Conrady82 / IotaReports

Web Application to organize and review Iota Events and Reports

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

# Instructions for Accessing MySQL and MinIO Containers

## MySQL

### Accessing the MySQL Container

To connect to the MySQL database container, follow these steps:

1. **Open a terminal** on your host machine.
2. **Run the following command** to access the MySQL container:

   docker exec -it iota_mysql mysql -u iota_user -p

**Enter the password** when prompted. The default password is:


### Using MySQL

Once connected, you can use standard MySQL commands to interact with the database.

**Example: Creating a new table**

`   CREATE TABLE test_table (      id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,      name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL  );   `

**Example: Querying the database**

`   SELECT * FROM test_table;   `


### Accessing the MinIO Web Interface

To access the MinIO web interface:

1.  **Open your web browser**.
2.  http://localhost:9090
3.  **Log in using the default credentials**:
    *   **Username**: **minioadmin**
    *   **Password**: **minioadmin**

### Using MinIO

Once logged in, you can use the web interface to manage buckets and objects.

**Example: Creating a bucket**

1.  Click on the **+** icon or **Create Bucket** button.
2.  Enter a name for your bucket (e.g., **test-bucket**).
3.  Click **Create**.

**Example: Uploading a file**

1.  Click on the bucket you created.
2.  Click the **Upload** button.
3.  Select the file you want to upload from your computer.

### Testing the File Upload Endpoint with Postman

1.  **Open Postman**.
2.  **Create a new request** with method **POST**.
3.  bashCopy codehttp://localhost:3000/api/reports/upload
4.  **Configure the Body**:
    *   Select **form-data**.
    *   Add a key named **file** with type set to **File**.
    *   Choose a file from your computer to upload.
5.  **Send the Request** by clicking **Send**.
### Building and Running the Containers

To spin up the Docker containers, run the following command:

`docker-compose up --build`

This command will build and start the following services:

- MySQL database
    running on http://localhost:3306/

- MinIO storage service
    running on http://localhost:9000/

- Vue.js frontend
    running on http://localhost:5173/

- Node.js backend
    running on http://localhost:3000/

Once the Docker containers have been built, you can run them without rebuilding by using the following command:

`docker-compose up`
### Stopping and Removing Containers

To stop and remove the Docker containers, use the following command:

`   docker-compose down   `


Web Application to organize and review Iota Events and Reports

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 44.1%Language:Vue 41.6%Language:CSS 11.7%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Dockerfile 1.1%