ConorGarry / ArduinoPlayground

Sketches of Arduino projects

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



You can use whatever you want, I'd recommend downloading the Arduino IDE as it has some good examples with it, but for actual dev work I find VSCode with PlatformIO add-on better to work with.

FastLED Library is the C++ library we're using to control the LEDs, you can install it through the Arduino IDE or PlatformIO.


We can simulate the lighting setup using It's free to start an account and you can create multiple projects. Chrome is recommended over other browsers as apparently it yields the best performance. It is quite resource-heavy so I'd recommend closing any applications and tabs that are not being used to free up memory and processing power for the simulator.

Wokwi VSCode Extension

We can now use the Wokwi VSCode extension to simulate the lights, which is much more convenient than using the website. It requires a license key but it's free, follow the steps here to get up and running. The license expires after 30 days but it's free to renew it.

Getting Started

You don't need a Github but I would recommend it, it's free and it lets you subscribe to changes in the project so you'll get an email whenever there's a change, but if you don't want to start one or use your own, then that's totally fine.

If using Github, clone the project and work away, create branches and pull requests if you want, or just commit directly, we can fix any issues with reverts if needed.

To subscribe to changes, click on the Watch button with the eye symbol, and select All Activity. You'll get email notifications when new changes have been made.

If not using Github account, you can download a zip of the codebase and open it in VSCode, and make your changes. When external changes come in, you'll either need to download a new zip, or just manually copy paste from Github in the browser.

If you don't want to bother with any of this, you can directly copy paste code from the Github directly into Wokwi in the browser and make your changes there, then send on the code however you want, e.g. link to you Wokwi project, zip and add to whatsapp, or add a comment in Github and paste it there.

There are two files you need to run the project, currently they are main_parallel.cpp, which is the code of the project, and diagram_parallel.cpp which is the schema for the simulation (which won't be changed that often).


  1. Create a new project in Wokwi using Arduino Mega.
  2. Copy all the code from src/main_parallel.cpp and paste it into sketch.ino (ino is arduino bespoke format, but it's C++ under the hood).
  3. Copy all the code from diagram_parallel.json into the diagram.json tab in Wokwi.
  4. Press the play icon in the simulator. You should see something like this:

Kapture 2024-04-26 at 09 15 08

Note: Due to the scale of the project, you'll need to zoom in and out a lot to see a close-up for the schema and to flick the switches.

At this point, you'll see it's running the default mode (0) which is the rainbowChase() function.

Switches (be trippin')

There are 5 on/off state switches for selecing the 32 (5^2) different modes. The simulator uses slide switches, which have simple persisted on/off states, on = 1, off = 0, the real-life model will use same principle.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 17 59 34

5 Switches in sequence, representing 5 binary digits.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 17 59 40

Switch in off position, or 0 value

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 17 59 49

Switch in on position, or 1 value

Using this pattern, we can use the switches to represent a 5 digit binary number. So to select between the first four (because at time of writing this there are four patterns), the switches would be set accordingly:

Binary Value Mode
00000 0
00001 1
00010 2
00011 3
00100 4
  • The switches are only toggleable when the simulator is running, they won't change when it is paused.
  • If the simulator has been stopped, the state will be persisted, i.e. next time you press play, it will resume with the most recent pattern you had selected.
  • The switches are quite small, so you'll be zooming in and out a lot, get used to whatever shortcut you use for that, be it keyboard or touchpad.

Contributing Changes

First of all, have a read of the code, specifically the switch statement in the selectMode() function. This is what is run on every loop. It reads in the switch states and converts it to a number between 0 and 31 inclusive. A change of a switch will trigger this to select a different number, and subsequently a different function.

switch (mode) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    // Add the rest of the case n..31 as needed.

To add a new function, you'll need to add a new case to the switch statement, and then create the function. Let's say you want to create rgbChase() which will chase the RGB colours in sequence.

void rgbChase() {
  // Your code here
switch (mode) {
    // ... cases 0-4 removed for brevity.
    case 5:

Now when you select 000101 (5) on the switches, it will run the rgbChase() function.

  • Functions have to be declared before they are used, so if you're adding a new function, make sure it's above the selectMode statement.
  • For readability, it's best to keep the functions in the same order as the cases in the switch statement.
  • Given that there will eventually be 32 functions, I'll probably look to moving them to a different file and using imports, which will clean up this main file. (Though I'm not sure if wokwi supports multiple files yet).

Implementing a Function/Pattern

"Pattern" and "function" are interchangeable terms, "Pattern" is what we'd refer to in real-life, "function" is a programming way of defining a body of work, in this case, a "pattern".

Code Overview

Before adding your pattern, take a look at what the code is already doing in the setup. Here's an overview:

#define RUNS 30
#define NUM_LEDS 2160

This simply defines the constants for the number of LEDs in the setup. Pretty self-explanatory. They will come in handy when you're writing your pattern.

// Define the data pins for the LED strips
#define DP_1 7
#define DP_2 8
#define DP_3 9
#define DP_4 10
#define DP_5 11
#define DP_6 12

This defines the data pins (hence DP) for the LED strips. Due to limited resources on the micro controllers, we can't simply have one long array for every LED, so we have to use parallel output technique where we split them in separate segments and control them in parallel. In our case, seeing as we have 30 runs, we have 6 segments of 5 runs each. The pins are in sequence, so DP_1 is the first segment, DP_2 is the second, etc.

Note that this is based on Arduino, which is not the microcontroller we're using, but it will be the same principle, only the number values may differ in the final implementation. It'll still be six data pins in sequence.


This defines the arrays for the LEDs in each segment. Each segment has 360 LEDs, so we have an array of 360 LEDs for each segment. This is where you'll be writing your patterns to. CRGB is a struct from the FastLED library, which is used to define the colour of the LEDs. It has three values, r, g, and b, which are the red, green, and blue values respectively. Each value is between 0 and 255, so a colour is defined by three numbers. So leds1 for example, is an array of 360 LEDs, each with a colour defined by three numbers contained in the CRGB.

void setup() {
  // Initialize the LED strip

The setup() function is only run once when the program starts. It initializes the LED strips and sets the refresh rate to 0, which means it will run as fast as possible. It also clears the LEDs, so they are all off when the program starts.

It also adds the leds to the FastLED library, which is what controls the LEDs (saving us a lot of complexity). The addLeds function takes the type of LED, the data pin, the colour order, the array of LEDs, and the number of LEDs in the array. The LED_TYPE and COLOR_ORDER are defined elsewhere in the code, but you don't need to worry about them, they're just settings for the FastLED library.

void loop() {;

The loop function is run continuously, it shows the LEDs (i.e. updates them with the new colours) and then runs the selectPattern() function, which is the switch statement we talked about earlier.

As a simple demonstration, here's a non-animated pattern that lights up the different segments in red, green, blue, yellow, purple, and white.

void rgbypwSegments() {
  // Iterate all segments and light up the LEDs with different colours.
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS_PER_SEGMENT; i++) {
    leds1[i] = CRGB::Red;
    leds2[i] = CRGB::Green;
    leds3[i] = CRGB::Blue;
    leds4[i] = CRGB::Yellow;
    leds5[i] = CRGB::Purple;
    leds6[i] = CRGB::White;

Then placed in the switch statement:

switch (mode) {
    // ... cases 0-4 removed for brevity.
    case 5:

Setting the switches to 000101 will now light up the segments in the different colours. This is static, so it won't animate, but it's a good starting point to get used to the codebase and how to access the different segments.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 10 26 40

Useful Reference Images

Run numbers


Face Numbers


Wiring diagram


Parallel Segments

Note that this is only a reference to the different parallel outputs we require, it's not really something you should design a pattern against, just useful to know which wire is which so it can be mapped in code.

Data Pin Field Name Colour
7 DP_1 Red
8 DP_2 Green
9 DP_3 Blue
10 DP_4 Yellow
11 DP_5 Purple
12 DP_5 White



Sketches of Arduino projects


Language:C++ 94.7%Language:C 5.3%