Comcx / Nano

A new tiny programming language which pursues minimalism

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(Nano (:] The Programming Language))

(-- "A new tiny programming language which pursues minimalism")
(-- latest version: Nano-0.7x)

(> Getting started!

      ______  ___   ____   _______
      / _  | / _ | / _  | / __   /
     / / | |/ __ |/ / | |/ /_ / /
    / /  | /_/ |_/ /  | |\ ____/    by Comcx

(Quick use

  • Step 0: (Pre-installs: make sure you have installed JDK whose version >= 1.8)

  • Step 1: git clone or just download from web

  • Step 2: (if (use repl) (commandInput: xxx$ java -jar nano-0.7x.jar) (commandInput: xxx$ java -jar nano-0.7x.jar -l <filename>))

  • Step 3: Enjoy it! (; "input ':?' for help")


(REPL use

  • Global environment:
    You can type in def <variable> <expression> to add variable to global environment

  • Commands:
    :q to quit repl
    :? to ask for help
    :t to show type info
    :na to load defs
    :no to load *.no files

(> Grammar

  • (Overview:

    You may have been used to the usual format of functional call, for instance 'f(a, b)'.
    However, in Nano, f(a, b) is replaced by (f a b) or simply f a b
    Like Lisp, Nano uses lists to express any expression. Further more, Nano is curry supported by default.
    For example:
    (+ 1 2)
    will be parsed as
    ((+ 1) 2)

    However, we have created a new format to express (a (b c)) with less parentheses,
    see ./codes/ for detail.

    p.s. a* => list of a


  • (= Bindings:

    (= (<typed name> <value>)* expression)

  • (: Type declarations:

    (: <name> expression)

  • (def Definitions:

    (def <name> expression)

  • (\ Lambdas:

    (\ <variable>* <expression>)

  • (if Conditions:

    (if <predication> <expression> <expression>)

  • ((+-*/) Supported atomic operators:

    (; (' addition) (+ a b))
    (; (' substraction) (- a b))
    (; (' multiplication) (* a b))
    (; (' division) (/ a b))
    (; (' equal) (== a b))
    (; (' atomic) (atom x))
    (; (' list) (:: a b))
    (; (' selector) (0: <list>))
    (; (' selector) (1: <list>))
    (; (' quote) (' <expression>))
    (; (' eval) (` <expression>))
    (; (' read) (@ <str>))

  • (< Extra operators:

    (; (' compare) (< a b))
    (; (' print) (print <expression>))
    (; (' read-file) (read-file <url>))
    (; (' write-file) (write-file <url>))


  • (; Complements:

    ; whatever in a line or you can construct by:
    (def (; (: c (: e (if true e c))))) then you can use this as:
    (; <complement> <expression>)


  • (" Strings:

    "<str content>" which is just syntax sugar of list


  • (! Supported features:

    • (1. Lexical scoping
      We choose lexical scoping instead of dynamic scoping.


    • (2. Carbage Collection
      Since we write Nano using Scala on jvm, Nano supports garbage collection automatically


    • (3. Type System
      Now we have simple typed lambda system



  • (:) Interesting features:

    • (1. Church Numeral supported!

      Church numeral can be used to replace loops:
      0   is defined as (def (0 (: f (: x x))))
      +1 is defined as (def (+1 (: n (: f (: x (f (n f x)))))))
      1   is defined as (+1 0)
      2   is defined as (+1 1)
      n   is defined as (+1 (n-1))

      Therefore, for example, you can define a lambda ^ to calculate power operations:
      (= (^ (: n (: r (r (: m (* m n)) 1)))) (^ 2 3)) // the expression calculates power(2, 3) which is 8

    • (2. Meta programming supported!

      Meta programming gives you the ability to operate program itself as data!
      For example, define e: (def (e (' (* x x)))), you bind the expression itself to e.
      then, we can define lambda square as:
      (= (square (: x (` e))) (square 7)) which calculate the square of 7.

      Further more, you may have noticed the operatoer :: mentioned above, the expression :: a b
      just return a new expression (a, b) as (+ a b), it is an expression which belongs to Nano itself.

    • (3. Closure supported!


    • (4. Module constructed!

      First of all, Nano don't offer module system directly for the reason that we can build it ourselves.
      There may be hundreds of solutions, but I just list one of them and I have used it to build libraies:

      • Module file syntax: (let (' <var>) (' <expression>))
      • Usage:
        First, you should use magical expressions(see ./codes/
        import module like this:
        (:= <module name> (` (@ (read-file <file name>))))
        For convenience, let's say <module name> is foo then
        you can write:
        (` (foo -> (' <expression>))) where you can use everything inside the module.

      Here's one example:

      ; magical expressions
      (= (:D (: f (: bind (bind f))))
      (= (-> (: f f))
      (= ($ (: f (: g
           (:D (: x (f (g -> x)))))))
      (= (let (: v (: e  
           (:D (: exp (:: (:: (' :=) (:: v e)) exp))))))
      ; import
      (= (import (: s (` (@ (read-file s)))))
      (= (foo_module (import ""))
        ; use the module
        (` (foo_module -> 
             (' (head ([ 1 2 3 4 5 ])))



(> Example

0 ; This file constructs list structure using Nano, you can build a list of (1,2,3,4,5) by typing '([ 1 2 3 4 5 ])'
1 (= (cons (: x (: y
2         (: i (if (= i 0) (x y))))))
4 (= (car (: z (z 0)))
5 (= (cdr (: z (z 1)))
7 (= (list (: self (: x (: y
8         (if (= y (' ])) (x
9                 (self self (cons y x))))))))
11 (= ([ (list list))
12 (= (] (' ])) 
13 (= (.first 0)
14 (= (.second 1)
17  (([ 1 2 3 4 ]) .second .second .first)
19 ))))))))

(> Drawbacks

  • Church numeral can't be passed as data
  • Module problem
  • For the pursuing of minimalism, float number is not supported


A new tiny programming language which pursues minimalism