CompletelyGeneric / guitarduino

An arduino guitar tuner for UMass Boston's ENGIN-104 class

Repository from Github https://github.comCompletelyGeneric/guitarduinoRepository from Github https://github.comCompletelyGeneric/guitarduino


An arduino guitar tuner for UMass Boston's ENGIN-104 class
Designed to be run an Arduino Mega2560


  1. The detection logic for how in tune the note is is too fine at higher frequencies, and too coarse at lower ones.
  2. It's only configured for standard tuning. (this could easily be changed however)
  3. There's some weird noise in bins 0-1, so we exclude them.


An arduino guitar tuner for UMass Boston's ENGIN-104 class

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Arduino 100.0%