ContentMine / neuro

Neurophysiology, especially voltage traces

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Neurophysiology, especially voltage traces Primarily to scrape images of voltage/current plots and analyze them semantically.

The whole project is run as Open NotebookScience and everything should either be in this repo or accessible from it.

  • Raw data will be stored in this repo. (Copyrighted material may be omitted).
  • IPython (Jupyter) will be used as the primary recording mechanism
  • analysis software (e.g diagramanalyzer will be modified to create log files which will be posted alongside the computed data

Currently the analysis software is in - see NeuroAnalyzerTest for the latest prototype.

There is a scraper for J. Neuroscience in jneuro.json . First you need to create a list of URLs. @blah404 will create a quickcrawl but until then:

enter a search in J.Neurophysiology using Firefox (because the HTML will be different elsewhere - this is a temporary hack until quickcrawl). Typical:

This will run the search for "CA1" and "pyramidal" and "clamp" and output <= 200 hits in a single HTML file. To extract the URLs on a UNIX commandline:

This should create urls.txt (else find a UNIX guru and buy them a drink).

To run the scraper:

quickscrape --urllist urls.txt --scraper ../../journal-scrapers/scrapers/jneuro.json --output ca1 --loglevel verbose

where ca1 should be renamed to your output directory (CProject) and the logging level can be reduced.


Neurophysiology, especially voltage traces