Clumsy-Coder / pihole-dashboard

Pihole dashboard written in NextJS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


3rd party Pi-hole Admin portal written in NextJS and styled with Material-UI

Based on Pi-Hole Admin portal, but written in ReactJS using NextJS

Getting Started

Development server

npm run dev

Production server

npm run build;
npm run start;


Show screenshots

Login page

Login page

Home page

Home page 1

Table of contents

NPM scripts

  • utils

    • repoStatus: return string clean or dirty
      • if repo has uncommited changes it will return dirty
      • if repo has NO uncomitted changes, it will return clean
    • repoLatestTag: get the latest git tag or use version from package.json
    • generateVersion: generate tag with following structure
      • <repoLatestTag>-dev-<repoStatus>
        • Ex: 0.1.0-dev-clean
        • Ex: 0.1.0-dev-dirty
    • generateBuildId: get the latest commit sha ID or development
      • Ex: 1683a9b
      • Ex: development
    • generateEnv: runs
    • docker:imagename: the name of docker image. This will run when making docker image
    • docker:tagname: the tagname of the docker image. This will run when making docker image
  • nextjs

    • dev: run script generateEnv and start development NextJS server
    • build: build NextJS project
      • NOTE: when building the project, make sure the ENV variables are created properly on file .env.local
    • start: start NextJS project using the files generated from script build
  • lint

    • lint:eslint: Run eslint to lint code
    • lint:tsc: Run Typescript to lint code
    • lint: Run script lint:eslint and lint:tsc
  • docker

    • docker:build: builds docker image
      • image name: runs npm script docker:imagename
      • image tagname: runs npm script docker:tagname
    • docker:run: runs the docker image
      • image name: runs npm script docker:imagename
      • image tagname: runs npm script docker:tagname
    • docker:stop: stops docker container
      • container name: runs npm script docker:imagename
    • docker:logs
      • container name: runs npm script docker:imagename

Environment variables

This project uses environment variables in order for the NextJS project to work.

environment variable default usage used by
SECRET_COOKIE_PASSWORD n/a encrypting session cookie (32 character long. check iron-session) Iron session cookies
SECURE_COOKIE_TTL n/a session cookie TTL (time to live) in seconds. check iron-session Iron session cookies
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_AUTH_SESSION 1000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/auth/session Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_SUMMARY 2000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/summary Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_FORWARDED_DESTINATIONS 60000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/forwardedDestinations Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_QUERY_TYPES 60000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/overtime Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_TOP_PERMITTED_QUERIES 10000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/domains/topAllowed Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_TOP_BLOCKED_QUERIES 10000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/domains/topBlocked Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_NUM_ENTRIES_TOP_PERMITTED_QUERIES 10 Number of entries to fetch from api /api/queries/domains/topAllowed Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_NUM_ENTRIES_TOP_BLOCKED_QUERIES 10 Number of entries to fetch from api /api/queries/domains/topBlocked Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_TOP_CLIENTS_ALLOWED_QUERIES 10000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/clients/topAllowed Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_TOP_CLIENTS_BLOCKED_QUERIES 10000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/clients/topBlocked Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_NUM_ENTRIES_TOP_CLIENTS_ALLOWED_QUERIES 10 Number of entries to fetch from api /api/queries/clients/topAllowed Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_NUM_ENTRIES_TOP_CLIENTS_BLOCKED_QUERIES 10 Number of entries to fetch from api /api/queries/clients/topBlocked Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_QUERIES_OVERTIME 600000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/overtime Redux Toolkit Query
NEXT_PUBLIC_POLLING_CLIENTS_OVERTIME 600000 Fetch polling time (in milliseconds) for api /api/queries/clients/overtime Redux Toolkit Query


All pages in the project


Used for logging into the dashboard

It requires a valid IPv4 address, port number and password (the same as Pi-hole admin portal)

The IP address and port number is required because these two values will be used to connect with Pi-hole API

If the authentication is successful, then the user will be redirected to the Home page

The login session is valid for the time set in the ENV variable SECURE_COOKIE_TTL


displays basic information about Pi-hole statistics.

  • Summary
    • number of queries made to Pi-hole
    • number of blocked queries
    • percentage of blocked queries and total queries
    • total number entries in ad block list
  • charts
    • bar chart of queries in the last 24 hours (blocked vs allowed)
    • bar chart of queries made by clients in the last 24 hours
    • doughnut chart of query types (ex: AAAA, HTTPS, DS)
    • doughnut chart of upstream servers
      • who handled the query (blocked by ad list, allowed, sent to router, sent to DNS resolver (Google DNS))
  • tables
    • top allowed domains
    • top blocked domains
    • top queries made by clients in Pi-hole
    • top blocked queries made by clients in Pi-hole

data are fetched using Redux Toolkit Query. The data fetched in a polling form (refetch at an interval). These polling times are set using ENVs


├── auth
│   ├── login.ts
│   ├── logout.ts
│   ├── session.ts
│   └── unauthorized.ts
└── queries
    ├── clients
    │   ├── overtime.ts
    │   ├── topAllowed.ts
    │   └── topBlocked.ts
    ├── domains
    │   ├── topAllowed.ts
    │   └── topBlocked.ts
    ├── forwardedDestinations.ts
    ├── overtime.ts
    ├── queryTypes.ts
    └── summary.ts


All authentication API endpoints


logging in

HTTP request type: POST

  1. check if ip address is valid
  2. check if port number is valid
  3. check if Pi-hole admin portal credentials are valid
    1. if valid,
      1. create session cookie using iron-session.
      2. Return response success
    2. if NOT VALID
      1. return response invalid credentials


logging out

HTTP request type: DELETE

  1. invalidates session cookie using iron-session cookie destroy
  2. returns response success


get current auth session

HTTP request type: GET

  1. checks if user is logged in using iron-session
    1. if logged in
      1. return IP address and port number used to log in
    2. if NOT logged in
      1. return IP address and port number as empty strings


return message unauthorized

HTTP request type: GET

  1. return response Authorization required

Used when accessing an API endpoint that requires authorization and the user is NOT logged in.


All API endpoints regarding Pi-hole queries

NOTE: all endpoints under /api/queries are protected routes.

check Protected routes


Pi-hole Queries stats regarding clients


Data to graph queries overtime with the clients

HTTP request type: GET

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?overTimeDataClients&getClientNames



Raw data returned from Pi-hole API endpoint

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/clients/overtime


  "clients": [
      "name": "iPad-Air.local",
      "ip": ""
      "name": "MacBook-Pro.local",
      "ip": ""
      "name": "pi.hole",
      "ip": "::"
  "over_time": {
    "1667669700": [0, 0, 13, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 22, 0, 1, 1, 0, 14, 112],
    "1667670300": [5, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 16, 2, 0, 1, 0, 13, 5],
    "1667670900": [38, 0, 3, 20, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 1, 0, 13, 1]

Data formatted to be used by ChartJS bar chart

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/clients/overtime?formatted=true


  "labels": [1667669700000, 1667670300000, 1667670900000],
  "datasets": [
      "data": [
        0, 5, 38, 6, 4, 11, 9, 38, 263, 196, 8, 5, 4, 4, 11, 237, 209, 196, 209, 201, 199, 210
      "backgroundColor": "#f56954",
      "label": "iPad-Air.local"
      "data": [236, 90, 61, 43, 53, 29, 64, 50, 32, 34, 56, 49, 38, 0, 60, 0, 54, 0, 30, 46, 0, 0],
      "backgroundColor": "#3c8dbc",
      "label": "MacBook-Pro.local"
      "data": [13, 2, 3, 39, 9, 49, 24, 7, 11, 3, 0, 4, 6, 5, 10, 10, 1, 2, 4, 0, 7, 3],
      "backgroundColor": "#00a65a",
      "label": "pi.hole"

Data needed for generating the Top Clients list

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/clients/topAllowed?numEntries=10

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?topClients=10


  "iPad-Air.local|": 5874,
  "iPhone-31.local|": 3397,
  "Android.local|": 2833,
  "iPhone.local|": 2752,
  "iPad.local|": 2315,
  "apollo-prime.local|": 1878,
  "MacBook-Pro.local|": 1681,
  "apollo-prime.local|": 1456,
  "MacBook-Pro.local|": 1437,
  "pi.hole|::": 1334

Data needed for generating the Top blocked Clients list

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/clients/topBlocked?numEntries=10

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?topClientsBlocked=10


  "apollo-prime.local|": 1353,
  "iPad-Air.local|": 948,
  "Android.local|": 617,
  "iPad.local|": 598,
  "MacBook-Pro.local|": 563,
  "iPhone-31.local|": 408,
  "iPhone.local|": 320,
  "apollo-prime.local|": 202,
  "Android.local|": 74,
  "iPad-pro.local|": 48


Pi-hole Queries stats regarding domains


Data needed for generating the Top allowed Domain list

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/domains/topBlocked?numEntries=10

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?topItems=10


  "": 1157,
  "": 593,
  "": 497,
  "": 476,
  "": 341,
  "": 304,
  "": 288,
  "": 274,
  "": 224,
  "": 212

Data needed for generating the Top blocked Domain list

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/domains/topBlocked?numEntries=10

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?topItems=10


  "": 5260,
  "": 949,
  "": 752,
  "": 746,
  "": 370,
  "": 351,
  "": 322,
  "": 275,
  "": 230,
  "": 216


Shows number of queries that have been forwarded and the target

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/forwardedDestinations

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?getForwardDestinations


  "forward_destinations": {
    "blocked|blocked": 18.84,
    "cached|cached": 5.12,
    "other|other": 0.34,
    "localhost#5335|": 73.95,
    "|": 1.75


Data needed for generating the domains/ads over time graph on the Pi-hole web dashboard

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?overTimeData10mins


Raw data returned from Pi-hole API endpoint

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/overtime


  "domains_over_time": {
    "1667438100": 328,
    "1667438700": 239,
    "1667439300": 236,
    "1667439900": 384
  "ads_over_time": {
    "1667438100": 57,
    "1667438700": 50,
    "1667439300": 41,
    "1667439900": 90

Data formatted to be used by ChartJS bar chart

HTTP request type: GET

API route: api/queries/overtime?formatted=true


  "labels": [1667438100000, 1667438700000, 1667439300000, 1667439900000],
  "datasets": [
      "data": [57, 50, 41, 90],
      "backgroundColor": "#f56954",
      "label": "Blocked DNS Queries"
      "data": [271, 189, 195, 294],
      "backgroundColor": "#00a65a",
      "label": "Permitted DNS Queries"


Shows number of queries that the Pi-hole's DNS server has processed

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/queryTypes

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?getQueryTypes


  "querytypes": {
    "A (IPv4)": 66.99,
    "AAAA (IPv6)": 9.92,
    "ANY": 0,
    "SRV": 0.01,
    "SOA": 0.06,
    "PTR": 1.63,
    "TXT": 0,
    "NAPTR": 0,
    "MX": 0,
    "DS": 1.97,
    "RRSIG": 0,
    "DNSKEY": 1.01,
    "NS": 0.03,
    "OTHER": 0.08,
    "SVCB": 0,
    "HTTPS": 18.3


Summary Pi-hole statistics Ex:

  • number of queries handled
  • number of queries blocked
  • number of queries blocked in percentage
  • number domains in adlist

Gives statistics in raw format (no number formatting applied)

HTTP request type: GET

API route /api/queries/summary?raw=true

Pi-hole API route: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?summaryRaw


  "domains_being_blocked": 1249022,
  "dns_queries_today": 35987,
  "ads_blocked_today": 5097,
  "ads_percentage_today": 14.163448,
  "unique_domains": 9354,
  "queries_forwarded": 25610,
  "queries_cached": 5205,
  "clients_ever_seen": 33,
  "unique_clients": 27,
  "dns_queries_all_types": 35987,
  "reply_UNKNOWN": 362,
  "reply_NODATA": 4693,
  "reply_NXDOMAIN": 798,
  "reply_CNAME": 19689,
  "reply_IP": 9878,
  "reply_DOMAIN": 2,
  "reply_RRNAME": 0,
  "reply_SERVFAIL": 0,
  "reply_REFUSED": 29,
  "reply_NOTIMP": 0,
  "reply_OTHER": 0,
  "reply_DNSSEC": 451,
  "reply_NONE": 0,
  "reply_BLOB": 85,
  "dns_queries_all_replies": 35987,
  "privacy_level": 0,
  "status": "enabled",
  "gravity_last_updated": {
    "file_exists": true,
    "absolute": 1667125216,
    "relative": {
      "days": 4,
      "hours": 14,
      "minutes": 6

Gives statistics in formatted style

HTTP request type: GET

API route: /api/queries/summary

Pi-hole API endpoint: http://<ip address>:<port>/admin/api.php?summary


  "domains_being_blocked": "1,249,022",
  "dns_queries_today": "36,163",
  "ads_blocked_today": "5,175",
  "ads_percentage_today": "14.3",
  "unique_domains": "9,354",
  "queries_forwarded": "25,733",
  "queries_cached": "5,181",
  "clients_ever_seen": "33",
  "unique_clients": "27",
  "dns_queries_all_types": "36,163",
  "reply_UNKNOWN": "359",
  "reply_NODATA": "4,710",
  "reply_NXDOMAIN": "800",
  "reply_CNAME": "19,819",
  "reply_IP": "9,910",
  "reply_DOMAIN": "2",
  "reply_RRNAME": "0",
  "reply_SERVFAIL": "0",
  "reply_REFUSED": "29",
  "reply_NOTIMP": "0",
  "reply_OTHER": "0",
  "reply_DNSSEC": "454",
  "reply_NONE": "0",
  "reply_BLOB": "80",
  "dns_queries_all_replies": "36,163",
  "privacy_level": "0",
  "status": "enabled",
  "gravity_last_updated": {
    "file_exists": true,
    "absolute": 1667125216,
    "relative": {
      "days": 4,
      "hours": 13,
      "minutes": 55

Protected routes

Certain routes that protected and require authentication.

This is accomplished using NextJS middleware and iron-session

check file ./src/middleware.ts


If loading a page that is a protected route, NextJS middleware will check if the user is authenticated.

  • if the user is authenticated, the protected page will be loaded
  • if the user is NOT authenticated, the user will be redirected to the Login page


If making a request to an API that is a protected route, NextJS middleware will check if the user is authenticated.

  • if the user is authenticated, the protected API route will be handled accordingly
  • if the user is NOT authenticated, the user will be redirected to API route /api/auth/unauthorized

Research resources

Resources on helping developing this project


Pihole dashboard written in NextJS


Language:TypeScript 93.7%Language:JavaScript 3.6%Language:CSS 1.4%Language:Shell 1.3%