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Seva Rybakov

My name is Seva and I'm an awesome full-stack web developer. I'm 32, I travel the world and do consulting for a few awesome international remote top-talent companies and mentor other developers because I love to teach people technology! Also, I've been a CTO @ 2 startups that I co-founded and I've been a Head of the Web Development Department of a small outsourcing company that I also co-founded back in Belarus before I realized how much I enjoy the remote lifestyle.

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Tech Stack

Category Key Technologies
Deployment Linux servers, Docker, Heroku, AWS, GCP
Databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, Supabase, Redis, MongoDB, ElasticSearch
Front-end TypeScript, React, Redux, Next.js, React Native, Bootstrap, Tailwind,
Blockchain Ethereum, Solidity, Hardhat, TheGraph
AI/ML OpenAI, Weaviate, PyTorch, LangChain
Back-end Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Go, REST, GraphQL
Third-party Shopify, Stripe, Twilio,
Tools Macbook, vim, git, tmux, Chat GPT
Practices TDD and clean readable code, Microservice Architecture


2006-2011 Freelance work

I did some work on popular CMS and Forums written in PHP

2011-2013 Itransition - Web developer

I was developing various projects in Ruby on Rails & jQuery. I did some Java and .NET here and there too.

2013-2016 Minsk based outsourcing company - Head of Web Development Department & co-founder

Key developer work on several projects using Ruby on Rails and Node.js, project management, customer acquisition. Highlights:

  • Next-gen email client. Backend in Rails and some Node.js. Unfortunately we were kicked out of market by Google Inbox.
  • A Tinder-like dating app that connects people who want to go together on an event. (Backend and team management)
  • Geotracking system for tracking international goods delivery by trucks. (Backend in Node.js and front-end in early and sexy React.js)
  • Uber-like taxi app for Lithuania and Latvia. (Backend in Rails, some front-end in Android and iOS)

2015-present Codementor and Arc - Expert mentor

  • Mentored 250+ developers of all levels on various topics via screen share. Vastly improved my communication skills and ability to dive into unfamiliar project code and solve problems.

  • Worked on a huge high loaded community focused social network platform in Rails, Node and React

2015-present Toptal - Top talent full-stack developer

  • Developed key features for top SMS Marketing platform in USA using Ruby on Rails, React and AWS Lambda

2017-present Gigster - Full stack web developer


  • Disrupting car battery delivery business in Miami and Colombia as a part of remote team of the most talented people from all over the globe. We developed the project from the ground up and successfully launched it!
  • Coursera-like app, both front-end (React+Redux) and back-end (Node.js+Express)
  • An app that allows people to have psychotherapy sessions remotely in these tough isolated times (Rails, React, Twilio)
  • An app that tracks employees approaching each other via RFID tokens and manages COVID-19 spread within the company. Punchline is that you don't have to quarantine the whole team, only the ones who spent enough time close to level-1 COVID carrier. (Rails, React)
  • Worked with Thoughtbot ( on the app that facilitated vaccination in USA

2020-2021 Colgate

2021-2022 Zipline

Rails hotwire app to take temperature, vaccination evidence and check in Australian hospital vistitors on physical kiosk devices.

2022 xTok

Web3 OnlyFans clone on Ethereum chain.


Japanese football best moments NFT marketplace

Back end in Go on Google Cloud Platform, Smart contracts on Flow Blockchain


Lending platform on Ethereum.

Implemented full smart contract suite and achieved close to 100% code coverage with Hardhat


2006-2008 Studied Computer Science as High School Student @ Luceum 2

2008-2013 Bachelor in Computer Science @ Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

2013-2015 Master in Computer Science @ Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (unfinished due to some serious coding going on in my life)

2011 - First Certificate in English - Pre-Advanced level @ International House
