Conaws / hiwian

Harken to the glory days, when posh had rules and pull within queries

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Hiwian is a ClojureScript / React library that lets you use a single DataScript database to store your app state. Components access the data they need to render by calling DataScript queries with q or pull and are only updated when the query changes. transact! is used within components to change the global state. If you are familiar with Datomic, you will find Hiwian incredibly easy to use. If not, it's worth learning because of the power and versatility it will give your components.

Hiwian uses Reagent and can be integrated with your current Reagent project. Because it uses a single database to store app state, like Om or re-frame, it is fitting to write large, extensible apps and reusable components, with the added benefit of being much simpler to use and having a more expressive data retrieval and state updating syntax.

Hiwian is also very fast because the in-component data queries only run when the database is updated with relevant data (found by pattern matching on the tx report).

For example, below is a component that displays a list of a person's age, name, and weight. The component will only re-render when something in the database changed an attribute of the person-id entity:

(defn person [conn person-id]
  (let [p @(pull conn '[*] person-id)]
     [:li (:person/name p)]
     [:li (:person/age p)]
     [:li (:person/weight p)]]))


Hiwian chat room on Gitter:


Hiwian Todo List - A todo list with categories, edit boxes, checkboxes, and multi-stage delete buttons (trashy live demo).


Start a Reagent project and include these dependencies:

[hiwian "0.3.5"]
[datascript "0.13.3"]

Require in Reagent app files:

(ns example
  (:require [reagent.core :as r]
            [hiwian.core :refer [pull q db-tx pull-tx q-tx after-tx! transact! hiwian!]]
            [datascript.core :as d]))


Hiwian gives you three functions to retrieve data from the database from within Reagent components: pull, q, and db-tx. They watch the database's transaction report and only update (re-render) the hosting component when one of the transacted datoms affects the requested data.


(hiwian! [DataScript conn])

Sets up the tx-report listener for a conn.

(def conn (d/create-conn))

(hiwian! conn)

You can do it for multiple conn's, though I can't imagine a good use case for that.


(pull [conn] [pull pattern] [entity id])

pull retrieves the data specified in pull-pattern for the entity with entity-id. pull can be called from within any Reagent component and will re-render the component only when the pulled information has changed.

Hiwian's pull operates just like Datomic / Datascript's pull except it takes a conn instead of a db. (See Datomic's pull)

Hiwian's pull only attempts to pull any new data if there has been a transaction of any datoms that might have changed the data it is looking at. For example:

(pull conn '[:person/name :person/age] 1234)

Would only do a pull into Datascript if there has been a transaction changing :person/name or :person/age for entity 1234.

Below is an example that pulls all of the info from the entity with id whenever id is updated and increases its age whenever clicked:

(defn pull-person [id]
  (let [p @(pull conn '[*] id)]
    (println "Person: " (:person/name p))
     {:on-click #(transact! conn [[:db/add id :person/age (inc (:person/age p))]])}
     (:person/name p) ": " (:person/age p)]))

If you would like to fine-tune when pull actually attempts to pull new data, you can use pull-tx:

(pull-tx [conn] [tx pattern] [pull pattern] [entity id])

Where tx-pattern is a datom matching pattern for the transaction queue. See the pattern-matching section below.


(q [conn] [query] & args)

q queries for data from the database according to the rules specified in the query. It must be called within a Reagent component and will only update the component whenever the data it is querying has changed. See Datomic's Queries and Rules for how to do datalog queries. args are optional extra variables that DataScript's q looks for after the [:find ...] query if the query has an :in specification. By default, the database at the time of the latest transaction is implicitly passed in as the first arg, which will correspond with $ in the :in clause.

Whenever the database has changed, q will check the transacted datoms to see if anything relevant to its query has occured. If so, q runs Datascript's q and compares the new query to the old. If it is different, the hosting component will update with the new data.

Hiwian's q looks at the query pattern and tries to make a pattern to identify relevant tx datoms. If there is anything complex in the query, such as function calls or get-else, it will have a non-restrictive pattern and will run the query whenever there has been a database change. To specify the matching pattern by hand, you can use q-tx:

(q-tx [conn] [tx pattern] [query] & args)

q-tx takes a tx pattern as its second argument (see the Pattern Matching section below).

Below is an example of a component that shows a list of people's names who are younger than a certain age. It only attempts the query when someone's age changes:

(defn people-younger-than [old-age]
  (let [young @(q-tx conn [['_ :person/age]] '[:find [?name ...]
                                               :in $ ?old
                                               [?p :person/age ?age]
                                               [(< ?age ?old)]
                                               [?p :person/name ?name]]
    [:ul "People younger than 30:"
     (for [n young] ^{:key n} [:li n])]))

Or, if you called the same query with just q:

(q conn '[:find [?name ...]
          :in $ ?old
          [?p :person/age ?age]
          [(< ?age ?old)]
          [?p :person/name ?name]]

In this case, q would run the query every time there is a transaction in the database because one of the clauses is a function call (< ?age ?old).

An example of a simple call would be:

(q conn '[:find [?name ...]
          :in $ ?age
          [?p :person/age ?age]
          [?p :person/name ?name]]

This finds the name of every person whose :person/age is age. It will re-query whenever anyone's :person/age changes to or from age or whenever anybody's :person/name changes.


(db-tx [conn] [tx pattern])

db-tx listens to the tx report queue and returns the value of the database after a match. The hosting Reagent component won't update with a new db until there is a pattern match.

It is generally recommended that you use pulls and qs for any components instead of db-tx. If you do use db-tx, it is very important to provide thorough tx pattern matching rules to restrict the component from re-rendering each time the db changes.

This example displays a list of people who are ten years old. The component will only update when someone's age is set to 10 or changed from 10 (retracted).

(defn ten-year-olds []
  (let [db   @(db-tx conn '[[_ :person/age 10]])
        kids (map (partial d/entity db)
                  (d/q '[:find [?p ...] :where
                         [?p :person/age ?a]
                         [(= ?a 10)]]
    [:ul "These kids are ten years old:"
     (for [k kids]
       ^{:key (:db/id k)} [:li (:person/name k)])]))

(Note: the above component should have just used hiwian's q)

The example below displays a person and increases its own age whenever clicked. It only re-renders when a datom with its own entity id is transacted.

(defn person [id]
  (let [db @(db-tx conn [[id]])
        p  (d/entity db id)]
     {:on-click #(transact! conn [[:db/add id :person/age (inc (:person/age p))]])}
     (:person/name p) " -- " (:person/age p)]))

(Note: the above component should have just used hiwian's pull)


(after-tx! conn [tx patterns] handler-fn)

after-tx! sets up a listener that watches for a transaction pattern match, then calls (handler-fn matching-tx-datom db-after).

;; congratulates any one who turns 21
(after-tx! conn
          '[[_ :person/age 21 _ true]]
          (fn [[e a v] db]
            (js/alert (str "You have come of age, "
                           (:person/name (d/entity db e)) "."))))

You could use after-tx! to handle events or to trigger communication with the server.


transact! operates just like DataScript's transact!:

(transact! conn [[:db/add 123 :person/name "Jim"]])

Hiwian's transact just calls DataScript's transact, but returns an empty [:span] so that it can easily be used inside the body of components.


(active-queries conn)

Returns a Reagent atom that contains a set of descriptions of all the q, pull, and db-tx queries called from within any currently-rendered Reagent components.

Their descriptions are represented as vectors that are the same order as the arguments to db-tx, q-tx, and pull-tx:

[:db-tx <tx-patterns>]

[:pull <tx-patterns> <pull-pattern> <entity-identifier>]

[:q <tx-pattern> <query> <args>]  ;; args is a vector of args
                                  ;; or nil if none

Advanced Examples

Editable Label

This component will show the text value for any entity and attrib combo. There is an "edit" button that, when clicked, creates an :edit entity that keeps track of the temporary text typed in the edit box. The "done" button resets the original value of the entity and attrib and deletes the :edit entity. The "cancel" button just deletes the :edit entity.

The state is stored entirely in the database for this solution, so if you were to save the db during the middle of an edit, if you restored it later, you would be in the middle of the edit still.

(defn edit-box [conn edit-id id attr]
  (let [edit @(p/pull conn [:edit/val] edit-id)]
      {:type "text"
       :value (:edit/val edit)
       :onChange #(p/transact! conn [[:db/add edit-id :edit/val (-> % .-target .-value)]])}]
      {:onClick #(p/transact! conn [[:db/add id attr (:edit/val edit)]
                                    [:db.fn/retractEntity edit-id]])}
      {:onClick #(p/transact! conn [[:db.fn/retractEntity edit-id]])}

(defn editable-label [conn id attr]
  (let [val  (attr @(p/pull conn [attr] id))
        edit @(p/q conn '[:find ?edit .
                          :in $ ?id ?attr
                          [?edit :edit/id ?id]
                          [?edit :edit/attr ?attr]]
                   id attr)]
    (if-not edit
      [:span val
        {:onClick #(new-entity! conn {:edit/id id :edit/val val :edit/attr attr})}
      [edit-box conn edit id attr])))

This can be called with any entity and its text attrib, like [editable-label conn 123 :person/name] or [editable-label conn 432 :category/title].

Pattern Matching

Hiwian now generates exactly thorough pattern matching for pull and pretty efficient patterns for q, so you shouldn't need to specify your own unless you want to make things update less, like if you want certain components to just listen to a refresh signal.

The datom pattern matcher just takes a list of vectors that consist of values, sets, or a wildcard that match against tx-datoms. Tx-datoms are structured as: [eid attr val tx added?]. Typically you'll just want to match the eid and attr, and sometimes val if there is a ref.

(use 'hiwian.datom-matcher)

;; (datom-match? patterns datom)

(datom-match? '[[12 _ "hey"]] [12 :greeting "hey"])  ;; true

(datom-match? '[[12 _ "what"]] [12 :greeting "hey"])  ;; false

;; it just has to match one of the patterns
(datom-match? '[[12 _ "what"]
                [12 _ "hey"]]
              [12 :greeting "hey"])  ;; true

;; sets just see if the thing is in the set
(datom-match? '[[12 _ #{"what" "hey"}]] [12 :greeting "hey"]) ;; true

;; if it reaches the end of the pattern, it's a match:
(datom-match? '[[4]] [4 :person/name "Jimmy Hogan"])  ;; true

;; here's an example of a pattern generated for a pull that has some refs:
'[[_ :category/todo 1]
  [2 #{:category/name :category/slug} _]
  [_ :task/category 2]
  [3 #{:category/name :category/slug} _]
  [_ :task/category 3]
  [4 #{:category/name :category/slug} _]
  [_ :task/category 4]]


We are working on automating the back-end sync with datomic/datascript. Basically, the server will keep track of all the active queries for a client, do its own pattern matching on the tx-report, and send only the datoms that the client is looking for and does not already have. Should be nice.

See our Gitter room for updates:


Copyright © 2015 Matt Parker

If somebody needs to BSD then sure, it's under that too. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Harken to the glory days, when posh had rules and pull within queries

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%