Codefa / nodejs-UDP-Torrent-Scrape

script allows you to scrape torrent tracker information using UDP trackers to retrieve details such as the number of seeders, leechers, completed downloads, and infohash details for specified torrents.

Repository from Github https://github.comCodefa/nodejs-UDP-Torrent-ScrapeRepository from Github https://github.comCodefa/nodejs-UDP-Torrent-Scrape

NodeJS UDP Torrent Scrape

This project scrapes torrent trackers using UDP requests. It includes:

  • A backend built with Express to handle scraping requests.
  • A UDP-based scraper in torrent.js using Node's dgram module.
  • A simple frontend in index.html styled with Tailwind CSS for input and results display.


  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install


  1. Start the server:

    npm start
  2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3020.

  3. Use the web interface:

    • Paste a valid magnet link into the input field.
    • Click the Scrape button.
    • The backend will query all UDP trackers present in the magnet link and display the results in a responsive table with details including Tracker, Status, Seeders, Completed, and Leechers.

scrape function params

param description type
tracker URL UDP tracker URL (e.g., udp:// String
torrent infohash 40-character hexadecimal strings String or Array


script allows you to scrape torrent tracker information using UDP trackers to retrieve details such as the number of seeders, leechers, completed downloads, and infohash details for specified torrents.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 59.5%Language:HTML 40.5%