Game developed during HackBU
For the first feature, what inspired us was the huge amount of memes on valentine days and pick-up lines. We wanted to facilitate an easier method for people to rate/find/upload pick-up lines. For the second feature, we wanted to make an organized dating calendar to make sure the user does not run in any troubles with 2 guys/girls in the same day.
The first feature, has 2 sections, one for girls, where they can rate several pick-up lines from 1 to 10 which will help our database figure out which pick-up line has the best desired effect. For guys, you can input your pick-up line and the computer will let you know if it has any similar pick-up lines and their rating. Otherwise, it will save the pick up line and because it does not know it, it will give it a 10 rating to start with.
The second feature is a dates calendar. We know that a lot of teens are quite popular and have multiple dates, this is a feature for them to run their process smoothly without running into problems. (Let's see.. maybe meeting with 2 girls in the same day?)
What happens if you put 2 girls in the same date? The user will have to play a tic tac toe game, unfortunately, he will play alone. Why is that? If the dates find about each other he might end up alone. :'( tear dropping
We divided the work in 2 halves, one did the entire design with action listeners and different layouts such as GridLayout and GridBagLayout and the TicTacToe, while the other worked on the code using the console.
We both learned how to use and write Levenstein algorithm for string matching and comparing. This algorithm was used to figure if 2 pick-up lines are similar.
We have used different data structures such as HashMap(to save the dates name and the day they meet, to remember the pick up lines and the rating), HashTables(for a slider) and ArrayLists(to save different greeting the computer can say).
Text files were used in order to save the database which is later updates when pick up lines are rated.
Combining the design with the code.
Making a game that we belive will be useful for VDay and it is funny.
Levenstein Algorithm
Creating a better data base and a login feature