Code-Institute-Org / thelibrary

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Library

The Slack room for our Code Institute community of students, alumni and staff contains a wealth of useful information, tips, advice and resources created by the community for CI students. But Slack doesn't provide a good place to store, sort, search, filter and categorize the content produced by our community members. This library was created to provide a central hub of resources to support our students, with all the search and filtering functionality they need to make it accessible and useful.

The Library also has the potential to improve the online reach of Code Institute marketing strategies, generate new sales leads, and demonstrate the thriving student support community available on Code Institute courses.

The Library Home page

Table of Contents

  1. UX
  2. Features
  3. Information Architecture
  4. Technologies Used
  5. Testing
  6. Deployment
  7. Credits
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. Contact


User Goals

The central target users for The Library are:

  • Code Institute students
  • Potential students who want to see what the CI community has to offer
  • Code Institute staff who want to share useful resources outside of the course content

User goals include:

  • Find posts relevant to an issue I am currently facing with my project
  • Find extra resources to support my research and debugging
  • Learn more about a certain coding subject
  • Be able to navigate The Library easily to find what I need
  • Be able to create new posts in the Library

The Library meets these needs, because

  • The website has been carefully designs with the needs of the community in mind. As the developer was herself once a CI student who created supporting content, and understands the pitfalls of the current slack pinned posts approach to the problem The Library solves.
  • The navigation fits with conventions of well laid out software, emulating the Google simple icon based navigation approach.
  • All the information a reader needs is easy to find and well laid out.
  • Post information can be searched using keywords, categories and tags, and can be filtered by newest, oldest, popularity and category. Giving users multiple ways to find what they need within the application's database.

Business goals include:

  • Increase leads that contribute to company growth
  • Strengthen position of CI within the coding bootcamp market
  • Contribute to sales funnel enhancements
  • Contribute to CI brand positioning
  • Improve motivation, engagement and gamification of the student experience

The Library meets these needs, because

  • The format of useful posts filled with resources will generate strong SEO results, leading more people who want to learn to code towards a Code Institute owned website.
  • The content within the website will demonstrate the strength of our student community and staff support beyond the course materials themselves. Allowing potential new students to get a glimpse of the value provided by some of our student supports.
  • The site provides a place for students who create supporting content to show off what they have created. These links can be shared with potential employers, as well as friends and colleagues who are interested in learning to code.
  • Gamification with the use of badges to reward prolific authors encourages engagement and recognizes their contributions.

User Stories

CI students

  1. As a CI student, I want to be able to log into The Library using my Slack account, so that the authentication system is smooth and easy for me.
  • Site login should work through Slack accounts.
  • Only CI students who have a slack account should be able to log into The Library.
  1. As a CI student, I want to be able to easily find posts in the library relevant to the course that I am on.
  • Search results should be labelled clearly when posts are specific to one course.
  1. As a CI student, I want to be able to ask questions about the posts in the library, so that i can clear up any confusion I may still have.
  • Post detail pages should include a link back to the relevant slack channel, so students can ask questions about the post in Slack.
  1. As a CI student, I want to be able to share posts from the library back into slack
  • Post urls should include title in the slug, making it clear what the post is about to the community.
  1. As a CI student, I want to be able to bookmark posts, so that I can come back to the ones I find most useful.
  • Post detail page should include bookmark button
  1. As a CI student, I want to sort my bookmarks so I can find what I am looking for easily.
  • Bookmarks page should include ability to sort by most recent, title, author and category


  1. As a CI student author, I want to be able to create posts, so other students can benefit from the things I have learned on the course.
  2. As an author, I want to be able to edit my post content using a rich text editor, so I have control over how my post looks, add code blocks etc.
  • Create and edit post pages should include rich text editor for creating the body of the post.
  1. As an author, I want to embed YouTube videos directly into my post.
  • Site should be able to collect YouTube links, retrieve the relevant ID and embed the correct video into the post.
  1. As an author, I want to add images to my posts so that I can share visual media to improve my content.
  • Post detail page should display up to 4 images
  1. As a regular CI student author, I want my contributions to be recognized, so that other students can see that I am a regular content creator.
  • Site should display kudos badges of different levels (bronze, silver, gold) for authors who create more posts.
  • Kudos badges should appear with author information in search results, post detail and profile pages.
  1. As a CI student author, I want to have a profile where I can share useful information about myself, so that I can connect with other students and show off my posts to potential employers.
  • Site should include author profile page.
  • Users should be able to add an image to their profile
  • Profile page should include ability to add links to linkedin and github profiles.
  • Profile page should include short bio for author
  • Profile page should include kudos badge
  • Profile page should include badge for library moderators
  • Profile page should include list of posts created by that author.
  1. As a new author, I want to understand the post submissions process, so that I am not confused why my post has not been published immediately.
  • Site should include alerts to explain when a post as been submitted it is waiting for review.
  • Site should email new authors when they submit their post, with a clear and easy to understand explanation of what the process is and what the next steps are for them.
  1. As a post author, I want to be notified when my posts status changes.
  • Site should email authors when posts are published
  • Site should email authors when posts are put into review (either because of a post flag, or a requested change during the moderation process.)
  • Site should include in-app notifications for authors for posts in review.
  1. As a post author, I want to be able to find a list of all my posts and see essential data about them, so that I can read/update/delete my posts easily.
  • Site should include dashboard view with table of relevant post data.
  1. As a post author, I want other users to be able to like my posts, so that my best posts are visible to other users.
  • Users should be able to like and unlike posts.
  1. As a post author, I want to be able to read moderator messages if my post has been put into review, so that I can make the necessary changes to get it published again.
  • Post review page should include moderator message for author.

General users (not necessarily logged in)

  1. As a general user of the Library, I want to be able to search through posts using relevant keywords, tags and categories, so that I can find other relevant and useful posts.
  • Site should include post categories, and the ability to filter and search those categories.
  • Search functionality should order results by relevance
  • Post list views should display the category that each post belongs to, with a clickable link to view all other posts in that category.
  • Post detail pages should include a list of clickable tags so that users can see other posts with the same tag on them.
  1. As a reader of a CI library post, I want to be able to zoom into images to see them in more detail
  • Post detail page should include lightbox option to view post images.
  1. As a reader of a CI library post, I want to be able to interact with any embedded YouTube videos so that i can pause, stop, play the video as I need to.
  • Post videos should be embedded with controls
  1. As a visitor to The Library who has not heard of CI before, I want to be able to learn more about CI, so that I might join the student sales funnel.
  • Footer text should encourage new visitors to visit the main CI marketing site, and include a link to it.
  1. As potential new student, I want to get an idea of the student community and support available to students, so that I can decide if I want to sign up for the course.
  • Site should be visually in line with CI brand
  • Site should be professional, easy to navigate and intuitive for new users.
  1. As a general user, I want my search results to be paginated, so that the page loads at a reasonable speed, improving user experience.
  • All list view pages should be paginated.
  1. As a general user, I want to view when a post was most recently updated, so I can tell quickly if a post might be out of date.
  • Post detail page should include date when post was published, and date post was updated (where applicable)
  1. As a general user, I want to be able to see when posts are popular, so that I can feel I can trust the content available to me.
  • Like functionality should be included for posts
  1. As a general user, I want to be able to explore other relevant posts, so that I can keep exploring the library.
  • Post detail pages should include links to other relevant posts in the side panel.
  1. As a general user, I want to understand the difference between the different courses that CI offers, so that I can be sure I am looking at content relevant to me.
  • Site should include a modal that pops up on clicking a "what's this" button. With clear info on the difference between the P4 and P5 courses anywhere they are referenced in search results and individual posts.

Staff users

  1. As a CI staff member, I want to be able to skip the moderation process for posts so that my posts are published instantly.
  • Users who are staff should skip moderation process for new posts
  1. As a CI staff member, I want the CI logo to show next to my username within the app, so that I am easily identifiable as a staff member.
  • CI logo should display next to users who have is_staff = True in the UserProfile

Moderator users

  1. As a moderator, I want to get a notification when new posts are waiting for review so that I can review them in a timely manner.
  • Site should include a notification for moderators when new posts are waiting for review.
  1. As a moderator, I want to be able to manage my notification settings between in-app or email notifications so that I can manage how often I am contacted to moderate content.
  • Site should include a moderator manager panel that allows mods to choose email or in-app only notifications.
  1. As a moderator, I want to be able to view everything I need to review in one place, so I can be sure I have checked everything before approval.
  • Review page should include preview of the search results card as well as the full posts for moderators.
  1. As a moderator, I want my status to be visible, so that other users are aware of my contribution to the library.
  • Site should display badge for users who are moderators.

Admin users

  1. As a CI Library Admin, I want to be able to review flagged posts so that I can ensure the library content remains good quality.
  • Post detail pages should include a flag button
  • Post flags should have options for inappropriate, incorrect and outdated content
  • Post flags should include text field for flaggers to explain in detail why they are flagging a post.
  • Admins should be able to dismiss flags
  • Admins should be able to put posts into review and request changes to the post
  1. As a CI Library Admin, I want to be able to add an editors note above posts, so that I can inform users of any specific things they need to be aware of in the post. Without actually editing the post itself.
  • Editors note option should be available for Admins on post detail pages.
  • Admins should be able to add, edit and delete editors note.
  • Editors note should be displayed in an obvious place above the actual post.
  1. As a CI Library Admin, I want CRUD options for post categories, tags and slack channels to the library database, so that new course changes can be easily reflected in the library app.
  • Site should include admin pages to edit and add categories and slack channels.
  • Site should include admin pages to edit, add and delete post tags.
  1. As a CI library admin, I want to be able to search users so that I can adjust their moderator, staff and admin status.
  • Site should include admin pages to search users by username, first or last name.
  • Admins should be able to change user profile status of users for is_staff is_mod and is_admin
  1. As a CI library admin, I want the moderators to be notified when new posts are submitted, so that posts are reviewed and published in a timely manner.
  • Site should notify moderators in-app and by email when new posts are waiting for review
  • Site should send email notifications once a day, with a list of posts waiting for review and a button to take the moderator to the review posts pg.



To be added

Information Architecture

Database Choice

  • As a framework Django works with SQL databases. During development on my local machine I worked with the standard sqlite3 database installed with Django.
  • On deployment, the SQL database provided by Heroku is a PostgreSQL database.
  • Static and media files are stored in an AWS S3 Bucket

Data Models


The User model utilized for this project is the standard one provided by django.contrib.auth.models. This model was not adapted, instead the user data was extended into a custom UserProfile model.


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
User user on_delete=models.CASCADE ForeignKey to User
Bio bio max_length=200 CharField
Profile Picture profile_pic upload_to="images/profiles/" ImageField
LinkedIn linkedin - URLField
GitHub github - URLField
Admin is_admin default=False BooleanField
Moderator is_mod default=False BooleanField
Staff is_staff default=False BooleanField
Date Joined date_joined DateField

This model contains two methods:

  • kudos_badge() which finds how many posts the user has created and returns the level of kudos badge they have earned as a string. This string is then used as a class to control what color badge is displayed with the user profile information.
  • get_author_name() which returns the authors full name, if it has been provided. If not, then the users username.

An instance of UserProfile is automatically generated for every new instance of User.


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
Name name max_length=50 CharField

PostTag query sets are returned ordered alphabetically.


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
Name name max_length=20 CharField

PostCategory query sets are returned ordered alphabetically.


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
Flagger flagger on_delete=models.PROTECT ForeignKey to User
Reason reason choices=FLAG_REASONS CharField
Flag Message message max_length=200 TextField


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
Post Title title max_length=70 CharField
Post Summary summary max_length=140 CharField
Slug slug max_length=200, unique=True SlugField
Post Body body - RichTextField
Author author on_delete=models.CASCADE ForeignKey to UserProfile
Date Created created_on DateTimeField
Date Updated updated_on - DateTimeField
Post Status status max_length=100, choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=SUBMITTED CharField
Moderator Msg mod_message max_length=300 TextField
Moderator moderator on_delete=models.PROTECT ForeignKey to User
Post Category category on_delete=models.PROTECT ForeignKey to PostCategory
Tags tags related_name='post_tags' ManyToManyField to PostTag
Likes likes related_name='post_likes' ManyToManyField to User
Post Image 1 image_1 upload_to="images/posts/" ImageField
Post Image 2 image_2 upload_to="images/posts/" ImageField
Post Image 3 image_3 upload_to="images/posts/" ImageField
Post Image 4 image_4 upload_to="images/posts/" ImageField
Post Flag flag on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='flags' ForeignKey to PostFlag
Editors Note editors_note max_length=400 TextField
Slack Channel slack_channel on_delete=PROTECT ForeignKey to SlackChannel
Course course on_delete=PROTECT ForeignKey to Course
YouTube Video youtube - URLField

This model contains one custom method:

  • total_likes() which returns the total number of likes a post has.


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
Post post on_delete=CASCADE ForeignKey to Post
User user on_delete=CASCADE ForeignKey to User
Date Bookmarked created_on DateTimeField

Bookmark query sets are returned ordered by when they were created.


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
Name name max_length=50 CharField

Bookmark query sets are returned ordered by their id.


Name DB Key Specifications Field Type
Name name max_length=50, unique=True CharField
Channel ID slack_channel_id max_length=20, unique=True CharField

Bookmark query sets are returned ordered alphabetically by their name.

Technologies Used


  • Visual Studio Code is the IDE used for developing this project.
  • Django as python web framework for rapid development and clean design.
  • Django AllAuth to support authentication with Slack
  • Django ckeditor to provide rich text editor for creating and editing library posts
  • AWS S3 Bucket to store images entered into the database.
  • Boto3 to enable creation, configuration and management of AWS S3.
  • Django Heroku to improve deployment of django projects on heroku.
  • Django Storages a collection of custom storage backends with django to work with boto3 and AWS S3.
  • Gunicorn WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX to aid in deployment of the Django project to heroku.
  • Pillow as python imaging library to aid in processing image files to store in database.
  • Psycopg2 as PostgreSQL database adapter for Python.
  • Whitenoise to allows the web app to serve its own static files.
  • PIP for installation of tools needed in this project.
  • Git to handle version control.
  • GitHub to store and share all project code remotely.
  • Photoshop to edit, crop and save images as well as utilizing the colour picker to ensure color consistency over the entire project.
  • Browserstack to test functionality on all browsers and devices.
  • Heroku for deployment
  • Balsamiq to create the wireframes for this project.


  • PostgreSQL for production database, provided by heroku.
  • SQlite3 for development database, provided by django.


  • Bootstrap to simplify the structure of the website and make the website responsive easily.
  • FontAwesome to provide icons for The House of Mouse webshop.
  • Google Fonts to style the website fonts.
  • Fancybox to provide sleek JavaScript lightbox to view images in.


  • This project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python programming languages.


solved bugs

  1. z-index was not working on absolute positioned elements, causing user avatars on list view cards to overlap the menu dropdown options.
  • Issue was solved by adding position: relative; to the navbar and then adding a z-index of 99.
  • Solution found in this post on Stack Overflow
  1. Adding the selected attribute to the category <option> elements, conditional on which value was in the kwargs was not working.
{% if == category_pk %}selected{% endif %}
  • When printing {{ }} and {{ category_pk }} to the template, they were printing as the same. However the comparison of the two with == was not evaluating to True.
  • After some digging I realized that one was a string and the other was an int. Using the stringformat filter fixed the problem:
{% if|stringformat:"i" == category_pk %}selected{% endif %}
  1. In the EditPostView, saving instances of PostTag to the tags ManyToManyField was throwing an error, despite the code actually working.
  1. If statement in ReviewPostView to allow the author to view this page even when they are not a mod not working
  • Despite these values being identical in the terminal:
# code
# terminal output:
<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'>
<class 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'>
  • This comparison was returning False
if is user:
  • When changed to compare with the it worked.
# Working code
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
    user = get_object_or_404(User,
    post = get_object_or_404(Post, pk=self.kwargs['pk'])

    # comparison with needed here to solve bug #
    if is or user.userprofile.is_mod:
        return super(ReviewPostView, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
        return redirect('home')
  1. Running collectstatic for changes to CSS took an extremely long time due to the size of the ckeditor package.
  • Adjusting the collectstatic command to ignore these files made the process much faster
python collectstatic -i ckeditor -i admin

Unsolved bugs

  1. Querying database with text based search produces duplicate results when referencing ManyToMany fields
  • Initially I wanted text based search to also search the category and tags assigned to a post, however this caused results to get duplicated. According to the Django Documentation this is a known issue. I tried several fixes suggested on Stack Overflow, but so far have been unable to find a solution that works.
  • For the time being this feature has been rolled back until I have more time to dig into it. So for now text searches use the post title, summary and body for search, but does not include the category or tags fields.

Validator testing

Social Media testing


Run this project locally


Ensure you have the following tools:

  • An IDE such as VSCode The following must be installed on your machine:
  • PIP
  • Python 3
  • Git

To allow you to access all functionality on the site locally, ensure you have created a free accounts with AWS and set up an S3 bucket

Please click the links above for documentation on how to set these up and retrieve the necessary environment variables.


  1. In the terminal of your IDE type the following command to clone a copy of the repo
git clone
  1. A virtual environment is recommended for the Python interpreter, I recommend using Pythons built in virtual environment. Enter the command:
python -m .venv venv

NOTE: The python part of this command and the ones in other steps below assumes you are working with a windows operating system. Your Python command may differ, such as python3 or py

  1. Activate the .venv with the command:

Again this command may differ depending on your operating system, please check the Python Documentation on virtual environments for further instructions.

  1. If needed, Upgrade pip locally with
pip install --upgrade pip.
  1. Install all required modules with the command
pip -r requirements.txt.
  1. Set up the following environment variables within your IDE.
  • Create a file in the root directory of your project, and add your environment variables as below. Do not forget to restart your machine to activate your environment variables or your code will not be able to see them:
import os

os.environ["SECRET"] = "<enter key here>"
os.environ["DEV"] = "1"
os.environ["ALLOWED_HOST"] = "<enter hostname here>"
os.environ["DATABASE_URL"] = "<enter url here>"
os.environ["USE_AWS"] = "True"
os.environ["AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME"] = "<enter bucket name here>"
os.environ["AWS_S3_REGION_NAME"] = '<enter s3 region here>'
os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = '<enter key here>'
os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = '<enter key here>'
  • ALLOWED_HOST should be the local address for the site when running within your own IDE.
  • DEV environment variable is set only within the development environment, it does not exist in the deployed version, making it possible to have different settings for the two environments. For example setting DEBUG to True only when working in development and not on the deployed site.
  1. Migrate the admin panel models to create your database template with the terminal command
python migrate
  1. Create your superuser to access the django admin panel and database with the following command, and then follow the steps to add your admin username and password:
python createsuperuser
  1. You can now run the program locally with the following command:
python runserver
  1. Once the program is running, go to the local link provided and add /admin to the end of the url. Here, log in with your superuser account and create instances of Course, PostCategory, SlackChannel, and Post.
  • Instances of Course must include courses named 5P Course and 4P Course for the template logic of their post labels to work.
  1. Once instances of these items exist in your database your local site will run as expected.

Heroku Deployment

To deploy The Library to heroku, take the following steps:

  1. Create a requirements.txt file using the terminal command pip freeze -local > requirements.txt.

  2. Create a Procfile with the terminal command echo web: gunicorn thelibrary.wsgi:application > Procfile.

  3. git add and git commit the new requirements and Procfile and then git push the project to GitHub.

  4. Create a new app on the Heroku website by clicking the "New" button in your dashboard. Give it a name and set the region to whichever is applicable for your location.

  5. From the heroku dashboard of your newly created application, click on "Deploy" > "Deployment method" and select GitHub.

  6. Confirm the linking of the heroku app to the correct GitHub repository.

  7. In the heroku dashboard for the application, click on "Settings" > "Reveal Config Vars".

  8. Set the following config vars:

Key Value
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <your secret key>
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME <your region name>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <your aws access key>
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME <your aws bucket name>
DATABASE_URL <your postgres database url>
ALLOWED_HOST <your heroku app hostname>
SECRET <your secret key>
  1. From the command line of your local IDE:
  • Enter the heroku postres shell
  • Migrate the database models
  • Create your superuser account in your new database

Instructions on how to do these steps can be found in the heroku devcenter documentation.

  1. In your heroku dashboard, click "Deploy". Scroll down to "Manual Deploy", select the master branch then click "Deploy Branch".

  2. Once the build is complete, click the "View app" button provided.

  3. From the link provided add /admin to the end of the url. Here, log in with your superuser account and create instances of Course, PostCategory, SlackChannel, and Post.

  • Instances of Course must include courses named 5P Course and 4P Course for the template logic of their post labels to work.
  1. Once instances of these items exist in your database your heroku site will run as expected.





Special thanks to Chris Z. for his help with a couple of sticky moments while working on this project.


To contact me, feel free to email anna (at) codeinstitute (dot) net



Language:HTML 51.7%Language:Python 35.6%Language:CSS 9.9%Language:JavaScript 2.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%