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:book: AVA Test Style Guide

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Ryan’s AVA Testing Organization Style

AVA is a powerful testing platform that I’ve been using in most of my repositories instead of Mocha. After trying out AVA in many repositories, I’ve started to settle into a standard style that works well for creating clean, understandable, and simple testing files.

This document attempts to record my current style for writing AVA tests. Some of my style is intuitive to AVA, like using the built-in assertions instead of external assertion libraries like Chai, but other stylistic decisions are my own.

This guide is intended to serve as a reference for libraries that follow my style choices. If you have differing style choices to mine, feel free to fork this style guide and tweak to your liking. You can also submit issues or pull requests and discuss pros and cons to different choices, and I may tweak my style if convinced that another way is better.

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[![AVA Test Style Guide](](
Text Reference
This module is tested using [AVA](
Tests should conform to [Ryan's AVA Test Style](
  • Tests are code, and should conform to lint rules.

  • The file-system reflects the organization of tests, and follows a standard pattern.

  • Unit tests are separated from integration tests.

  • Tests are designed for other humans. Describe tests from the point of view of a user, without referencing implementation details.

  • Use property-based testing (such as JSVerify) to find edge-cases and write concise tests.

  • Put all setup in before/beforeEach statements.

  • Duplicating documentation should be avoided at all costs.

  • Use built-in test organization messages over inline comments or README descriptions when possible.

Tests are categorized by scope, ranging from small unit tests to larger integration tests. This guide attempts to provide clear distinctions between unit and integration tests, and has named a few other test categories.

unit tests

Independently testing a method, mocking all external dependencies.

HTTP unit test

Simple usage or edge case testing of an HTTP method.

interface integration test

Testing a method against a single instance of an external dependency. All other resources should be mocked.

integration test

A full-scale test involving almost no mocked components, that tests an entire flow from the user’s perspective. Run with AVA in parallel to unit tests, before packaging.

package integration test

If the application is packaged (such as a webserver packaged in a Docker image), package integration tests run on the fully packaged build (such as using a Chrome instance to connect to the webserver running in Docker).

The test groups listed above are ordered from least to most expensive to run - starting a Docker image to test a smaller component takes a lot longer than just running a short unit test with all external resources mocked.

Therefore, unit tests should be used for most purposes. Unit tests should cover the basic usage of the method (give correct input, get correct response) and cover how the method handles edge cases (given invalid input, asked for non-existent resource, etc.).

Unit tests should be validating the documented signature - expected parameters, calling other methods with the proper signature, and returning the expected result.

All tests beyond unit tests should be minimal flows through the application.

For interface integration tests, when one class (CallingClass) calls another (CalledClass), we’ve already checked that CallingClass calls CalledClass with the documented parameters, and separately tested that CalledClass returns the correct input when given the correct parameters.

Therefore, the interface integration test is only testing that the two classes are in sync with each other, and don’t have any mistakes with basic usage.

Integration tests also test that already-tested components are wired together correctly, from a user’s point of view. Integration tests treat the entire application as a black box, and merely test input at one end compared to output at the other.

Package integration tests should be even more minimal, just ensuring that the packaged application does start without any errors (such as missing dependencies or differences between the testing and packaged environments), and continues working with one or two basic flows through the application.

  DO  brightgreen Carefully organize testing files.
  DO  brightgreen Focus on unit tests.
 DON’T red Duplicate tests.

Most of this documentation will assume a monolithic repository structure that includes several libraries packaged as NPM packages.

We’ll use an webserver that deals with users and projects.


users, and projects are each NPM libraries that are installed in web-server.

web-server/Server.js will setup an Express webserver with routes that use Users and Projects to store and retrieve data for clients.

web-server has a package-test/ directory that contains tests that will run in browsers (such as through Selenium WebDriver or WebDriverIO) against Server running in a Docker instance.

All other tests will be located in the test/ directory for each module.

Unit tests should be stored in <module>/test/<class>/<method>/<scenario>.js.

For instance, tests that confirm Users.getByID() fetches users would be located in users/test/Users/getByID/fetches-users.js.

If classes have unique names, collapse directories when testing. For instance, tests for users/auth/AuthenticationMethod.js can be located in users/test/AuthenticationMethod/…​.

If classes do not have unique names, you can use directories inside test/ to keep tests seperate. For instance, the above tests could also be located inside users/test/auth/AuthenticationMethod/…​.

Try to collapse directories as much as possible. Only use sub-directories in test if collapsing directories severely impacts understanding the test organization.

HTTP unit tests are an interesting mix - they should be isolated to a single "method", but you may need to access a larger section of code to get the HTTP routing logic.

In general, HTTP routing logic should be basic wrappers around other functions. For user registration, the logic might look like:

const Users = require("users/Users");
const express = require("express");
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");

class Server {
  constructor() { = express();"/register", bodyParser.json(), (req, res) => {
      const { email, password } = req.body;
        .register(email, password)
        .then(user => {
        .catch(err => {
          res.send("Internal Error");

For this example, Users.register() should be already unit tested, so the HTTP logic just needs to attempt to submit a form, and ensure that Users.register() is called with the correct information.

HTTP unit tests should be located in <module>/test/http/<url>/<http method>/<assertion>.js.

The test referenced above should be located in server/test/http/register/POST/pass-to-Users-reigster.js.

Interface integration tests are very similar to unit tests, and are stored almost identically. However, you should note what other modules are being used in the test.

Let’s test Project#getOwner(), which calls Users.getByID(), which in turn accesses the database.

A unit test might be projects/test/Project/getOwner/returns-user.js should be run with Users.getByID mocked, and confirm that Users.getByID() is called with the ID of the project’s owner, and correctly returns the user that Users.getByID() returns.

For interface tests, we will be testing that Users.getByID and Project#getOwner are correctly talking to each other. projects/test/Project/getOwner/relays-Users-getByID.js would use un-mocked Users and Project method, but should mock the contents of the database.

Integration tests should test user flow through the application, with minimal mocking.

In general, integration tests should be located in <module>/test/integration/<scenario>/<assertion>.js.

For instance, a test confirming users can log in after registering would be located in users/test/integration/user-register-and-login/password-authentication.js.

In general, integration tests should be confirming that the module works as a whole, so integration tests can be lumped together.

However, integration tests that are isolated to a minor class that doesn’t represent the rest of the module could be located inside the test directory for that class - such as users/test/AuthenticationMethod/integration/…​.

Unit tests should be written for each method and function in the repository.

Include one test showing the basic usage:

const id = "dummy-user";
const name = "A Fake User";
// (pre-load database in `before()` hook)

test("finds user", t => {
  return Users
    .then(user => {, name);

Next, include tests for missed branches, such as error handling, adding additional tests for common uses that hit other branches. It might help to examine line/branch/statement coverage reports.

Along with testing error cases, test that input validation correctly identifies improper input.

Finally, test any easily identifiable edge cases. Look for bizarre input that should actually pass successfully, such as validating empty passwords, as well as documenting any errors that might be thrown, such as validating the password for a missing user.

When responding to bug reports, normally new edge cases will be added as unit tests.

  DO  brightgreen Cover common cases, such as omitting optional arguments
 DON’T red Test mis-use of functions, like omitting required arguments or providing arguments in the wrong order.

For HTTP routes that wrap unit-tested methods, testing can often be heavily mocked.

Generally, you should write one test that calls the underlying method, and checks that the output is correctly returned.

Then evaluate any other branches. Does the method respond with a HTTP status code and a custom body if an error is thrown in the test?

See any HTTP API documentation for the current module to see if there are other edge cases.

Try to mock all resources under the wrapped method. For some tests, you may even be able to mock the method completely, and only test the HTTP wrapper.

  DO  brightgreen Test HTTP parsing edge cases.
 DON’T red Test edge-cases already covered by the wrapped method.

When testing the interface between two modules, start with a basic usage that uses both modules.

const name = "my-sample-name";

test.beforeEach("start server", t => {
  t.context.server = new Server();

test.beforeEach("start client", t => {
  t.context.client = new Client();

test("client can login after registration", t => {
  const { client } = t.context;
  return client
    .register({ name })
    .then(() => client.login())
    .then(user => {, name);

  DO  brightgreen Mock all other resources besides the two modules being tested.

For most cases, integration interface tests are only ensuring:

  • Both modules can start without issues

  • The two modules don’t conflict when running in the same environment (e.g. reserving the same port)

  • A few methods are able to communicate without issues

  DO  brightgreen Test interface edge-cases, like handling error HTTP status code.
  DO  brightgreen Test flows that include communication between the modules.
  DO  brightgreen Test sending weird data between the modules, such as non-URL-safe parameters that will be used as the URL.
 DON’T red Test methods that don’t communicate between modules.

In most cases, covering every possible communication isn’t useful. Full integration tests will cover most of the useful communication, and unit tests will already be covering each method and making sure that each module follows the API spec.

Having duplicate assertions as unit tests for each module as well as on the interface between the two modules will likely slow future development, as both assertions will have to be kept up to date with the code, and each module might interface with multiple modules, providing a large number of interfaces to check.

However, fully testing the communication between two modules might make sense in two scenarios. Mission-critical components may need the reliability, and integration interface tests can ensure lasting stability for components not yet in production and not tested in full integration tests.

Integration tests should evaluate the resulting application, script, or server as a whole, with limited mocking.

However, the tests should still be run in AVA, so you can use tools like SuperTest to start servers without reserving network ports.

  DO  brightgreen Write integration tests from a user’s perspective.
  DO  brightgreen Abstract setup of integration tests to focus test files on user-driven features.

Write as many integration tests as you need to test the different scenarios that a user might encounter.

You could setup JSVerify to generate different flows that a user might take through your program, to find different edge cases.

JSVerify Integration Test Example
const test = require("ava");
const jsc = require("jsverify");
jsc.ava = require("ava-verify");

// Emulates a user flow through the program:
const UserEnvironment = require("test/helpers/user-flow/UserEnvironment");

// Builds a random flow of user actions:
const UserFlow = require("test/helpers/user-flow/UserFlow");

// Builds register/login actions that are bundled:
const UserRegisterLogin = require("test/helpers/user-flow/UserRegisterLogin");

test.beforeEach("start new user environment", t => {
  t.context.env = new UserEnvironment();

  suite: "login after registration",
}, [,,
], (t, state, [ register, login ]) => {
  const { env } = t.context.env;
  return env
    .all(state) // Get into a random user state (with or without registering or logging in)
    .then(env => // then execute user registration
    .then(env => // then execute user login using credentials from registration
    .then(env => {
      // make assertions about the result from user login, 200, "should result in 200 status code");, "/", "should navigate to homepage after login");
      t.true(env.headers.LOGGED_IN, "should have 'LOGGED_IN' header");

The package integration tests should make sure that the fully packaged application:

  • Starts

  • Does not depend on any development assets that existed during unit testing

  • Has connections to any needed resources (such as those mocked during standard integration tests)

Standard integration tests should be preferred over package integration tests, as the extra development assets loaded into the environment can make tests more efficient to process, more succinct, and more debuggable when something goes wrong.

  DO  brightgreen Execute tests in a clean environment
 DON’T red Have any testing assets in the packaged environment (like devDependencies for Node.js applications)

  DO  brightgreen Test a standard user flow through the application.
  DO  brightgreen Add edge cases to cover environmental changes from the standard integration tests.
 DON’T red Test user flows that can be covered as standard integration tests.

For a web-server that gets packaged into a Docker container, you could spin up the server in the container, then use tools like WebDriverIO to point browser instances at the server.

All test files should follow the same structure:

// require/imports

// before/after logic

// macros

// test contents

Unless you have good reason for it, put all the require() or import statements at the top of the file.

AVA currently comes shipped with Babel, so you can use import statements with the current version of Node.

If your internal code and documentation are using import, you probably should use import statements in your testing files.

For all other use cases, we recommend using require() while import isn’t natively supported in Node to reduce the amount of transcompilation. Either way, use a consistent syntax across your repository.

Roughly order libraries from built-in to local source files.

// Libraries needed to modify subsequent imports:
const Promise = require("bluebird");
// Node built-in libraries:
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs"));
const path = require("path");
// External libraries:
const reduce = require("lodash.reduce");
const express = require("express");
const request = require("supertest");
// Test setup:
const setup = {
  rethink: require("ava-rethinkdb"),

// Source files:
const Users = require("Users");

All test setup and teardown should be done in before/after blocks. Setup and teardown methods can come from remote libraries or from local files.

// Remote libraries

// Internal
test.beforeEach("create Users instance", t => {
  t.context.users = new Users();

  DO  brightgreen Always name before/after blocks.

DO: Break Tasks into Multiple Statements
test.beforeEach("create user", t => {
  t.context.user = new User("Bob");

test.beforeEach("add user to Users", t => {
DO: Put Setup inside beforeEach
test.beforeEach("create server", t => { = express();

test("runs", t => {
  return request(
    .then(res =>, "Hello World"));
DON’T: Include setup inside test
test("runs", t => {
  let app = express();
  return request(app)
    .then(res =>, "Hello World"));

Use macros for any repeated code.

Basic Macro Usage
const add = require("add");

function adds(t, a, b, c) {, b), c);
adds.title = (title, a, b, c) => `add(${a}, ${b}) === ${c}`;

test(adds, 1, 2, 3);
test(adds, 10, 100, 110);

For the most part, test macros should be simple.

DON’T: Hide Assertions in Macros
function gt(a, b) { return a > b; }

function gtTrue(t, a, b) {
  if(a <= b) { return t.pass(); }
  t.true(gt(a, b));

test(gtTrue, 1, 2);
test(gtTrue, 2, 1);
DO: Use beforeEach for Setup
test.beforeEach("creates a", t => {
  t.context.a = Math.random();

function checksNum(t, fn) {

test("typeof", checksNum, a => typeof a === "number");
test("isFinite", checksNum, isFinite);
DO: Throw Errors if Preconditions not Met
test.beforeEach("connect to database", t => {
  t.context.db = db.connect(/* ... */);
  if(!t.context.db.connected) {
    throw new Error("Could not connect to database.");

The contents of the test should run code, and then use an assertion to check the output.

  DO  brightgreen Use built-in assertions
  DO  brightgreen Use assertion planning (t.plan(1);)

Don’t use multiple assertions when possible. If you need to validate pre-conditions, test in beforeEach and throw an error.

Name tests according to the behavior they are checking.

DON’T: Duplicate Test Titles
// returns '200' status code
test("returns '200'", t => {
  return request(app)
    .then(res => {, 200);

Some things are intentionally missing from the test files:


Mocked classes and data structures should be stored as test helpers.

utility functions

Functions that assist in constructing test data should either be run once per test (before/beforeEach) or stored as a test helper.


:book: AVA Test Style Guide