CourtneyGosselin / FamilySchedule

Android app to manage a family schedule

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Family Schedule application was created by Courtney Gosselin, Wasi Hassam, Anne Brecklinghaus, and London Taylor for our class Human and Computer Interaction (COSC341 @UBCO). The Family Schedule Application is a way for a family to keep track of each others activities in their daily lives and future plans. The first major task was how an individual can view thier schedule. The schedule can be viewed daily, weekly, or monthly. In the paper prototype the add event button was the near the top right, we moevd it to the bottom rihgt to give us more screen space and allow accessibility. We also chose to not implement the monthly view because it took up to much space. It was very wide and chunky. The second major task was how an individual edits these tasks. The event side images were removed becaused it was taking up a large portion of the side of the screen. The final major task was the parents approving childrens event additions to the calendar. No longer does a pop up to accept the childs request, instead the application has its own section where you can check for requests.

File Breakdown

ProjectStep1.pdf breaks down the user profile, usability criteria, and suer experience. COSC341ProjectStep3.pdf breaks down the family schedule application into three major tasks, a paper prototype, our intitial evaluation, and future modifications, as well as a video link. Finally we have COSC341ProjectStep4.pdf, this breaks it down into a description, three major tasks, a vertical prototype, a heuristic evaluation, our recommendations from these observations as well as future changes.


Android app to manage a family schedule