ColinUNC / d3fc

A set of re-useable charting components for D3

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A collection of components that make it easy to build interactive financial charts with D3.


d3fc and its dependencies (D3, css-layout) are available via npm. Simply install as follows:

npm install d3fc

Once installed, you can reference the d3fc JavaScript, CSS and dependencies within an HTML page as follows:

<script src="node_modules/d3fc/node_modules/d3/d3.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/d3fc/node_modules/css-layout/src/Layout.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/d3fc/dist/d3fc.js"></script>

<link href="node_modules/d3fc/dist/d3fc.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

If you want a quick verification that everything has installed correctly, the following code will render a simple time series chart:

<div id="chart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var data =;

var chart = fc.charts.linearTimeSeries()
    .xDomain(fc.utilities.extent(data, 'date'))
    .yDomain(fc.utilities.extent(data, ['high', 'low']))

var gridlines = fc.scale.gridlines();
var candlestick = fc.series.candlestick();
var movingAverage = fc.indicators.movingAverage();

var multi = fc.series.multi()
    .series([gridlines, candlestick, movingAverage]);
        height: '250px',
        width: '600px'


To find out more about the various components, visit the project webpage.


npm, the package manager for Node.js, is used to manage the project's dependencies. Grunt, a JavaScript task runner, is used to test and build the project.

Initial Setup

  • Download or clone this repository locally
  • Ensure Node.js, which includes npm, is installed
  • Ensure Grunt is installed:
npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Navigate to the root of your local copy of this project and install the dependencies:
npm install
  • Perform an initial build:

Grunt Tasks

The following Grunt tasks, found in Gruntfile.js, can be run from the command line. The most commonly used tasks to build and develop the project are:

  • grunt build - generate the project's JavaScript and CSS files in the dist directory (at the root of the project); build the visual tests
  • grunt dev - run grunt build, then grunt watch
  • grunt dev:serve - same as grunt dev but also starts a web server for viewing the visual tests

Other tasks include:

  • grunt check - run JSHint and JSCS checks
  • grunt test - run unit tests and build the visual tests
  • grunt watch - watch the source files and rebuild when a change is saved
  • grunt serve - start a web server for viewing the visual tests
  • grunt - check, test and build the project

Visual Tests

The project includes a number of unit tests, however, because these components are visual in nature, unit testing is not enough. This project contains a number of ad-hoc visual tests that are found within the visual-tests folder. The visual tests are compiled, via assemble, to create a simple website. To view this site, run grunt serve or a static server from the visual-tests\dist folder.


These components are licensed under the MIT License.


A set of re-useable charting components for D3

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 92.2%Language:Handlebars 6.2%Language:CSS 1.6%