CompSciLauren / fedcodeathon

Website that helps entrepreneurs find the best location to start their business (won 3rd place at KC Federal Reserve Code-A-Thon 2019)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


"Finding the perfect location for your next business"

Starting a business can be stressful. One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs all around the world are facing is choosing the perfect location to start their next business. Our team here at ValleyFind have designed an innovative one-stop solution to help entrepreneurs tackle this problem.

Our state-of-the-art technology provides entrepreneurs with the latest, most insightful data given a specific location to help them optimize their search for the perfect location to start their next venture.

This version of ValleyFind includes:

  • Business Competition Data
  • Real-estate prices
  • Traffic Data
  • Air quality Data

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Future versions will include:

  • Crime Safety Data
  • City, County, State Tax Data
  • Venture Capital Data
  • Nearby Talent Data

How It Works

  1. Users will first input: A potential business-location (e.g. city, county), a business-type (e.g. restaurant, antique shop), and a radius within the business-location.

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  1. Our software will then display a map with checkpoints representing competing businesses within the chosen radius. It will also display traffic data such as walk, bike, and transit data. This will give entrepreneurs a brief insight regarding the chosen location.

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  1. After clicking the view report button on the bottom left corner, we will then compile all of this information into a one-page report which will give the entrepreneur a detailed insight regarding the chosen location.

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  1. Entrepreneurs will finally be able to generate reports of multiple other locations and compare them to decide on the perfect location to start their next business.


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Website that helps entrepreneurs find the best location to start their business (won 3rd place at KC Federal Reserve Code-A-Thon 2019)


Language:CSS 81.2%Language:HTML 12.9%Language:Python 3.6%Language:JavaScript 2.3%