CristianViorelPopa / topic-labeling-research

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • the process of getting the labels for a topic consists of 2 steps:
    • candidate generation, where a certain number candidate labels (before, 19, right now, 100) are selected based on doc2vec and word2vec similarity
    • supervised/unsupervised ranking of the candidate labels
  • statistics about the number of common candidate labels between initial and tweaked version (100 candidates each):
    • min: 16
    • max: 92
    • mean: 57.42
    • stddev: 17.97
  • the files in the 'interesting_cases' directory have txt files that showcase some topics where the labeling results vary a lot between different versions
    • each version name is described below ('Versions' section)
    • the format for comparison is:
      • 1st row: top 10 topic terms
      • 2nd row: top 10 topic labels 1st version
      • 3rd row: top 10 topic labels 2nd version
    • comparison order is based on the filename, e.g. in 'interesting_cases_before_19_vs_before.txt' the 1st version is 'before_19', while the 2nd version is 'before'
    • cases are conveniently partitioned in 'good', 'neutral' or 'bad' based on the performance of the 2nd version compared to 1st

Corpus components

  • csv: contains only the top-N (currently, 10) topic terms, no order
  • json: contains the top-N (currently, 100) topic terms and their respective probabilities in the topic model

Corpus versions

  • initial: LDA output is 10-topic terms csv and 10-topic terms json; topic coherence was used from the beginnning (coherence threshold: 0.25) --> NOT currently tested on
  • new: LDA output is 10-topic terms csv and 100-topic terms json; as soon as this was used, then the number of candidate labels was raised to 100, instead of 19 (coherence threshold: 0.25)
  • new-0.4: LDA output is 10-topic terms csv and 100-topic terms json; number of candidate labels is 100 (coherence threshold: 0.4) --> NOT currently tested on


  • before: no prob-based ranking on the candidate generation or unsupervised labeling
  • before-19: same as 'before', but uses only the first 19 candidates (for ranking purposes)
  • after: prob-based ranking for both the candidate generation and unsupervised ranking --> NOT currently logged, bad labels that were way too focused on the first few terms
  • after-experimental: same as 'after', but the first 5 topic terms in each topic have their probs equalized (during the candidate generation)
  • prob-based-ranking: initial candidate generation, prob-based unsupervised ranking
  • prob-based-cand-gen: prob-based candidate generation, initial unsupervised ranking

Prob-based Ranking

  • unsupervised
    • tri-grams of the topic terms are computed with probs of the word instead of raw occurences
    • score of the labels is weighted by the number of times they are found as candidates for other topics (to aid discrimination)
  • supervised
    • tri-grams of the topic terms are computed with probs of the word instead of raw occurences
    • rest of the features are not modified
