CrazyPython / just-role-tags

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Just Role Tags

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Beautiful role tags by and for developers.



Desktop Apps:

  1. Desktop/Mobile Apps: Embed ionicons.ttf and roboto-light.ttf on your computer/site/application.

    Web Apps: Embed ionicons.min.css* and roboto-light.css (Google Fonts).

  2. Download one of the SVGs.

  3. (optional) Edit the SVG code to use the role name of your choice.

If this was useful to you, star this repo!

* URL. Ionicons 3, the version used, is not known to be hosted on a major CDN. If you are running a production app, you should consider hosting it yourself.

Using the (cumbersome) Generator

  1. Find an Ionicon that you want to use.
  2. Copy the CSS escape into this tool and convert it to a character.
  3. Pop that character into the generator and type in the role name you desire
  4. Right Click > Inspect Element > Copy the generated SVG code


Uses Ionicons (MIT) and Roboto (Apache 2.0).


Simple and beautiful credits

License:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International