Welcome to Wonder Wander World, your go-to app for exploring and managing country information effortlessly. Whether you're curious about a specific country, want to create new country entries, or manage existing ones, we've got you covered!
The CountryForm
component is a crucial part of Wonder Wander World. It allows users to input a country code, query country information from an API, display the retrieved data, and create new country entries. The component features form fields for inputting a country code, buttons for querying and creating country data, and fields for displaying information like country code, name, language, and continent. It also includes functions for handling input changes, clearing input fields, querying country data from an API, and creating country data via a POST request using Axios.
The SideBar
component manages a sidebar navigation system with buttons for easy navigation. It includes a sidebar layout with a logo and navigation links for Home, Create Country, and Manage Country. Each navigation link is a button wrapped in a Link component from react-router-dom. The selectedButton
state is utilized to highlight the active button in the sidebar.
The SearchBar
component is a functional component that renders a search bar with an input field for searching countries and a button to trigger the search. The component also includes a list of continents that can be filtered by clicking on them.
The CountryManagementForm
component enables users to query, update, and modify country information through an API with error handling using SweetAlert. It features a form for querying country data based on a country code, displaying and modifying the information of the queried country, and options to clear the input fields or update the country data. The form includes input fields for country code, name, language, continent, capital, and currency. The component utilizes Axios for making API requests for querying and updating country data.
The Alert
component displays information about a country using SweetAlert2 pop-up and triggers a callback function to show more details when clicked.
The Countries
component fetches data about countries using Apollo Client, displays country information with images, and allows users to view details about each country. It is a React functional component that fetches data using Apollo Client, displays a list of countries with their information, and allows users to click on a country to view more details using SweetAlert. The component also includes a search bar component.
βββ πWonder.Wander.World
βββ .gitignore
βββ πapi-country
βββ .env
βββ πcontrollers
βββ Country.controller.js
βββ πgraphic
βββ .$base_de_datos.drawio.bkp
βββ .$base_de_datos.drawio.dtmp
βββ base_de_datos.drawio
βββ base_de_datos.jpg
βββ index.js
βββ πmodels
βββ Country.js
βββ package-lock.json
βββ package.json
βββ README.md
βββ package-lock.json
βββ package.json
βββ πpublic
βββ favicon.ico
βββ index.html
βββ logo192.png
βββ logo232.png
βββ logo512.png
βββ manifest.json
βββ Recurso 1WonderLogo3x.png
βββ Recurso 1WonderLogo4x.png
βββ robots.txt
βββ README.md
βββ πsrc
βββ App.css
βββ App.js
βββ App.test.js
βββ πcomponents
βββ πalert
βββ Alert.css
βββ Alert.js
βββ πcrudCountry
βββ CountryCreationForm.css
βββ CountryCreationForm.jsx
βββ CountryManagementForm.css
βββ CountryManagementForm.jsx
βββ πserchBar
βββ Continents.css
βββ Continents.jsx
βββ SearchBar.css
βββ SearchBar.jsx
βββ πsideBar
βββ Router.js
βββ SideBar.css
βββ SideBar.jsx
βββ πurls
βββ Countries.css
βββ Countries.jsx
βββ index.css
βββ index.js
βββ logo.svg
βββ reportWebVitals.js
βββ setupTests.js
βββ WonderLogo.svg
To get started with Wonder Wander World, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the
directory and create a.env
file with the necessary environment variables. (MONGODB_URL = mongodb+srv://admin:admin123@cluster0.pdl7x4a.mongodb.net/country?retryWrites=true&w=majority
) - Install dependencies by running
npm install
in both the root andapi-country
directories. - Start the development server by running
npm start
Once the development server is running, open your browser and go to the specified address to start using Wonder Wander World. Explore countries, manage country information, and enjoy a seamless user experience!