Cosmian / mse-lib-sgx

Library for MSE to bootstrap ASGI/WSGI application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MicroService Encryption Lib SGX


MSE lib SGX bootstraps the execution of an encrypted ASGI/WSGI Python web application for Gramine.

The library is responsible for:

  • Configuring the SSL certificates with either:
    • RA-TLS, a self-signed certificate including the Intel SGX quote in an X.509 v3 extension
    • Custom, the private key and full keychain is provided by the application owner
    • No SSL, the secure channel may be managed elsewhere by an SSL proxy
  • Decrypting Python modules encrypted with XSala20-Poly1305 AE
  • Running the ASGI/WSGI Python web application with hypercorn

Technical details

The flow to run an encrypted Python web application is the following:

  1. A first self-signed HTTPS server using RA-TLS is launched waiting to receive a JSON payload with:
    • UUID, a unique application identifier provided to mse-bootstrap as an argument
    • the decryption key of the code
    • Optionally the private key corresponding to the certificate provided to mse-bootstrap (for Custom certificate)
  2. If the UUID and decryption key are the expected one, the configuration server is stopped, the code is decrypted and finally run as a new server


$ pip install mse-lib-sgx


$ mse-bootstrap --help
usage: mse-bootstrap [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--subject SUBJECT] [--san SAN] --app-dir APP_DIR --id ID [--plaincode]
                     [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--version] [--debug]
                     (--ratls EXPIRATION_DATE | --no-ssl | --certificate CERTIFICATE_PATH)

Bootstrap ASGI/WSGI Python web application for Gramine

positional arguments:
  application           ASGI application path (as module:app)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST           hostname of the server
  --port PORT           port of the server
  --subject SUBJECT     Subject as RFC 4514 string for the RA-TLS certificate
  --san SAN             Subject Alternative Name in the RA-TLS certificate
  --app-dir APP_DIR     path of the python web application
  --id ID               identifier of the application as UUID in RFC 4122
  --plaincode           unencrypted python web application
  --timeout TIMEOUT     seconds before closing the configuration server
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --debug               debug mode with more logging
                        generate a self-signed certificate for RA-TLS with a specific expiration date (Unix time)
  --no-ssl              use HTTP without SSL
  --certificate CERTIFICATE_PATH
                        custom certificate used for the SSL connection, private key must be sent through the configuration server


Library for MSE to bootstrap ASGI/WSGI application


Language:Python 100.0%