Commvault / CVPowershellSDKV2

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  • CVPowershellSDKV2 is a Windows PowerShell package for Commvault software which offers variety of cmdlets including the commandlets already existing powershell module.
  • CVPowershellSDKV2 uses the Commvault REST API to perform operations on a CommCell via the WebConsole.

The latest version of the SDK combines both the CVPowershellSDK and CVPowershellSDKV2 . Using the same session a user can execute the commandlets of both the SDKs


  • Windows PowerShell version 5.1 or above
  • Commvault Software v11 SP28 or later release with WebServer installed


  • Install-Module -Name CommvaultPowerShell



Link to the PowershellGallery

  • Latest version
  • Install/Update the module to the latest version from the gallery


Version 0.2.15 - SDK is supported on Commvault Version 2024 or 11.34
Version 0.2.14 - SDK is supported on Commvault Version 2023E or 11.32
Version 0.2.11 to 0.2.13 - SDK is supported on Commvault Version 2023 or 11.30
Version 0.2.10 - SDK is supported on Commvault Version 2022E

More info Usage

Login to Commcell:

  • PS > Invoke-SetupLogin -Username "#username" -Password "#base64Encodedpassword" -WebServerURL "http://#csName/webconsole/api"

To get all the command: -PS > Get-Command -Module CommvaultPowershell

  • For information on any Commvault PowerShell command, run Get-Help [command]
  • For detailed examples on any Commvault PowerShell command, run Get-Help [command] -Examples, Get-Help [command] -Full
  • Switch Parameter of any cmdlet if provided will pass true in the payload . If false has to be provided please use the syntax like -<Switch_Name>:$false
  • To use a commandlet which accept data in hastable please create the hashtable with the model prefix. You can find the model prefix for a particular command using Get-help [command] -Full. Hashtable inputs are case sensitive.
  • For example : New-User requires an input Users which has a model [Commvault.Powershell.ICreateUser] . To create a hashtable for creating a user prefix the model before the curly braces which will populate the keys for which the values has to be updated.
PS > $data = [Commvault.Powershell.Models.ICreateUser]@{}
PS > $data.Email
PS > $data.Email = ""
PS > $data.FullName = "Testuser "
PS > $data.Name = "Test"
PS > $data.Password = "QwVXRJZ4Fh1NhkA"
PS > $data.UserGroups = @{
>> id = 1
>> name = "master"
>> }
PS > $data.InviteUser = $false
PS > New-CVUser -Users $data


Guid                                 Id     Name
----                                 --     ----
F37D1722-BE70-430D-95BD-38775574D7A7 373668 Test

  • Fill the required values in the hashtable created.
  • Another way is to create entire hashtable
$userdata = @{
 Name = "TempUser"
 email = ""
 FullName = "Temp User"
 Password = "XXXX"
 UserGroups = @{
 id = 1
 name = "master"
 useSystemGeneratePassword = $false
 inviteUser = $false
 PS> New-CVUser -Users $userdata

Please visit swagger Api Explorer in commserver for more information on the payload structure for the cmdlets using POST , PUT APIs

Documentation about swagger : link




Language:C# 87.1%Language:PowerShell 12.9%