CraftAcademy / newsroom_api-april-2020

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Prefix for all requests >>> /api



get /articles
Can take any combination of location: "Sweden"/nil, category: "", page: 3 (if omitted = 1 ) Note that even though "local" and "current" are not article categories, they are valid in this context. Local will serve mixed category articles that all have the location provided, or if no location provided, serves a mix of articles without location set. Current serve as without argument, but will limit the responses to include only articles published in the last 24 hours. Articles are ordered and latest published items are served first. Items are sent in pages of 20 articles Each response will show which page it came from, and will return either next_page: page+1 if there is more content to load, or nil if there are no more articles to load with the used params. Each request will include articles belonging to your location, or with international relevance.

    "page": 1,
    "next_page: nil",
        "published_at":"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm",
        "location": "Sweden",
        "international": true
        "published_at":"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm",
        "location": "Sweden",
        "international": true


get /articles/:id :id exists in db gives a 200 response with body:

:body is restricted to 100 characters without user credentials for articles where :premium is true

  "article": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A title",
    "body": "The body",
    "published_at":"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm",
    "premium": false

:id does not exist in db gives a 404 with body:

  "message": "Article with id :id could not be found"


post /articles Requires authentication headers! Headers need to include the standard { uid: "", client: "", access_token: "", expiry: "", token_type: "Bearer" } with :title, :body, :image params (:category is available to set, or will default to "other"), gives 200 response with body:

  "id": :id,
  "message": "Article successfully created!"

To set location you need 'location': 'Sweden', and if you have that you may choose international true/false. If location is omitted international will default to true.

with :title,or :body params missing, gives 400 response with body:

  "message": "Title can't be blank"


  "message": "Body can't be blank"


  "message": "Category can't be blank"


  "message": "Image can't be blank"

or, with when trying to be set to an invalid location

  "message": ":location, not a valid location", 
  "errors": ['Should have a valid location'] 



get /admin/articles returns only unpublished articles (:published=false) to editors only created_at is based on db created_at

        "created_at":"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm"
        "created_at":"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm"


put /admin/articles/:id requires params: activity=="PUBLISH" and accepts :category and :premium. If :category is not a valid category or :premium not a boolean, an error will be returned.

{ message: "Article successfully published!"}, 200
No auth headers:
{ errors: ["You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."]}, 401
Auth headers for non-editor:
{ message: "You are not authorized }, 401
Bad id:
{ message: "Article not published: Couldn't find Article with 'id'=:id"}, 422
Bad params, example:
{ message: "Article not published: 'music' is not a valid category"}, 422


get /admin/articles/:id returns only unpublished articles, to editors only

    "id": 1,
    "title": "title1",
    "body": "body1 body1 body1 body1 body1",
    "image": "",
    "created_at":"YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm"

Trying to access an already published article or non-existing article gives error message:

    "message": "This article was already published"
    "message": "Couldn't find Article with 'id'=34534535"


All devise_token_auth endpoints are open, only sign in is tested for right now. post /auth/sign_in The login response also includes :role, which can be "user", "journalist", "editor".

   "role": "user"

with wrong password or email

    "success":false, "errors":["Invalid login credentials. Please try again."]


Subscription plan via Stripe

Stripe.plan :dns_subscription do |plan| = 'DNS Subscription'
  plan.amount = 50000
  plan.currency = 'usd'
  plan.interval = 'month'
  plan.interval_count = 12


post /api/subscriptions, params: { stripeToken: valid_token } Requires authentication headers!

200 response - { message: "Transaction was successful" }

422 responses

  • stripeToken not existing - { message: "Transaction was NOT successful. There was no token provided..." }
  • invoice not paid - { message: "Transaction was NOT successful. You got no money, fool!" }



Language:Ruby 99.7%Language:HTML 0.3%