Crinklewott / dotemacs

Modifications to make Archenoth-config a little cuter!

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Crinkly Friend’s Emacs modifications

This is a couple of updates to my main dotemacs repo, mostly for visual updates that assume you have compiled Emacs with Emacs bgex.


To do this, I recommend:

  1. Cloning this emacs mirror
  2. Checking out the latest release tag that has a patch in the Emacs bgex repo
  3. Downloading said patch and applying it with patch -p1 < patch-bgex_<The release>
  4. Compiling emacs and sudo make install-ing it
  5. Following the instructions on my main config
  6. Clone this repo into .emacs.d with git clone ~/.emacs.d/Crinkly-config
  7. Put bgex.el into the same folder as this file
  8. Add the following code block to your .emacs (You can tangle it too if you’re cool with it being overwritten)
(require 'ob-tangle)
(org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/dotemacs/")
(org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/Crinkly-config/")

Included with this repo is a AyaseHex.xpm file made for 1366x768 screens, and a AyaseHex.xcf file to let you make bigger ones! (Up to 1080p)


Modifications to make Archenoth-config a little cuter!