CodeShane / Affirm

Affirm for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Affirm is no longer maintained. It was a free app released through the Google Play store from 2010-2014.

Affirm is an Android application that intermittently reminds you of your self-affirmations, goals, resolutions, or whatever else you choose to add. These affirmations, when enabled, work from the background so the device can continue normal use.

Technical Overview

Affirmations are triggered by a scheduled Intent to a BroadcastReceiver; this minimizes resource use by only loading what is necessary to show the message, and then closing. Unless the user is editing the preferences, there are no Activities or Services running.

Affirm provides a lot of end-user options with minimal overhead by delivering messages via Toast with customized duration, font color, positioning, and more in the works.


Affirm was provided without warranty of any kind. The only official installation method for Affirm was through the Google Play store. Downloads of Affirm were also available for manual installation (side-load) at your own risk, for users who did not have access to the Google Play store.

  • (Downloads and links removed. Affirm is no longer maintained.)
  • http:// /Affirm_1-0.apk
  • http:// /Affirm_0-7.apk


Contributors and supporters are welcome. I will gratefully accept translations, suggestions, and pull requests.


Affirm for Android