ColinLeung-NiloCat / UnityURPToonLitShaderExample

A very simple toon lit shader example, for you to learn writing custom lit shader in Unity URP

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Anti-Aliasing causes emulator/PC-Quality Demo to run at 1 FPS

daneobyrd opened this issue · comments

When quality slider is set to emulator/PC, the demo runs at a maximum of 1 FPS in all situations except when I turn anti-aliasing off in the "check" scene featuring Klee and Ganyu.

Screen Recording 1
Screen Recording 2 - Less stuttering
Screen recording is done with OBS. The AA at emulator/PC quality taxes my GPU enough that it causes stuttering in my recording. I tried to optimize my encoding settings and uploaded a second screen recording that I hope is helpful. You can notice the recording stutter when my mouse jumps to a new position suddenly. My mouse was moving smoothly across the screen when I recorded this.

My specs as shown in the debug UI are:

OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19042) 64bit [WindowsPlayer]
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor [16 Cores]
GPU: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] [Direct3D11]
GPU: SM: 5.0, VRAM: 5991 MB
RAM: 16292 MB
SCR: 3840x2160@60Hz [window size: 3840x2160, DPI: 144]
Model: System Product Name (ASUS)

thanks, we may be too aggressive in PC's default settings

We tried applying a quick fix to solve the anti-aliasing fps problem, by limit maximum resolution to 1080p.

if you could help us to test the new version (test if the new version still having 1fps problem or not), we would highly appreciate it!

Looks great! No issues with the anti-aliasing.
One small note: When you click away to another program (I have a second monitor) and then click back to the demo, FPS drops down to 30 or even 0 for less than a second, then returns to ~60.

FPS: 60 [16.66 MS]
AVG: 57 [17.54 MS]
MIN:0 MAX: 60
MEM TOTAL: 466.51 MB
MEM ALLOC: 363.03 MB

Looks great! No issues with the anti-aliasing.

thank you!

One small note: When you click away to another program (I have a second monitor) and then click back to the demo, FPS drops down to 30 or even 0 for less than a second, then returns to ~60.

the short duration fps drop should be normal.