The NISZSE gives people near complete control over their ISZ-3DS (ISZ-2016) Save-Data.
The New Ice Station Z Save Editor (NISZSE).
- Edit Health, Thirst, Hunger, and Battery Status's.
- Edit The Coordinates of Your Player.
- Attempt To Fix Save-Data.
- Edit Fitness Menu.
- Edit Current Clothes. (Normal + Hacked Clothes).
- Not an Advanced GUI. Uses Numpad Keys 0-8 To Navigate Menu's.
- Edits ALL Save-Data Within The Current Directory.
- Clothes Editing is Fully Supported Now.
- Fitness Menu + Day Editing is Fully Supported Now.
- Slot Editing Isn't Supported Yet.
- Slot Editor Update - Expected By: N/A.
- Parse your ISZ-SaveGames into a Human Readable Format (JavaScript Notation Format (JSON)).
- Visit the GitHub Page Here.
Why Isn't The Save-Editor Complete?
- In It's Current State, It is "finished". But it will have more updates, and Save-Editng Options as time goes on.
Why Are The Feature Updates Going To Take So Long?
- I'm A Single Developer, And these updates need to be throughly developed/tested so I can minimize the risk of Data Corruption.
When I Try To Edit Anything The Program Crashes. Why?
- Very commom problem with any Python-Based Save-Editor. But the most common solution is to get "permissions" to write to the file.
Any System Requirements?
- "Python 3.7+" is Required Along With a Standard x86 Intel or AMD Processor.
Any ARM-Processor Support?
- No Testing was done on Any ARM-Based Processors. So there is no guarantee that it will work.
How Do I Load .ISplg Plugins?
- Simply drag them into the same Directory as the "NISZSE (Save-Editor).bat" to use them in the NISZSE.