CodiumAlgorithm / CodiumAlgorithm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ‘‹ Hi! I'm CodiumAlgorithm
❀ Nice to meet you

🌱 I’m currently Working With Exploits/Crypters, and other
πŸ’¬ ask me about anything, i am happy to help


[ We are not responsible for what you use our protection/encryption/obfuscation software for. ]

Our encryption/protection/obfuscation software is not made for malicious use,but only for personal and protection purposes against reverse engineering.Misusing our software will lead toaban.We do NOT allow our software to be used wrongly.It is meant for security testing,protection of LAN(parental)monitoring tools and file protection.Crypters Can be used for educational penetration tests,personal tests,and to protect legal files that you dont want being debugged or reverse engineered. *If you need any kind of customer Support regarding product,then please contact us by private messaging. If you need customer support then Contact us directly and we will be more then happy to provide customer support and to Help you.

Tech Stack

  • Windows VSCOCE Python
  • MongoDB POSTSQL Heroku Replit

🀝🏻 Connect with Me


if you like what i do, maybe consider buying me a coffee/tea πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

BTC : bc1qpulpztr0kg2c0q0zvat3hszg03l6x0srtcxj3n

CODIUM Update - 2022/12/23


