CreepNT / RivetDB

Database for Rivet bot. Contents of this repository is available under Public Domain, or MIT License, whichever you prefer.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Databases for the Rivet bot

rivetdb.json contains a hexadecimal -> facility + name + description mapping

short_codes.json contains a short code -> hexadecimal mapping

Contributing to the error codes database

To have a coherent database, you must follow certain guidelines when contributing to the database. When submitting a Pull Request, indicate which error code names and/or descriptions, if any, are official names/descriptions. Official names will always be kept as-is, while official descriptions may have to be reworked.

Non-official error codes should respect the following rules:

  • Names always begins with SCE_xxx_ERROR_
    • Replace xxx with either:
      • Facility name if clearly identified (i.e. RUDP)
      • Sub-facility name for multi-purpose facilities (i.e.VSH or CODEC facilities)
      • Module name, in capital letters, with extension and leading Sce stripped if necessary (i.e. lib_dyld.suprx -> LIB_DYLD)
  • Rest of the name is a short description of the error
    • Non-trivial errors can have a longer name, but try to keep it as short as possible
    • You can also provide no name, and just a description of the error. In such cases, set the "name" key to Unknown error name (0xXXXX) where XXXX is the low 16-bits of the error code
      • (0x80020004 -> Unknown error name (0x0004))
  • Description of the error must:
    • Be a passive voice sentense
      • You provided an incorrect UID
      • The UID provided is incorrect
    • Start with the subject or its adjective(s)
      • The UID provided is incorrect
      • Incorrect UID has been provided
    • Leave out unnecessary words and grammatical constructs
      • Incorrect UID has been provided
      • Incorrect UID provided
    • Try to be consistent with the Sony descriptions
      • Check the KERNEL facility errors for reference
  • Description can contain additional information
    • Separate the error description and additional information with a -
      • Example: Not allowed to call this routine - generally a IsSceShell/IsRootApp/IsSIEApp check failure

Please check for grammatical and syntaxic errors - typos will not be allowed. An cleanup of the existing codes to respect those rules as much as possible is ongoing.

Contributing to the short error codes database

When submitting your Pull Request, please indicate where the error codes mapping came from.


Database for Rivet bot. Contents of this repository is available under Public Domain, or MIT License, whichever you prefer.