ColinLu50 / Evade-GPT-Detector

Source code for paper **Large Language Models can be Guided to Evade AI-Generated Text Detection**

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Large Language Models can be Guided to Evade AI-Generated Text Detection

Source code for paper Large Language Models can be Guided to Evade AI-Generated Text Detection.


We introduce SICO, a Substitution-based In-Context example Optimization method, which automatically build prompt that guide Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, to generate human-like texts.

SICO successfully evades all exisiting AI-generation text detectors, including GPTzero and OpenAI official detector.



Create environment by conda:

conda env create -f environment.yml

LLM setup

  • For ChatGPT, you need to set OpenAI API keys in the environment export OPENAI_API_KEY={your OpenAI API key}.
  • For Vicuna, please follow the instruction here. And set the local url in sico/

Detectors setup

  • GPTzero: Set the GPTzero API key in environment export GPTZERO_API_KEY={your GPTzero API key}. Key can be obtained from GPTzero website.
  • OpenAI detector: Set the OpenAI API in environment export OPENAI_API_KEY={your OpenAI API key}
  • ChatGPT detector, GPT2 detector, DetectGPT, Log-Rank: Required models will be automatically download model from HuggingFace.


All datasets we used are listed in datasets folder, containing squad,eli5,yelp. Each subfolder has three tsv files: eval.tsv for evaluation during training, test.tsv for final test, and incontext.tsv for initialization and building in-context examples.

Run training

Run to start training procedure.

Here we explain each required argument in details:

  • --llm: Base LLM used for training, including [chatgpt, vicuna]
  • --dataset: Dataset we use, including [squad, eli5, yelp]
  • --detector: Proxy detector we use for training, including ['chatdetect', 'gpt2detect', 'gptzero', 'openai', 'detectgpt', 'logrank']
  • --task: The task type of training, including ['essay', 'qa', 'rev-gen', 'paraphrase']. Notice that paraphrase task matches all dataset, but essay, qa, rev-gen tasks only match squad, eli5, yelp, respectively.
  • --incontext-size: Size of in-context examples.
  • --eval-size: Size of evaluation data during training.
  • --train-iter: Maximum training iteration.


Reimplement of SICO-gen on essay writing task of SQuAD dataset:

    --dataset squad 
    --llm chatgpt 
    --detector chatdetect 
    --task essay
    --incontext-size 8
    --eval-size 32
    --train-iter 6

Reimplement of SICO-para for open-ended question answering task:

    --dataset yelp 
    --llm chatgpt 
    --detector chatdetect 
    --task paraphrase
    --incontext-size 8
    --eval-size 32
    --train-iter 6

After training, the optimized prompt is stored in ./outputs/results/ and training log is stored in ./outputs/logs/.

Run testing

Run to use trained-prompt to generate texts, the arguments are the same as Extra parameter --test-size show the number of cases you want to test.

After running, the generated texts are stored in test_results/{dataset}/SICO-{dataset}-{task}-{llm}-{proxy_detector} folder. Then run to get the AI-generated probability from different detectors, which is stored in same folder, named {test_detector}_score.tsv.


Test SICO-gen on essay writing task of SQuAD dataset, where the prompt is trained using ChatGPT and ChatGPT Detector:

    --dataset squad 
    --llm chatgpt 
    --detector chatdetect 
    --task essay
    --incontext-size 8
    --eval-size 32
    --train-iter 6
    --test-size 100

Test the performance of optimized prompt against DetectGPT detector:

    --dataset squad
    --method SICO-squad-essay-chatgpt-chatdetect 
    --detector detectgpt

To-Do List

Here is our planned roadmap for future developments:

  • Open Source Code
  • Share Effective Prompts
  • Share Benchmark

Stay tuned for further updates and developments on these tasks. We encourage community engagement and welcome any form of feedback or contributions to our project.


Source code for paper **Large Language Models can be Guided to Evade AI-Generated Text Detection**


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Shell 1.0%