CliqueOfficial / clique-sibyl-chat-gpt-data-connector

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




  • Ubuntu 20.04 with Linux Kernel ≥ 5.11
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E-2288G
  • Docker (>= 20.10.21) & Docker-Compose

Prepare cert files

To establish a TLS channel, we need a CA and generates a client cert for mutual authentication, store them at cert directory.

  • Generate Client private key:

    openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out cert/client.key
  • Export the keys to pkcs8 unencrypted format

    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in cert/client.key -out cert/client.pkcs8
  • Generate Client CSR

    openssl req -new -SHA256 -key cert/client.key -nodes -out cert/client.csr
  • Generate Client Cert

    openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,") -days 3650 -in cert/client.csr -CA cert/ca.crt -CAkey cert/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out cert/client.crt

Pull Docker images


Build & Deploy

  • Build Sibyl:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.sibyl .
  • Build Sibyl with mTLS:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.mTLS.sibyl .
  • Build DCsv2 Sibyl:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.sibyl .
  • Build DCsv2 Sibyl with mTLS:

    docker build -t sibyl -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.mTLS.sibyl .
  • Build DCsv2 custom DCAP service:

    docker build -t pccs -f Dockerfile.DCsv2.pccs .
  • Deploy Sibyl:

    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
  • Deploy Sibyl with custom DCAP service:

    docker compose -f docker-compose-dcap.yml up

Then Sibyl will run and listen on port 3443.

For Azure VMs, custom DCAP service is only avaiable for DCsv2 and is not supported in DCsv3.



Language:Rust 100.0%