CodelyTV / request-review-by-path

πŸ‘€ GitHub Action: Assign Pull Requests to your GitHub teams or individual users based on the paths of the modified files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ‘€ Request Review Pull Request by modified path CodelyTV Courses GitHub Action version

Assign Pull Requests to your GitHub teams or individual users based on the paths of the modified files

πŸš€ Usage

☝️ Create a file named assign-by-path.yml inside the .github/workflows directory and paste:

name: assign-by-path

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: πŸ‘€ Assign by path
      - uses: codelytv/assign-by-path@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        mapping: |
          rgomezcasas: ["src"]
          javiercane: ["src", "dist"]
          barackObama: ["node_modules"]
          CodelyTV/staff: ["src"]

πŸ’‘ Use case examples

You can combine this action with others such as:

  • Notify to the Slack channel #mooc-team when a PR has been assigned to the mooc GitHub team
  • Send an email to when a PR has been assigned to the mooc GitHub team
  • You name it! Composition over Inheritance FTW! 😊

βš–οΈ License



πŸ‘€ GitHub Action: Assign Pull Requests to your GitHub teams or individual users based on the paths of the modified files

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 86.6%Language:JavaScript 13.4%