ConsenSysMesh / janus-example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Steps to run sample application

  1. Get source code: Clone repository
git clone
  1. Setup and run Quorum network in docker: (for more information, see ./quorum-docker-Nnodes/
cd quorum-docker-Nnodes
docker build -t quorum .
cd Nnodes
docker-compose up -d
cd ../..
  1. Build janus-example:
cd janus-client/SmartContracts
truffle compile
cd ../..
docker build -f janusexample.dockerfile -t janus-client .
  1. Configure janus-example:

Node: quorum nodes should be running now, in order to proceed with the below steps

Edit the ips variable in to list two or more IP addresses on the Docker network that will host hdwallet services: ips=("" "" "")

Edit the nodeIps variable in to list IP addresses on which node is running on the Docker network. Provide one node IP for each of the hdwallet instances configured above. nodeIps=("" "" "")

Edit the companyNames variables in to list the company names corresponding to hdwallet configured above. companyNames=("Bob_comp" "Alice_comp" "Tom_comp")

Edit the mnemonics variable in to list the HD Wallet mnemonics for the nodes

Run setup file in terminal window

cd janus-docker-Nnodes/JNnodes
cd ../..
  1. Start hdwallet services:
cd janus-docker-Nnodes/JNnodes
docker-compose up -d
cd ../..
  1. Running script

To run scripts that request onetime keys, deploy a test contract and update its data.

  1. Request onetime key from first instance of janus. docker exec -it jnnodes_janus-service_1_1 node /janus-client/onetime_key_req.js --txnRef --parties Eg:
docker exec -it jnnodes_janus-service_1_1 node /janus-client/onetime_key_req.js --txnRef 12345 --parties Bob_comp Tom_comp
  1. Deploy test contract from first instance of janus. docker exec -it jnnodes_janus-service_1_1 node /janus-client/deploy_test_contract.js --txnRef --p1 <OTA_for_company1> --p2 <OTA_for_company3> Eg:
docker exec -it jnnodes_janus-service_1_1 node /janus-client/deploy_test_contract.js --txnRef 12345 --p1 0x54C57ae841886D815e054225b9075C87058F366c --p2 0x59ec19F9BbB1B2aB1Cd79F7c71889148239EE46B
  1. Update test contract from third instance of janus. docker exec -it jnnodes_janus-service_3_1 node /janus-client/update_test_contract.js --txnRef --address --value <int_value> Eg:
docker exec -it jnnodes_janus-service_3_1 node /janus-client/update_test_contract.js --txnRef 12345 --address 0x8293c42e60dc2ca171657e899cc2f944404477a6 --value 112



Language:JavaScript 50.0%Language:Shell 39.9%Language:Dockerfile 10.2%