ClusterWS / TS-Builder

Module to simplify rollup typescript applications by providing single tsbuid.json file with all configurations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TS Builder

Module to simplify rollup typescript applications by providing single tsbuid.json file with all configurations.



npm -i ts-builder

Cinfig build

Add to your package.json scripts:

"build": "ts-builder -c ./tsbuild.json"

Create tsbuid.json file in you project.

Available Configurations:

    // src folder where is all and main ts file placed
    "src": "./src/",
    // main file which is a start point of build
    "main": "index.ts",
    // you can provide tslint if you would like to use it
    "tslint": "./tslint.json",
    // distination folder
    "distFolder": "./dist/",
    // rollup output configs
    "output": {
        // roll up formats iife, cjs, umd check roll up for more info
        "format": "cjs",
        // output file
        "file": "index.js",
        // app name not really used for anything right now
        "name": "My Name app"
    // uglify check rollup-plugin-terser or uglify configs
    "uglify": {
        "mangle": true,
        "output": {
            "beautify": true
    // external moduels which are used in app
    "external": [
    // check Tyscript configs for more info
     "tsConfigs": {
        "compilerOptions": {
            "target": "es6",
            "module": "ES2015",
            "removeComments": true,
            "moduleResolution": "node",
            // if you enable declaration it will be built in dist folder and bind together
            "declaration": true,
            // if you dont provide declarationDir types dir will be ./node_modules/ts-builde/types/
            "declarationDir": "./src/"
        "files": [
        "exclude": [
        "include": [

    // copy any assets to the dist folder
    "copy": [
        {   // from 
            "src": "./LICENSE",
            // to
            "dist": "./dist/LICENSE"
            "src": "./.github/",
            "dist": "./dist/"
            "src": "./package.json",
            "dist": "./dist/package.json",
            // remove method works only for json files (you can remove any property)
            // works only on root level (will be nchaged in future)
            "remove": [

    // if you would like to run multiple builds with different configs use this:
    // each item in array will be merged with globral configs and ovewrite it 
    "builds": [
            // all same configs as above
            "src": "./app1/"
            "output": {
                "format": "cjs",
                "file": "hello.js",
                "name": "My Name app"
            // all same configs as above
            "src": "./app2/"
            "output": {
                "format": "cjs",
                "file": "play.js",
                "name": "My Name app"



Module to simplify rollup typescript applications by providing single tsbuid.json file with all configurations


Language:JavaScript 100.0%