CodeEventHorizon / grafana-loki-docker

Run Grafana & Grafana Loki using docker-compose and store logs in the local filesystem and send logs directly to Grafana Loki

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Grafana Loki with docker compose and local filesystem storage

If you would like to send logs directly to Grafana Loki without Promtail, use the following API to push logs: POST method

Tools used:

  1. Docker
  2. Grafana
  3. Grafana Loki


  1. Grafana
  2. Grafana Loki


  1. init - since Loki containers are running as user 10001 and mounted data is owned by root, Loki would not have permissions to create the directories. Therefore the init container changes permissions of the mounted directory
  2. loki - Grafana Loki container
  3. grafana - Grafana container


grafana-net is important as it gives us ability to call containers by their names within the network instead of using IP addresses. For instance we are able to call Grafana Loki container as http://loki:3100 in Grafana container


3 volumes are used, 2 for Grafana Loki and 1 for Grafana

  1. ./loki-config.yaml:/etc/loki/local-config.yaml this volume loads the loki-config.yaml file from the host system and makes it available inside the loki container at the location /etc/loki/local-config.yaml NOTE: do not change the path and file name!

  2. loki-data:/loki is a bind mount, you will have to create /loki directory beforehand. All the grafana loki data & logs will be stored here NOTE: it needs to be /loki to work properly

  3. grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana stores grafana data, like settings and dashboards


Run Grafana & Grafana Loki using docker-compose and store logs in the local filesystem and send logs directly to Grafana Loki