CortexFoundation / learn-geth

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Using geth - short notes

UPDATE: I am failing to make any transaction but there's error i.e, "peer connected on snap without compatible eth support" and it seems becoz of that I am not able to make any transactions but reads work like checking balance and conneciton to metamask also works. And deployement with hardhat starts but contracts never get deployed.


// javascript console methods (web3js api)
eth.accounts // get array of account addresses
eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0]) // get balance

Gettinb addresses by callin JSON rpc

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_accounts","params":[], "id":1}'
# Output:

Executing a single command via attach

Getting bootstrap node record:

geth attach --exec admin.nodeInfo.enr data/geth.ipc
# Output:
# enr:-Ka4QFQDoa_R1-dvyVvHHJZu4hAz1Jrod45HdRXQyHWkQS7CGloX1K2d8BVPChimHbPvFwee2qsduMiXSW3tJw06AW2GAYQMExpJg2V0aMrJhPxk7ASDEYwwgmlkgnY0gmlwhHz9yIOJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQMb9yfdAcZa5_2zdGSD8HUspdpGLKIWmVmoYO5xtCpIZoRzbmFwwIN0Y3CCdl-DdWRwgnZf

You must specify authrpc.port for second node

Starting n1 and n2

After starting bootnode (setup script does that automatically), then you can start n1 and n2 via:

# terminal 1
# terminal 2

Now you can query details like:

// attach a Javascript console to either node to query the network properties:
geth attach node1/geth.ipc

// check if current node is connected to other node

// details of this peer can also be queried and used to check that the peer really is Node 2:

// The account associated with Node 1:

// unlock account

//check the transaction was successful by querying Node 2's account balance

// send 1 ether
eth.sendTransaction({to: eth.accounts[1], from: eth.accounts[0], value: 1000000000000000000, gas: 300000, gasPrice: 200000})



Language:Shell 70.2%Language:JavaScript 29.8%