CrescentKohana / Zeniire

A high performance server application for keeping track of a coin wallet balance. REST and gRPC APIs included. Written in Go utilizing Protocol Buffers.

Repository from Github https://github.comCrescentKohana/ZeniireRepository from Github https://github.comCrescentKohana/Zeniire


A high performance server application for keeping track of a coin wallet balance. REST and gRPC APIs included. Written in Go utilizing Protocol Buffers. The name, Zeniire, comes from the old Japanese word (銭ε…₯γ‚Œ) for "purse". Also this is a practice project.

πŸ“Œ Features

  • Create new records of wallet balance either through gRPC or REST API.
  • Read the records of the wallet by specifing a datetime range.
  • Automatic deployment with docker-compose
  • Database migrations
  • TLS for gRPC


  • Proper user authentication system (e.g. with JWT)
  • More testing
  • Automatic benchmarks

πŸ’¨ Benchmarks


  • Install go-wrk go install
  • Fill the database with data (e.g. with using test_data.sql)
  • Run the service
  • Run the commands in the results section


  • AMD Ryzen 9 6900HS
  • 32GB 4800MHz
  • Western Digital SN735 NVMe PCIe Gen3 x4
  • 1 000 000 records in the PSQL DB
  • 100 concurrent connections (-d 100)

Command go-wrk -c 100 -d 10 http://localhost:3333/?limit=10

Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3333/?limit=10
  100 goroutine(s) running concurrently
157462 requests in 9.948994505s, 31.23MB read
Requests/sec:           15826.93
Transfer/sec:           3.14MB
Avg Req Time:           6.318346ms
Fastest Request:        0s
Slowest Request:        258.9788ms
Number of Errors:       0

Command go-wrk -c 100 -d 10 http://localhost:3333/?limit=10000

Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3333/?limit=10000
  100 goroutine(s) running concurrently
156117 requests in 10.089704292s, 30.97MB read
Requests/sec:           15472.90
Transfer/sec:           3.07MB
Avg Req Time:           6.462911ms
Fastest Request:        0s
Slowest Request:        299.4244ms
Number of Errors:       0


A high performance server application for keeping track of a coin wallet balance. REST and gRPC APIs included. Written in Go utilizing Protocol Buffers.

License:zlib License


Language:Go 91.4%Language:Shell 8.6%