Comcast / resourceprovider2

Resource Management API Generator for Android

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Android Resource Provider 2

A Gradle Plugin for Android Application Projects that generates a ResourceProvider class, and support classes, providing APIs which get Android Resources

ResourceProvider provides APIs for R.string, R.plurals, R.drawable, R.color, R.dimen and R.color elements. The plugin generates the exact same output as the Resource Provider Annotation Processor, but is compatible with the Android Gradle Plugin v3.6.0 and above.

Resource Provider allows the presentation layer in your MVP implementation to explicitly control presentation details without needing access or knowledge of Android's Context or R classes. ResourceProvider automatically generates an API for every string resource in your application, allowing the details of fetching resources to be opaque to your presenters, maintaining strict separation of concerns.

ResourceProvider provides APIs that mirror the application's resource names, but in lower camel case and with the standard underscore delimiter stripped. For example, for the string resource

 <string name="one_arg_formatted_string">This format strings has %1$d args</string>

resourceprovider will generate the API:

public String getOneArgFormattedString(Object... formatArgs) { ... }

For any plural:

<plurals name="days_until_friday">
     <item quantity="one">Only 1 day until Friday!</item>
     <item quantity="other">%d days until Friday</item>

resourceprovider will generate the API:

public String getDaysUntilFridayQuantityString(int quantity, Object... formatArgs) { ... }

And for any drawable file

 any_drawable.png ( or any_drawable.xml)

resourceprovider will generate the API:

public Drawable getAnyDrawable() { ... } 

Calling ResourceProvider APIS

In order to avoid conflicts with duplicate resource ids, ResourceProvider organizes its APIs into delegate providers for each resource type. To call a ResourceProvider API, clients will make a call in the format:


For example, to get a String resource:


And for a color


Or in Kotlin,


ResourceProvider only requires an application context for construction, so can easily be provided as a singleton by dependency injection, and can also be mocked for unit testing.


To use ResourceProvider, in your project build.gradle add

plugins {  
    id '' version '1.3.1'

Also, you need to make sure that the




Commands are available on your environment's PATH. The plugin uses these commands to inspect the R.jar file's contents.

Provider Generation Configs and Defaults

By default, the classes Resource Provider generates will be created in the top level package of the app. For instance, if your app id (specified in your build.gradle or AndroidManifest.xml) is "", then the resource provider class will be You can change this in the "resourceprovider" closure in the app-level build.gradle file:

resourceprovider {
   packageName = "my.awesome.androidapp"
   generateStringProvider = false
   generateColorProvider = false
   generateDrawableProvider = false
   generateDimenProvider = false
   generateIdProvider = false
   generateForDependencies = true

ResourceProvider will, also by default, generate a provider class with APIs to get all the resource types mentioned above, and integer IDs of all the supported resource types. Since this will add a large number of APIs to the method count of your app, you can disable generation of any of the Provider Classes by configuring a closure in the build.gradle file.

In addition, Resource Provider can be configured to generate APIs for all the resources in your app or library, including resources in and dependencies, by setting the generateForDependencies flag to true. By default, Resource Provider will only generate APIs for the resources in your app or library itself.

See the example above for configuration of specific providers.

Samples and Test Utilites

A sample android application project and library project are available here, in addition to the testutils library, which generates mocking functions for units testing resource provider classes and methods. The repo also contains samples for writing such tests.

Specifically, To setup your testing environment, consult the Setup section of the readme for the project above


Resource Management API Generator for Android

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 100.0%