empty. true
topDownLayoutMaxSiblings <integer> Specifies the maximum number of allowed siblings above (extended types and implemented interfaces) and below (extending types and implementing interfaces) the current type. If this number is exceeded the PlantUML layout is switched from top/down to left/right to allow a better readability of the resulting class diagram. 6
visibilityStyle <text|icon> Specifies how the visibility (private, protected or public) of class members (properties and methods) should be rendered in the class diagrams. icon
hideCircledChar <true|false> If this option is set to true the circled char in front of class and interface names is omitted. false
hideShadow <true|false> If this option is set to true the shadowing in the class diagrams is disabled. false
backgroundColor <transparent|#RGBHEX> Specifies the color used for the background of all class diagrams. transparent
boxBackgroundColor <transparent|#RGBHEX> Specifies the background color of the boxes within the class diagram. PlantUML default value
boxBorderColor <transparent|#RGBHEX> Specifies the border color of the boxes within the class diagram. PlantUML default value
boxBorderRadius <integer> Specifies the border radius of the boxes within the class diagram. Unit is pixel. 0
boxBorderWidth <integer> Specifies the border width of the boxes within the class diagram. Unit is pixel. PlantUML default value
arrowColor <transparent|#RGBHEX> Specifies the color of the arrows within the class diagram. PlantUML default value
classFontName <font-name> Specifies the name of the font used for the class names within the class diagram. The PlantUML site remarks: Please note the fontname is highly system dependent, so do not over use it, if you look for portability. Helvetica and Courier should be available on all system. PlantUML default value
classFontSize <integer> Specifies the font size of the class names within the class diagram. Unit is pixel. PlantUML default value
classFontStyle <normal|plain|italic|bold> Specifies the style of the font used for the class names within the class diagram. PlantUML default value
classFontColor <transparent|#RGBHEX> Specifies the color of the class names within the class diagram. PlantUML default value
attributeFontName <font-name> Specifies the name of the font used for class attributes within the class diagram. The PlantUML site remarks: Please note the fontname is highly system dependent, so do not over use it, if you look for portability. Helvetica and Courier should be available on all system. PlantUML default value
attributeFontSize <integer> Specifies the font size of the class attributes within the class diagram. Unit is pixel. PlantUML default value
attributeFontStyle <normal|plain|italic|bold> Specifies the style of the font used for the class attributes within the class diagram. PlantUML default value
attributeFontColor <transparent|#RGBHEX> Specifies the color of the class attributes within the class diagram. PlantUML default value

Other settings

Name & Format Description Default
generatorProcessCount <integer> Generating many diagrams can take several minutes. You can use this option to define how many PlantUML JAVA processes should be used to generate the diagrams. The work is evenly scheduled among these processes. The number of virtual cores available on your system.
hideProgressBar <true|false> Since generating many diagrams can take several minutes the plugin displays a progress bar when the diagrams are created as local files or embedded into the HTML. No progress bar is displayed when generating remote URLs. If other plugins also output information to the console then the progress bar can disturb that output. If this is the case you can disable the progress bar of this plugin using the value true. false
createPlantUmlFiles <true|false> If this option is set to true the plugin creates a text file for every class or interface for which a class diagram is generated. The file contains the PlantUML code that was used to create the diagram. The files are stored in the assets directory of the generated documentation. false
verboseOutput <true|false> If this option is set to true the plugin outputs messages to the console during its work. Use this option to debug possible plugin issues. false


Please report bugs here. Thanks for your contribution!


I would like to thank the following people that influenced this project:

  • Meir Gottlieb for his typedoc-plantuml plugin of which this plugin first was a fork of.
  • Michael K for his (unfinished) extension/fork to that plugin which gave me some insights into TypeDoc renderer events.
  • Gerrit Birkeland for his help on questions about TypeDoc.
  • Youssef Boujraf for his impulse to create a separate plugin and help with testing it.


If you find this piece of software helpful, please consider a donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated.



Licensed under ISC.


Plugin for TypeDoc that generates UML class diagrams

License:ISC License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%