ClintChil / minecrift

Modified version of Minecrift VR mod that focuses on the Vive and room scale VR

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Vivecraft (jrbudda's revision of Minecrift-Vive)

This is a modified version of the Minecrift VR mod that focuses on the Vive and room scale VR. It adds a teleporting method of locomotion and tracked controller support to interact with the world.

This mod uses phr00t's JOpenVR wrapper from his JMonkeyVR project. Be sure to check that out! Thanks also go to StellaArtois, Mabrowning and everyone else who worked on the Minecrift mod. Thanks to Automat for the Vive port.


  • Right controller:

    • Trigger - Attack (equivalent of left mouse button)
    • Press touchpad - Use (equivalent of right mouse button)
    • Grip - Pick Block (middle mouse button)
    • Hold grip - Switch control scheme from teleport to free move
    • Menu button - Drop item
  • Left controller:

    • Trigger - teleport or free move.
    • Swipe touchpad - switch between hotbar items
    • Press touchpad top half - toggle inventory
    • Press touchpad bottom half - jump
    • Menu button - game menu (equivalent of escape key)
    • Grip - Sneak (Shift button)
    • Grip + Menu - Open SteamVR keyboard

Moving around:

2 control schemes are supported: teleport and free move. Teleport is the default mode unless you connect to a server that does not allow teleporting. Movement is always done with the left trigger.

Teleport Mode

In teleport mode you use the left trigger and aim at your destination. There are several different teleport styles (cycle with rctrl+M) The default teleport style is the parabolic arc, similar to other VR games. The non-arc modes act more like a grapple-hooks and are only different cosmetically.

The Arc teleporter is more limited in survival mode: the beam must land on the top surface of a block or the side of a ladder to move. It also consumes Teleport Energy as indicated by the pink circle over the left hand. Teleporting also consumes food.

While in teleport mode your 'body' (the thing that detects collisions) will attempt to move around the play space with you. If you stick your head into a block or crawl under one you will become seperated from it. The blue circle indicates your body's position. Teleporting will center your body to your HMD if you lose it.

The 'simulate falling' in the VR settings menu will aloow you to jump and fall off blocks while moving around your room space in teleport mode. This should not be used if you are prone to motion sickness. Sneaking (left grip) will prevent your body from moving and falling while leaning over cliffs.

Free Move Mode

In free move mode you hold the left teigger to move/strafe your body in the direction your left controller is pointing. Your body will always be at the center of your play space and it's recommened to stand on the blue circle that indicates this spot. This keeps your head in sync with block collisions.

Free move mode is not recommended for those prone to motion sickness.

Double jumping in free move will allow you to fly if allowed.

Flying is extrememly not recommened for those prone to motion sickeness.

rctrl+M will cycle between left controller and HMD directed movement.

Other changes

  • You can hit blocks or mobs with your right controller to break or attack them. Multiple swings are needed to break a block.
  • You can 'crawl' under blocks or duck arrows.

Keyboard Hotkeys:

  • r_ctrl + R: switch between teleport and free movmemnt mode.
  • r_ctrl + M. cycle movement mode (teleportion style (Arc/Beam) or free move source (HMD/L_controller)
  • r_ctrl + B: Toggle walk up blocks for free move mode.
  • r_ctrl + I: Toggle player inertia mode for free move mode.
  • r_ctrl + H: toggle full player model or just hands.
  • r_ctrl + Back. reset plugins
  • r_ctrl + Enter: reset head position
  • r_ctrl + P: debug position


Multiplayer will work if all clients and the server are running this mod. If you connect to a vanilla Minecraft server, it will fall back to a traditional movement scheme with continuous camera movement, which typically causes some amount of nausea for VR users. This is because vanilla servers don't allow clients to teleport as a form of cheat protection. You can also force the traditional movement scheme in singleplayer by pressing Right CTRL+R.


If you're seeing lots of judder, try lowering your Minecraft video settings. Setting graphics from Fancy to Fast or reducing the view distance should help.

Building the Installer

  • Install Java JDK 1.7 or 1.8. The Java JRE will NOT work, it MUST be the JDK.
  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK directory
  • Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to your PATH environment variable
  • Install Python 2.7.x (NOT 3.x). Be sure to tick the 'add python to your PATH' option during install. Download from
  • Download this repo with the "Download ZIP" button in the top right and extract the files somewhere (or clone the repo if you have Git)
  • Open a command prompt and navigate to the extracted files
  • Run install.bat
  • Run build.bat

You should then have a Vive installer .exe you can run to install the mod.


  • It is normal to see errors in the middle of the install.bat stage.
  • Make sure you don't have Scala on your path.
  • Make sure you don't have a HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY environment variable set.
  • See below for a more detailed description of the build process.

Technical Implementation Notes

For programmers/contributors:

Since this branch focuses on room scale, it makes a number of invasive changes to Minecrift that make it unsuitable for merging back into the main branch for now. These changes were made in a quick and dirty fashion to easily experiment and get something playable. They are all commented with "// VIVE". They should serve to highlight the problematic areas of vanilla Minecraft for a control scheme like this. Lots of small changes were made to avoid nausea and support tracked controllers independent of the player. The Matrix/Vector/Quaternion operations are kind of a mess, since there are multiple implementations of these classes available with slightly different features (Vec3 in particular is heavily used in Minecraft 1.7.10 but has a pretty poor feature set) and quite a lot of Minecraft's code uses coordinates relative to something that isn't helpful for independent objects.

Some major new concepts are:

  1. Room origin - these are the coordinates in the world corresponding to the centre of your room. These coordinates and the player's coordinates are updated whenever you teleport around.

  2. Player movement - the player entity's X/Z coords are set continuously as the VR headset moves around the room. This keeps the player entity at your current real world position (offset from the room origin).

  3. Aim source - this is the 3D position in the world of each controller.

Below is the original Minecrift README:

Minecrift Mod for Minecraft

Current Versions

The latest maintained code can be found in the branches:

Minecrift 1.7 (with Forge support): 'port_to_1_7_10' Minecrift 1.8: 'port_to_1_8_1'

Getting the source

A typical set of commands to retrieve the source correctly (including all required submodules) is shown below (you'll require a newish version of git installed and setup for commandline operation) e.g. for branch 1.7.10:

For OSX / Linux:

git clone -b port_to_1_7_10 ~/minecrift-public-1710 cd ~/minecrift-public-1710 git submodule update --init --recursive

For Windows:

git clone -b port_to_1_7_10 c:\minecrift-public-1710 cd /D c:\minecrift-public-1710 git submodule update --init --recursive

Setting up

Install build prerequisites

  • Java JDK 1.7 or 1.8 (the Java JRE will NOT work, it MUST be the JDK)
  • JAVA_HOME should be set to the JDK directory
  • ${JAVA_HOME}\bin or %JAVA_HOME%/bin must be added to your path
  • Python 2.7.x (NOT 3.x)
  • Scala is NOT required (and currently for Windows should NOT be present on your path to avoid build issues)
  • On Linux, install astyle or the patching process will fail.


The build process has been tested on Windows 8.1, OSX 10.10, and Ubuntu 14.10. It utilises the MCP (Minecraft Coders Pack). To install and build a clean checkout of this repo, you should run the following from the root of the repo directory:

For OSX / Linux:

./ ./

For Windows:

install.bat build.bat

NOTE: Build errors will be seen in the console during the install process (the initial MCP rebuild will fail). This is normal - the code is later patched to compile correctly.

These scripts will generate deobfuscated Minecrift source in mcpxxx/src/minecraft (with the 'unaltered' source in mcpxxx/src/minecraft_orig). Required libs and natives will be in lib/. A versioned installer will also be created.

Setting up a build / debug environment

This is currently a manual process (if anyone has maven / gradle experience and is willing to help create an automated project setup process let us know). NOTE: Assumes the project working & current directory is the root of this repo.

Add the following to your Eclipse / Idea / whatever project:

Non-Forge +++++++++

Java Source (in order):

  • Add ./JRift/JRift/src
  • Add ./JMumbleLib/JMumble/src
  • Add ./Sixense-Java/SixenseJava/src
  • Add ./mcpxxx/src/minecraft


  • Add all libraries in ./lib/<minecraft_version>

Run Configuration:

Main class: Start JVM args: Linux: -Djava.library.path=./JRift/JRiftLibrary/natives/linux;./Sixense-Java/SixenseJavaLibrary/natives/linux;./JMumbleLink/JMumbleLibrary/natives/linux;./lib/<minecraft_version>/natives/linux OSX: -Djava.library.path=./JRift/JRiftLibrary/natives/osx:./Sixense-Java/SixenseJavaLibrary/natives/osx:./JMumbleLink/JMumbleLibrary/natives/osx:./lib/<minecraft_version>/natives/osx Windows: -Djava.library.path=.\JRift\JRiftLibrary\natives\windows;.\Sixense-Java\SixenseJavaLibrary\natives\windows;.\JMumbleLink\JMumbleLibrary\natives\windows;.\lib<minecraft_version>\natives\windows

Program args (these are optional; but allow you to test on Minecraft multiplayer servers): --username <minecraft_account_mailaddress_or_username> --password <minecraft_account_password>

TBC: How to setup the minecraft assets for the debugger.

Forge +++++

This is somewhat more complicated! TBD.

Testing changes, and generating patches

  • Surround any code changes with /** MINECRIFT / and / END MINECRIFT **/
  • Keep changes to the original source to a minimum, add new functions /classes ideally so that minimal changes occur to the existing source. Do not refactor existing source, this will make future ports to new Minecraft versions very tricky. Larger changes to mtbs package classes are less problematic however.
  • Test your changes in the debugger.
  • Run (or build.bat) to create a release installer. Run the release installer against a real Minecraft install to test the reobfuscated changes via the Minecraft launcher.
  • Run (or getchanges.bat) to create patches between your modified ./mcpxxx/src/minecraft files and the original ./mcpxxx/src/minecraft_orig files. The patches are copied to ./patches and new files copied into the ./src directory. Check-in your changes and create a pull request for them.


See The License File for more information.

StellaArtois, mabrowning 2013, 2014, 2015

Detailed Information

The Build Process

It consists of a number of stages (and associated build scripts):

  • Install This is used to install the Minecrift source from a clean checkout of this repo, to a deobfuscated source environment. MCP is extracted, and patched where necessary. Optifine is merged into the Minecraft jar, and then the MCP decompile / build process is run. This initial build will fail due to Optifine induced build errors. We patch those errors (the first stage patch), then rebuild and generate the client MD5s that MCP will use to determine which files are modified. Clean Minecraft + Optifine source (with build erros corrected) will be present in mcpxxx/src/minecraft_orig. Finally we apply the actual Minecrift patches (the second stage patch). Minecrift deobfuscated source will now be present in mcpxxx/src/minecraft.

  • Build This builds the obfuscated Minecrift jar, and builds the versioned installer. The scripts update the Minecrift version numbers in the source, as read from Then MCP recompiles the Minecrift source (checking for build errors), reobfuscates any changed files (as compared to the source in mcpxxx/src/minecraft_orig) and then these files are added to a minecrift.jar. The installer is build, versioned and minecrift.jar embedded within.

More to come...


Modified version of Minecrift VR mod that focuses on the Vive and room scale VR



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