Clownacy / CaptainPlaneEd

Enhanced SDL2 port of PlaneEd v1.2

Repository from Github https://github.comClownacy/CaptainPlaneEdRepository from Github https://github.comClownacy/CaptainPlaneEd

'Captain PlaneEd' is a modified version of the original PlaneEd. Source available here:

PlaneEd is an LGPLv2.1+ licensed project. Binary and source available here:

This uses a modified version of the LGPLv3-licensed KENSC library.

Original source found here:

Modified source found here:

Refer to the Git commit log for the list of changes.

This uses the SDL2 library, found here:

Below is the (partially-outdated) original readme

PlaneEd - Sega Genesis/MegaDrive plane mappings editor
written by qiuu, with the use of:
	SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer)
	KENS library (Genesis compression formats) code, slightly modified
	Kid Chameleon decompression code by saxman, slightly modified

Table of Contents

1	Introduction
2	Usage
3	Project files
4	Controls
5	Issues
6	Changelog
7	Acknowledgements


1. Introduction

PlaneEd is an application for editing plane mappings in the Sega Genesis/Megadrive format, see
The mapping data is stored sequentially, line by line from left to right, and the lines top to bottom.
It supports uncompressed mappings and the commonly used Enigma compression.

For editing of a plane, in addition art and palette files in the Genesis format are required, whereas the former my be compressed.
To have the program work, project files with the required data will have to be passed to it.
For more details on to how, see the next paragraph.

2. Usage

In order to edit mappings with PlaneEd, various information on the data to be worked with needs to be passed to the program.
In order to allow PlaneEd process this data, project files containing the necessary information are needed to be set up for every mapping to be edited.
The name of the project file is then to be passed to the program via commandline, e.g.

	PlaneEd projectfile.ext

If no project filename is passed to the program, it will terminate instantly.
The format of the project files is described in the paragraph below.

Please note that PlaneEd will terminate instantly if the information specified by the user is cannot be processed properly.
This includes, but is not limited to: specifying non-existent files (mapping file however may be non-existant), wrong compression formats, wrong offsets, too large plane sizes.

After termination, "stderr.txt" might contain information on what caused the program to terminate.
In addition, "tempmap.bin"/"tempart.bin"/"temppal.bin" containing decompressed mapping/art/palette data might remain if the program terminated during loading process.

3. Project files

Each line of a project file contains first what type of information this line contains, followed by the information itself.

It is strongly recommended to view the example project files for better understanding:
LevelSelect.txt:	to be placed in the root folder of the Sonic 2 disassembly (as of Apr. 2009)
MapSega.txt:	same as above
KidCard.txt:	to be placed in the same folder as a Kid Chameleon rom called "kid.bin"
Savestate.txt:	To be placed in the same folder as an in-level savestate of a Sonic 1 or 2 rom/hack called "Savestate.gs0"

Further files can be found here:

Below is a list of parameters of information types the program reads.
The information must be specified after the colon, to be either a sequence of characters (string), or a number (decimal or with '0x' prefix hexadecimal).

Palette File:	palette file to load
Mapping File:	plane mapping file to load; if not existant, a blank template of the specified dimensions will be created
Art File:	art file to load
Palette Offset:	offset in file to load palette from
Mapping Offset:	offset in file to load mapping from
Art Offset:	offset in file to load art from
Palette Length:	size of palette (not needed to be specified if file contains only palette)
Mapping Length:	size of mapping (only to be specified if mapping is uncompressed and not the only content in file)
Art Length:	size of art (only to be specified if mapping is uncompressed and not the only content in file)
Mapping Compression:	Mapping compression type, either "None" or "Enigma"
Art Compression:	Art compression type*
x-Size:		horizontal size of map in tiles
y-Size:		vertical size of map in tiles
Tile Offset:	amount of tiles the tile IDs of non-empty tiles in mapping file are offset compared to the tiles in art file; default is 0
		more precise information on this attribute can be found here:
Letter Offset:	offset (in tiles) of the tiles containing art for letters (if any)
Number Offset:	offset (in tiles) of the tiles containing art for numbers (if any)
Save File:	File to save mappings to. If not specified, mapping will be saved to where it was loaded from.
		If mapping was not loaded as single file, and "Save File:" is not specified, file will be saved to MapDefault.bin

*) Art compression types:
	"Kid Chameleon"

4. Controls

Note: Cursor refers to the tile with a rectangle around it, while mouse cursor to the position of the mouse.
Selected tile is the tile data that is currently stored to be placed upon a click or pressing Enter.
Any selection is unselected when clicking on the map

Left Click:
	On map: Place currently selected tile to position of mouse cursor
	On selector: Select tile under mouse cursor
Right Click:
	On map: Select tile under mouse cursor
	On selector: Select tile under mouse cursor
	Drag: Create a selection rectangle

(if multiple keys are listed separated by a space, all of them will work)

Return	Place currently selected tile to position of cursor
= ´	Select tile under cursor

F1-F4	Change palette line of tile under cursor (and of selector viewer) to 1-4 respectively
- /	Toggle the priority of tile under cursor (or selection if existant) between high and low
,	Flip tile under cursor (or selection if existant) horizontally
.	Flip tile under cursor (or selection if existant) vertically
PgUp	Decrease ID of currently selected tile (or all tiles of selection if existant)
PgDown	Increase ID of currently selected tile (or all tiles of selection if existant)
Home	Scroll selector up
End	Scroll selector down
[ ü	Scroll map up
' ä	Scroll map down
; ö	Scroll map left
\ ] + #	Scroll map right

Ctrl+C	Copy Selection if existent
Ctrl+X	Cut Selection if existent
Ctrl+V	Paste copied selection to the position pointed to by the current cursor

Del	Clear tile under cursor, or selection rectangle if existent
Backsp	Move cursor to the left and clear that tile
Space	Clear tile and move cursor to the right
Arrows	Change position of tile under cursor
a-z,0-9	Write text/tiles (if tile set contains letters/number and offset has been specified)

ESC	Terminate the program without saving
F9	Save Map
F10	Refresh screen

F5	Toggle whether to view high priority tiles
F6	Toggle whether to view low priority tiles

5. Issues

There are still some graphical issues, which don't affect functionality tough:
- When hovering over the selected area with the mouse or using keys to select a tile, its boundaries won't be redrawn. If too little of the boundary is left to see for you, you can press F10 to redraw it.

And a dirty bug circumvention causing some unused memory not to be deallocated under very special circumstances:
- When selecting and deleting/flipping an area with starting x-position 0, the program would frequently crash with it

6. Changelog

	initial release
	bugfix: bug that made selecting tiles with ID greater than 255 from selector impossible
	feature: dynamic width of selector if tiles would go below screen boundary
	feature: vertical scrolling
	feature: Selection of areas and copying, cutting, pasting and clearing of these, as well as flipping, setting priority and increasing/decreasing tile IDs
	feature: if the specified mapfile doesn't exist, a blank template is created
	feature: invalid tiles are now displayed with a cross instead of terminating the program
	feature: horizontal scrolling and selector scrolling
	bugfix: leftover graphics from scrolling removed

7. Acknowledgements

Thanks to:
	- The KENS library authors: for making KENS available
	- Damian Grove: for the documentation and code of the Kid Chameleon compression format
	- Puto: for consulting on license issues and trying to run it under Mac OS (which sadly failed)
	- the #boom crew: for beta-testing - any bug you encounter is their fault :P


Enhanced SDL2 port of PlaneEd v1.2

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:C 83.2%Language:C++ 16.7%Language:CMake 0.2%