Robust & Easy to use model mapper and utility methods for Go struct
. Typical methods increase productivity and make Go development more fun 😄
v0.4 released and tagged on May 19, 2016
go-model tested with Go v1.2
and above.
go-model library provides handy methods to process struct
with below highlighted features. It's born from typical need while developing Go application or utility. I hope it's helpful to Go community!
- Embedded/Anonymous struct
- Multi-level nested struct/map/slice
- Pointer and non-pointer within struct/map/slice
- Struct within map and slice
- Embedded/Anonymous struct fields appear in map at same level as represented by Go
- Interface within struct/map/slice
- Get struct field
by field name - Get all the struct field tags (
) or selectively by field name - Get all
for given struct instance - Add global no traverse type to the list or use
option in the struct field - Options to name map key, omit empty fields, and instruct not to traverse with struct/map/slice
Stable - Release Version
Please refer section Versioning for detailed info.
# install the library
go get -u gopkg.in/jeevatkm/go-model.v0
# install the latest & greatest library
go get -u github.com/jeevatkm/go-model
Import go-model into your code and refer it as model
. Have a look on model test cases to know more possibilities.
import (
Supported Methods
- Copy - usage, godoc
- Map - usage, godoc
- Clone - usage, godoc
- IsZero - usage, godoc
- HasZero - usage, godoc
- IsZeroInFields - usage, godoc
- Fields - usage, godoc
- Kind - usage, godoc
- Tag - usage, godoc
- Tags - usage, godoc
- AddNoTraverseType - usage, godoc
- RemoveNoTraverseType - usage, godoc
Copy Method
How do I copy my struct object into another? Not to worry, go-model does deep copy.
// let's say you have just decoded/unmarshalled your request body to struct object.
tempProduct, _ := myapp.ParseJSON(request.Body)
product := Product{}
// tag your Product fields with appropriate options like
// -, omitempty, notraverse to get desired result.
// Not to worry, go-model does deep copy :)
errs := model.Copy(&product, tempProduct)
fmt.Println("Errors:", errs)
fmt.Printf("\nSource: %#v\n", tempProduct)
fmt.Printf("\nDestination: %#v\n", product)
Map Method
I want to convert my struct into Map (map[string]interface{}
). Sure, go-model does deep convert.
// tag your SearchResult fields with appropriate options like
// -, name, omitempty, notraverse to get desired result.
sr, _ := myapp.GetSearchResult( /* params here */ )
// Embedded/Anonymous struct fields appear in map at same level as represented by Go
srchResMap, err := model.Map(sr)
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
fmt.Printf("\nSearch Result Map: %#v\n", srchResMap)
Clone Method
I would like to clone my struct object. That's nice, you know go-model does deep processing.
input := Product { /* Product struct field values go here */ }
// have your struct fields tagged appropriately. Options like
// -, name, omitempty, notraverse to get desired result.
clonedObj := model.Clone(input)
// let's see the result
fmt.Printf("\nCloned Object: %#v\n", clonedObj)
IsZero Method
I want to check my struct object is empty or not. Of course, go-model does deep zero check.
// let's say you have just decoded/unmarshalled your request body to struct object.
productInfo, _ := myapp.ParseJSON(request.Body)
// wanna check productInfo is empty or not
isEmpty := model.IsZero(productInfo)
// tag your ProductInfo fields with appropriate options like
// -, omitempty, notraverse to get desired result.
fmt.Println("Hey, I have all fields zero value:", isEmpty)
HasZero Method
I want to check my struct object has any zero/empty value. Of course, go-model does deep zero check.
// let's say you have just decoded/unmarshalled your request body to struct object.
productInfo, _ := myapp.ParseJSON(request.Body)
// wanna check productInfo is empty or not
isEmpty := model.HasZero(productInfo)
// tag your ProductInfo fields with appropriate options like
// -, omitempty, notraverse to get desired result.
fmt.Println("Hey, I have zero values:", isEmpty)
IsZeroInFields Method
Is it possible to check to particular fields has zero/empty values. Of-course you can.
// let's say you have just decoded/unmarshalled your request body to struct object.
product, _ := myapp.ParseJSON(request.Body)
// check particular fields has zero value or not
fieldName, isEmpty := model.IsZeroInFields(product, "SKU", "Title", "InternalIdentifier")
fmt.Println("Empty Field Name:", fieldName)
fmt.Println("Yes, I have zero value:", isEmpty)
Fields Method
You wanna all the fields from struct
, Yes you can have it :)
src := SampleStruct {
/* struct fields go here */
fields, _ := model.Fields(src)
fmt.Println("Fields:", fields)
Kind Method
go-model library provides an ability to know the reflect.Kind
in as easy way.
src := SampleStruct {
/* struct fields go here */
fieldKind, _ := model.Kind(src, "BookingInfoPtr")
fmt.Println("Field kind:", fieldKind)
Tag Method
I want to get Go lang supported Tag value from my struct
. Yes, it is easy to get it.
src := SampleStruct {
BookCount int `json:"-"`
BookCode string `json:"-"`
ArchiveInfo BookArchive `json:"archive_info,omitempty"`
Region BookLocale `json:"region,omitempty"`
tag, _ := model.Tag(src, "ArchiveInfo")
fmt.Println("Tag Value:", tag.Get("json"))
// Output:
Tag Value: archive_info,omitempty
Tags Method
I would like to get all the fields Tag values from my struct
. It's easy.
src := SampleStruct {
BookCount int `json:"-"`
BookCode string `json:"-"`
ArchiveInfo BookArchive `json:"archive_info,omitempty"`
Region BookLocale `json:"region,omitempty"`
tags, _ := model.Tags(src)
fmt.Println("Tags:", tags)
AddNoTraverseType & RemoveNoTraverseType Methods
There are scenarios, where you want the object values but not to traverse/look inside the struct object. Use notraverse
option in the model tag for those fields or Add it NoTraverseTypeList
. Customize it as per your need.
Default NoTraverseTypeList
has these types time.Time{}
, &time.Time{}
, os.File{}
, &os.File{}
, http.Request{}
, &http.Request{}
, http.Response{}
, &http.Response{}
// If you have added your type into list then you need not mention `notraverse` option for those types.
// Adding type into NoTraverseTypeList
model.AddNoTraverseType(time.Location{}, &time.Location{})
// Removing type from NoTraverseTypeList
model.RemoveNoTraverseType(time.Location{}, &time.Location{})
go-model releases versions according to Semantic Versioning
points to appropriate tag versions; X
denotes version number and it's a stable release. It's recommended to use version, for eg. gopkg.in/jeevatkm/go-model.v0
. Development takes place at the master branch. Although the code in master should always compile and test successfully, it might break API's. We aim to maintain backwards compatibility, but API's and behaviour might be changed to fix a bug.
Welcome! If you find any improvement or issue you want to fix, feel free to send a pull request. I like pull requests that include test cases for fix/enhancement. I have done my best to bring pretty good code coverage. Feel free to write tests.
BTW, I'd like to know what you think about go-model. Kindly open an issue or send me an email; it'd mean a lot to me.
Jeevanandam M. - jeeva@myjeeva.com
Have a look on Contributors page.
go-model released under MIT license, refer LICENSE file.