Codeh4ck / InterviewAssignment

A modular data extraction/parsing/storing system written using Microsoft .NET technologies.

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Interview Assignment

A project provided as a solution to an interview assignment. The main purpose of this software is to extract data from various sources, parse it and then store it into a database.

Description & Overview

The project is layered in 3 modules, the connector, the parser and the storage handler. Each module is responsible for fullfilling the following tasks:

  • The connector extracts data from the data source.
  • The parser receives the data from the connector and formats it to a common data structure.
  • The storage handler receives data from the parser and stores it into the database. Additionally, it provides us with the stored data.

All modules communicate between them using JSON objects. The parser and the storage handler are JSON services, written using ASP .NET WebAPI 2, Newtonsoft JSON and Entity Framework.

Description of the Connector

The connector is a console application that receives input from the user (either inside the console, or through the command line arguments). It then queries the data source and retrieves the data. In this case, we are querying Twitter to receive the latest tweets, using a given hashtag as a search term. The connector uses Twitter's REST API to get the latest tweets and returns a maximum of 15 results. After retrieving the data, it sends each JSON object representing a tweet to the parser. All functionallity is done asynchronously.

Description of the Parser

The parser is a RESTful JSON web service (ASP .NET WebAPI 2). It receives data from the connector and formats it into a common data structure. In this project, the common data structure, which is shared between the parser and the storage handler, is model with the following properties:

  • The name of the queried service
  • The search term (e.g a hashtag)
  • The name of the poster
  • The post message (e.g a tweet message)
  • The date that the message was posted

The parser retrieves the data given by the connector, formats it into a JSON representation of the aforementioned model and sends it to the storage handler for storing.

Description of the Storage

The storage is a RESTful JSON web service (ASP .NET WebAPI 2) as well. receives the formatted objects from the parser in JSON format. It validates if the structure of the model is the one we're expecting and stores it into the database. Additionally, the storage provides us with the ability to retrieve data from the database in 3 ways:

  • Retrieve all the data at once
  • Retrieve an x amount of items
  • Retrieve an x amount of items, of the y data source

Extending the application to include more data sources

To extend the application, the following steps must be followed:

1. Extending the connector:

You must first create a class in the DataConnector.Connectors namespace which must inherit the DataConnector class. In your new class constructor, call the DataConnector's constructor and pass the name of your provider as an argument. Then implement these 2 abstract methods of the DataConnector:

  • public abstract Task RetrieveData(params object[] parameters);
  • public abstract void Dispose();

For instance:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DataConnector.HTTP;

namespace DataConnector.Connectors
    public sealed class FacebookConnector : BaseComponents.DataConnector
        public FacebookConnector() : base("Facebook")


        public override void Dispose()

        public override async Task<int> RetrieveData(params object[] parameters)

The RetrieveData() should be used to write the logic of how to retrieve data from the data source. Any number of parameters can be used. In the current project, we only use 1 string parameter which is the Twitter hashtag to use as a search term. After retrieving the data, format it into a JSON object of your choice and send it to the parser, through the SendToParser() method, which takes 2 arguments, the JSON object and the search term. Make sure to await the SendToParser() method, as it is an asynchronous method. RetrieveData() returns an integer that represents the amount of data processed.

The Dispose() method should be used to dispose of any resources used in the connector class.

Your connector class can include any property of your choise and any method. The only requirement is to override the above 2 methods.

After adding your new connector, edit the DataConnectorFactory class, and add a new case in the CreateDataConnector() switch statement. Your new statement, taking into account the previous example class, should look like this:

using System;
using DataConnector.Connectors;

namespace DataConnector.BaseComponents
    public class DataConnectorFactory
        public static DataConnector CreateDataConnector(string providerName)
            switch (providerName.ToLower())
                case "twitter":
                    return new TwitterConnector();
				case "facebook":
					return new FacebookConnector();
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Data connector has not been implemented yet.");

2. Extending the parser:

In order to support parsing for your new connector, you must also add the new parsing logic to the parser. First, create a new class in the DataParser.DataParsers namespace and inherit the (DataParserBase)[DataParser/BaseComponents/DataParserBase.cs] class. Your new parser class must call the base constructor as well, and pass 2 arguments: the parser name and the search term used to get the data we're going to process. Then, implement the following abstract method:

  • public abstract DataModel ParseResult(string json);

For instance:

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using DataParser.BaseComponents;
using DataParser.Models;

namespace DataParser.DataParsers
    public class FacebookParser : DataParserBase
        public FacebookParser(string searchTerm) : base("Facebook", searchTerm)

        public override DataModel ParseResult(string json)

In your new class, the ParseResult() method should implement the logic of transforming the json object (the parameter of ParseResult) into a DataModel object. Then, you must return the DataModel object, so the parser can send it to the storage. Your DataModel object should have all its properties filled, to ensure integrity and that full information is stored into the database later.

After you implement the ParseResult() method, edit the DataParserFactory class and add your parser to the switch statement, inside the CreateParser() method. Your modified CreateParser() method should now look like this:

using System;
using DataParser.DataParsers;

namespace DataParser.BaseComponents
    public class DataParserFactory
        public static IDataParser CreateParser(string providerName, string searchTerm)
            switch (providerName.ToLower())
                case "twitter":
                    return new TwitterParser(searchTerm);
				case "facebook":
                    return new FacebookParser(searchTerm);					
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The parser for the provider given is not yet implemented.");

A few guidelines on extending the application:

  • Ensure that your connector's provider name and the parser's name are the same.
  • The SendToParser() method is virtual and can be overriden with different logic for each connector.
  • If your new data source does not provide a JSON service, format the data into a JSON object in the RetrieveData() method

Hosting each module in different servers

The Parser and the Storage handler can be hosted in different servers. All modules communicate with each other through RESTful JSON APIs. The only settings that must be modified to reflect these changes are each service's URL.

Retrieving data from the storage handler

You can retrieve data from the storage handler in the following ways:

  1. REST GET http://urltostorage/News (retrieves all entries)
  2. REST GET http://urltostorage/News/10 (retrieves 10 most recent entries)
  3. REST GET http://urltostorage/News/10/?provider=Twitter (retrieves 10 most recent entries of Twitter provider)

Run the application on your own development environment

If you forked this project and wish to run it on your own environment, make sure that each module points to the right Parser and Storage URLs.

  1. Open your Parser properties (Project -> DataParser Properties) and copy the Project URL. Then set the URL in the DataConnector class, in the APIUrl property (it can be overriden as well in each connector).

  2. Open your Storage properties (Project -> DataStorage Properties) and copy the Project URL. Then set the URL in the Web.config file of the Parser, in the XML node (in the StorageUrl element).

  3. Edit the connection string of the database in the Web.config of the Storage handler. The connection string is in the connectionStrings node, in the DatabaseContext element. It is not recommended to edit the name attribute of the connection string. To get a connection string, create a new database in your SQL Management Studio, connect to it from Visual Studio and right click it -> Properties. You will then find it in the properties window.


A modular data extraction/parsing/storing system written using Microsoft .NET technologies.


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