ClintH / jquery.lazyhoriz

Lazy loading horizontal image scroller for jQuery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is it?

For making a pretty decent immersive, responsive, horizontally-scrolling image gallery. With lazy loading. Particularly designed for photography.


Tested in Chrome, Android and iOS.

Bonus features:

  • URL hash changes so that position within the scroll can be recalled/deep-linked (can be disabled)
  • Handles device re-orientation

Why does it exist?

I evaluated a heck of a lot of plugins and code snippets, and ended up rolling my own. The reason for this is that most: 1) don't do a good job of respecting the aspect ratio of the image 2) bleed pixels off outside of the viewport area 3) don't work well for both cursor and touch


Some structuring of your HTML DOM is required. The assumptions made by the JS and included CSS require the following:

    <div id="slides">
        <div class="slide">
            <img id="img-0" class="ll" data-src="http://urltoimage" title="Title of image">
        <div class="slide">

Setting options (see below) allow you to be more flexible with your ids and classes.

I'm using a static file generator (Hexo) which automatically generates this structure based on a folder of JPEGs. You can set something like this up yourself, or manually make a set of slide DIVs. Importantly, each IMG has an incrementing id in the order they appear, left to right and starting at 0.


Once you've got your DOM in order, added the JS file via a SCRIPT tag and have the necessary CSS, use the following to initialise:

    selectedChange: function(sel, selectedIndex) {
        // example: grab the title from selected image
        // and set it to a div
        var title = sel.attr("title");

Other options that can be passed in during init:

key default
container #slides Container of child slide divs (selector)
parent header Main parent of everything (selector)
slide .slide Slide (selector)
images .ll Image element (selector)
useHash TRUE If true, URL hash is used to set initial image and to reflect current (bool
lazyLoad TRUE If true, will attempt to lazy load images from data-src attribute (bool)


The 'selectedChange' callback can be used to hear back when a new image is currently showing.


Put a regular src attribute in the image if you want to have a placeholder image show before images are loaded. This might even be a super low-res version of the final image.


Include something like this inside of your the slide DIVs to ensure images appear if Javascript is disabled:

<noscript><img src="http://urltoimage" title="Title of image"></noscript>


Lazy loading horizontal image scroller for jQuery


Language:JavaScript 87.5%Language:CSS 12.5%